State of No Carolina No. 777
The Honorable Jas Glasgow Esq.
Secretary of State

To Colonl Martin Armstrong Greeting
You are hereby required to lay off and survey for Benjamin Thomas private
--------------in the line of this State six hundred and forty acres of the Lands reserved within the limits of tje Lands reserved by Law for the officers and soldiers of the Continental Line in this State Observing the Directions of the Act of Assembly in such case made and proved
Observing the Directions of the Act of Assembly in such case and provided. Observing the directions of the Act of Assembly in such case made and provided for running out Lands two just and fair Plans therof with a Certificate to each annexed You are to transmit to my Office within the time limited by Law.
Given under my hand at Hillsboro this 7 day of May 1784

W. Williams DSr

State of North Carolina Davidson County October 22th 1785--By virtue of a Warrant from the Secretaries Office No. -777 Located July 8th 1784 I have Surveyed for Benjamin Thomas -Six hundred and forty acres of Land lying on the Lick Fork of Jones Creek Beginning at a beech Tree Marked JB about one hundred yards above a large meat camp. on the bank of Sd fork thence South one hundred and forty poles to a blackoak and two hickorys thence West tree hundred and sixtyne poles to a post oak thence North two hundred and eighty poles to a blackoak thence East three hundred and Sixty poles to a Stake thence South to the beginning

by John Buchanan DSr


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