North Carolina General Assembly - Sessions 1800
Box _, Petitions
North Carolina State Archives

The Honorable the General Assembly of the State of North Carolina!
We the Subscribers being all close and thick settled near John Melchers
Mill on Rocky River have petitioned a few years ago to the honourable
the General Assembly to grant him leave to open his gates in the dam
for only 2 months in fishing time, which you allowed us graciously; but
We experienced still a great hurt by it, and no benifit from the fishery,
take the liberty to petition herewith again to grant him to have his gates
constantly shut, as he has removed his damm lower down in the river,
and we can never derive any benifit from the fishery, very few [fishes]coming
up that distance, and those few can go but about 6 miles higher up the
river and Said Melcher always allotted a frea fishery on his premises
but we [with] great Inconveniency have to hunt in the busiest times diffrent mills,
when we could have it most comfortable at hand.
    We therefore expect confidentially you'll grant us also this just &
humble request and remain respectfully
                 The honorable General Assembly's
                                          obedient Servants

An adviser for my self
To onorabrell Genrall as embely gentelmen Let
I wish you wood let me on the Same footing as Elicander
above me on the said river that imay in joy the fruite of my Labour
at last and if Should any information be lacking call upon
Mr. Bradshaw a nabur Between the 2 mills and member of your honorable body
                             John Melcher

Geo  Alexander                Joseph Rogers
David T________                Martin shue
Fredrick Milhe?                Wm. Harris
Andrew Alexander               ____________
Elisha Spiears                 Jno Black
James Adams                    Samuel McCurdy
Jas. Stafford                  R. W. Smith 
Willm Newel                    A. Houston
Joseph Welsh                   Phillip Pless
John White
Aaron Wallace
Jno ___msty
Wm Jonston
Samuel Black
Robert Cuniey
Gotlieb Wolff
Silas Shinn. Clk.
James Little, J. P. 
James Love
Joseph Howel
Joseph Howel, Jr.
Thomas Aaron
Joseph Howel Jun
Solomon Shinn

John Rogers                    Paul Phifer
James ________                 John Simaner
Jacob Stewart                  Robt. Harris
Jacob Self                     George Rogers
John Stewart                   Joseph Shinn
Willm Mcanulty                 Jno Still
Lewis Towsin                   Dudley Townsin
John Carlock                   Laurence Snap
John Ford                      Rd. Smith
Chas Harns or Harris           William Means
_____________                  John Means
Wm. Young                      Chas. Alexander
Martin Phifer                  Jas Plunket Jun
Sam Shiry                      Georg Barnhart
Samuel Blair                   John Huston
John Chamberlen                Jas Carson
John Caruthers                 John Goodman
John Mason                     Arter McGray 
Jos. Daugherty                 Elsy Snap
Benjamin Patton                Mathias Melchel Jiner
Joshewa Baker                  ____________
Samuel Hiria
Wm. Atkison
Alex Mcclanaghan
Daniel Stogner
Mikel _________

_________ Alexander           Giden Allman
Charles Blackwelder           Chrisan Goodnight
Daniel Shaver                 John Plot
Robert Lee                    Silas Shin
__________ Bradshaw           John Peterson
Thomas Rodgers                John Gb___hill
Mical Peler                   Peter Goodnight
Gorge Smith                   Levy Gorsene
Gorge Carlock                 Moheas Mook
Gorge Barnhart                Thomas Mook
Rineholt Arevenshin           Christan Rosemon
Jacob Hudson                  Jacob Mor____
Michel Winecofe               Daniel Cline
Daniel Winecoufe              Gorge Stough
Paul Walter                   Adem Ba_bery
Christopher Maze              John Leventon
James Ci__pell                George Corsine
Mo__es Shank                  John Baringer Junr
John Reedling                 Gorge Bost Capt.
John Shelhous                 Ausemus Penninger
Henry Shiver                  David Suiter
Mareten Bevens                John Coolk
Mathias Cook                  Adam Bouers Senr
John Conder                   Mical Young
Henry Propsts                 James Russell
Jacob Lu_s Junr.              William McClanathen
Lanard Barbick                 Jacob Lucas
David Mitchel                 Mical Overcast
Conrad Hise                   Gorge Hartman
Macal Goodman                 Daniel Starns
John Suter                    Jno Phizer
Elixander Paterson            Abram Misenheimer
Adam Casper                   Jacob Misenhimer
Jacob Crell                   John Long

Wm Mgraw                      Rolen Oyls
Gorge Corzine                 Thomas Voyls
Saml Ferguson                 James Russel
John Corzine                  Robert Lee Ingram
James McGraw                  Nicholas McGraw
Nicholas McGraw               Wm Townsend
Stephen Mayfield              George Voyls
George Carlock                David Russell
John Chamberlen               John Shaver
Jos___ Green?                 James Huat
James Russell                 John Pessel
Benjamon Voyle                John Starns
John M. Pless?                Henry _______
Benjamin McGraw               John McGraw Jun
Randy Christy                 John Davis [Davies}
Joseph White                  Nicholas Corzine
John McKindale                Thomas Vooyls
John Wild                    Nicholas Voils
Samuel Corzine                Steven Mafield 
Wm Seals                      Wm Biggers
John Masens 
Elsander Forgason
Charles Parks
Jacob Hudson

