Carolina Observer
Fayetteville, N.C.
Found at North Carolina State Archives
6 Aug 1829
NORTH CAROLINA, --Montgomery County.
We, the undersigned, the present Committee of Finance for the County aforesaid, do hereby certify, that we have carefully examined the settlement made of the 6th JAn., 1824, with Wm. Rush, George W. Davidson, and Edmund DeBerry, Commissioners of Public Buildings, who were appointed by Act of Assembly, in 1815, to erect the public buildings for said county, and find that all the public monies which ever came into their hands as Commissioners, consisted in the following sums:
Tax laid for six successive years, $4043 15
Sales of Lots at Lawrenceville, 1625 80
Sales of old public buildings and lots 246
Making the aggregate sum of $5914 95
Which sum of $5914 95, upon the most minute and critical examination, appears to be all the moneys that ever came into their hands.
We further certify, that it appears by said settlement, that the whole of the sum was fairly disbursed and paid over by said Commissioners to the several Contractors for building a Court House, Jail, Pillory, Stocks, & c., and for other proper charges.
It further appears that Edmund Deberry was not a contractor for erecting any of the above buildings.
JAMES ALLEN, } Committee of Fi-
R. KENDALL, } nance for the Coun-
GEO. W. McCAIN } ty of Montgomery.
June 24th, 1829
NORTH CAROLINA, --Montgomery County.
I, James M. Butler, Treasurer of the Public Buildings of the County aforesaid, do hereby certify, that I have carefully examined the plan and specifications of the Jail for the County, as let by Wm. Rush, Geo. W. Davidson and Edmund Deberry, Commissioners, as contained in the bond given to them by the Contractor, and have also examined the Jail; and do further certify, that the whole of the work appears to have been done aggreeably to the contract made when the building was let, except the sheeting the two dungeons with iron, which was dispensed with a subsequent contract, and the sum of $158 18 was deducted from the price of the Jail as paid to the Contractor.
I do also certify, that the late repairs and improvements made to the Court House, which were undertaken by E. Deberry, were highly important to the County; that they were well worth what they cost, and the house is now worth, at least in my judgement, twice as much as it was before those repairs were made, The house was a single story, standing on pillars 8 feet high. The house was raised 3 feet, another story put underneath, several rooms and offices made in the same, and the house painted entirely outside.
JAS. BUTLER, treasurer
June 28, 1829.
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