Carolina Observer
Fayetteville, N.C.
Found at North Carolina State Archives

17 May 1826


At a meeting held in Lawrenceville, Montgomery County, the following arrangements wre made for celebrating the approaching Fourth of July:

Resolved, That Dr. Robert Thurmon be appointed to deliver an Oration, and James Allen, Esq. to read the Declaration of Independence.

Resolved, That John Culpepper, Sen. be appointed President of the day, and Edmond Deberry, Esq. Vice President.

Resolved, That John B. Martin, Esq. be appointed Marshall of the day.

The Committee of Arrangements consists of John Darganm Jas. M. Lilly, Thos. C. Dunn, Edmund F. Lilly, Abraham Forrest, Franis Locke, Hardy Morgan, Robert Peacock, Faquhar Martin, John Crump, Abraham B. Cochran, Thomas Pemberton, Daniel McAulay, John M. Allen, Lewis Kennedy, Wm. C. LeGrand, and John Culpepper, jr; of whom Jas. M. Lilly, Lewis KEnnedy, and John Culpepper, jr. are to act as Toast Committee.


John Culpepper, Jun. Sec'y


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