North Carolina General Assembly - Sessions, Apr-May 1778.
Box 1, Joint Papers
North Carolina State Archives

April 18, 1778

To the General Assembly of the State of North Carolina
The Humble Petition of the Inhabitants of the County of Mecklinburg Humbly Sheweth That we your Petitioners is Much Concerned that the State Act Gives so great an opportunity for Individuals to Ingross for themselves Enormous Quantities of Land to the great prejudice of the Poor Inhabitants of this State; and we view it as Dangerous to the Liberties of the whole. And Whereas the Publick Faith is Already Pledged to the Officers and Soldiers Raised in this State for the Continental Army to supply them with Certain Quantities of Land At the Expiration of the War; We Your Humble Petitioners are at Loss to know where the Land Will be found. When When Individuals are Allowed to Secure for themselves Large Quantities. We already have an Instance from which we Apprehend our danger to be very great if not timously Rimidied. As We are Informed and truly Belive it to be [Coss?] that a few Individuals have Entered A great Quantity of Land Over the Mountains to the Amount of Between Twenty and thirty thousand Acres, And Among Other Evils it is very Probably it May draw Uppon Us the Displeasure of the Indians But We hope Your Wisdoms will take some Salutary Measures to deliver Us from our Fears And your Petitioners as in Duty bound Shall Ever pray.

March 22th 1778

Thomas Campbell
James Campbell
William Hogton    Zaccheus Wilson    John Ne_ihler  William Ross
William Hays       Robt Morton       Jacob Crommer   John Farr
William Robinson  George Tomison    Moses Mcwharter Jos. Bger
John Willis       Amos Balch     Christns Goodnight   William Wallace
David Latto       George Chrocrft?    Adam Hayes     John Lossinger
Jas. Bor__        James Wilson       John Means     Jas. Short
Jas. Ross          Ephraim Farr     Mathias Barnhart  Thomas Mock
James Scott      David Alexander    William Means    Michal Luis
Mo__son Lou__ione?  Robert Peterson  Joseph Latta    Thomas Doyls
James Townsend    Richard Martin   Archibald Woodside  Henery goodnight
Jos. Plott       Richard Pettey                     J. S. arm__arpe Junr
Caleb Holbrook


James Campbell      James Harris    James Russell
Michal Shaver      William Harris  William Morrison
James McGraw       John Crunnal     James Gardner
Richard Oliver     Francis Newel   John Melker
Jas. Alexander     John kefer      Adam Stearns
Nath Giles         andrw Corothers  henry Ridge
John Murphy       Daniel winchester  John fine
James Murphy      Thos Mcfadden     Jacob Myears
Zephoniah Murphy  Jas. Camble Jur   Daniel garrett
Samuel Hemphill    William Nen_ely   peter Stearns
Joseph Patton      John McEachon    Mathias Myears
Hendry hunter      Willm Caldwell   John A_ple
Moses Meek         William Taylor    Jacob Flouck
John Alexander     James Love       Nicklos grees
John Sloan       Charles McCalmonnt   gbarg file
Jos Wallace        John Crowmell    Goarge Kearker
Thos _issler      Thos Stewart      Mickel Myear
Isaac Tellery?     Andr Campbell     Caleb Blackvelder
Jonathan Newman  William Winchester   Shat___  linb__
Alexander Brown   David __vines      gotfort? Libe?
Thomas Bleckley      Jno Love         Ealis Bost
Jno Bakor          Willm Driskell   John Thomson
James Wallace      Jas. Stafford      Samuel petterson
William Young      Joth Rodgers     William Robinson
Wm. Alexander      Robt. Davis       Thomas Ferrier
Wm Black
Jas colt?
Moses alexander'Robt Harris Sr

Petition of the
Inhabitants of Mecklin
burg County

April 1778