Account Book for Melchior's Store ( Oct 1792- )
John Melchior Papers
Private Collection 1531, Cabarrus County NC
North Carolina State Archives

No. 1

1792                   George Brower

           To 21/2 yards of Oznaborghs 6/8 & par of Spectacles 6/      12    8

June 21st  2_ _ Bushel Salt 7/ &  one Bottle Gin 8/                    15

Decr 23d   1 Rol of Tobacco 1/ & one Pr of Spectacles 6/                7        

                       Settled by A Note of Hand                 L 1    4    8 

1793       To 2 Empty bottels                                    L      4
August 24


1792                       Contra

March 23d   By a Note of mine in favour of Wm. Gurley           L 1     4    1


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