Johannes Bohm                 Paul Furror
Danl Little                   Tobias Klotz
Charles Barenhart             Davit  Cormer?
John Furr                     Hannes Comer
Henrich Feil                  Jacob Stokes
_____________                 ______________
Robert Huey                  Mathias Barringer
Fillip Kercher                George Meisinheimer
John __________               John ______________
James Smith                   Janah? __________
Jonar Horse                   Johann Christph Licht
Kinrath Nes                   Robert William
Johannes Bernhart             _______________
Jacob Smith                   Conrad Leydeker
Leanord Stucker               Peter Hey junior
Jacob Petery                  
Jacob Ifert

Johannes Lippert              Phillip Heglor
Wilhelm Folck                 Jacob Miller
Heimich Bleyller              Jones Leib
Johann Hertzel                Christopher Lyerle
Jacob Faggert                 Leonhart Leib
Joseph Starns                 Christofel Seib
Daniel Fagertt                Andreas Reinhart
Paul Barringer junior         Mart __________
Christian Leitz               George Hartsel
Frederich Festerman           Christian Horlacher
George Teter jiner            Jacob Heydecker
Chonrat Udi                   Jacob Brown
Gorg Ulrich                   Leonhart Leitz
Conrod Bost                   ____________
Elias House                   George Hise
George Fagert                 Peter Meisinheimer
Jacob Boshart                 Andres Dorr
Balentine Fegert              Phillip Dorr
Jacob Bost                    Jacob Barger
John Howel                    Paul Barringer Senr
Nathan ___________            Jerge Adam Meyer
Gotfrit Lieb
Henry Plott

Johannes Meisenheimer         Michel ___________
Johannes ___                  Henrich Hahn
Martin Blackwelder            _______________
Mather Bohen                  Johannes Berger
______________                Fredrich Bleiler
Carles Seaford                ____________
Gottleib __________           William _________
Johannes Schu                 John Culpepper
Martin Afurt                  Charles Starns
Michil W. alcher              Henry Hon
George Barringer              Marten Harkey
Paul Barringer                Jacob Harkey
Richard Almond                Wm. Mensinger
Jacob Weber                   John Sosamon 
John ______Senr               Phillip Christ
Daniel Bost                   Tobias Cress
Wm Bost                       Elias Bost
Bostan All                    George Ritchey
Feddrich Fesperman            John Ritchey
Mikell Fesperman              Paul Foro Siner
Henry Fesperman               George Tucker Sen
Henry Melker                  Gorge Hartman
                              Henry Lanker Linker
                              John Foro Senr

Michael Garman Capt           Thomas Ingroman
Jacob Self                    John Gorman
Hezikiah Briant               Connor Bird
William Smith                 Peter _______
Peter Smith                   George Kiser
John                          Lanard Howel
Beverley Gray                 Stephen Self
Henry Cagel                   John Teter
David howel                   Thomas Love
Jonah                         Fraderich Kiser
Ely Howell                    William Howel
James Briant                  ______________
Isom Clay                     ___________
Travis Guilman                John _______
________ Self                 ________ Powell
____________                  _________ Self Senr

Demarius Palmer Capt.         Christian Gregory, Alter
Wm Harkey                     Jacob Hegler
George Hearne                 Jacob Hilr
Amos Barnett                  George __________
Jesse Hearne                  Thomas Worlorton
John Hearne                   Samuel Underwood
George _________              Eprin Drake_avry
Philip Jordan                 Cator Whitley
Christopher Lofler            Gorge Harkey
Johannes Lofler               Jacob Austin
Daniel Bieber                 Jonathan Whitley 
Christian Gregory             Gorge Wm Cresko
John Cox                      Wm Louder
Jacob Musbgenug               Henry Shue
Mathias Barnhart              Frederich Peck
                              John Barger Senr
                              Mathias Baringer
                              John Culpe Senr

Elyja Hunnicut                David Green
Zacharias Leyerle             Howel Harwood
Frederich Rogers              John Robins
Johannes Starnes              John Smith
Jonathan Ogburn               Nehemiah Hearn
Sherod Rowland                Bird Pyron
John Mainord                  Thomas Pyron
James Rowland                 Benjamin Cagle
Edward Hearin                 Robert Cagle
Joel Rowland                  Leonard Cagle
Absalom  Harwood              George Cagle
a__ Rowland                   Samson Cagle
Edward Almond                 Isaac Cagle Jr
Aaron Green                   Christopher Yow
Solomon Burris                John Frederich
Robert Rowland                Peter Long
Isaac Burlinson               George Long
Paul D_____
Younger Worderruff
Ja__ Mainord
Wm Smith
Jacob Cooper

The Committee of prpr & Greivances No_
to whom was reffered tje petition of a number 
of the Inhabitants of Cabarrus County
praying that John Melcher of Said
County be authorised to enter his mill
dam across Rocky River Report
that from the representations made your
Committee are fully convinced the prayer
of the petitioners ought to be granted
which they recommend and that the 
Bill herewith to carry their [prayer] into effect
be passed into law.
                        John Moore Clk.

      NC House of Commons W Dec 1800
        read & concurred with
By order                      S. Cabarrus Sp.

__ _______

In Senate Decemb 4th 1800
                Read & resolved that this house
                do concur therewith
By order               Jo Reddick S, _

M. Stokes Clk.


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