Berrymon Traywick married Dorcas Hyatt in Wake County on 14 Feb 1804. Berrymon is the son of Robert Traywick / Trayweek of Johnston/Wake County NC. Dorcas is the daughter of Asa and Mary Woods Hyatt.
From a history of Fountain Hill Baptitst Church in Anson County, the Rev. Joseph B. Traywick states that Berrymon Traywick moved to Upper Anson in 1802. The church was built on the the same site as the home where Berrymon once lived. The remains of the home's old chimney can still be seen underneath the church.
Berrymon purchased two tracts of land (M-284, Anson NC) from his father-in- law on 31 Mar 1807. The first tract was 300 acres on Cribb's Creek and adjoining Brown, Travis, and McInvale. The second tract adjoined lands belonging to David Thomas and Thomas Hood. This transaction was witnessed by Elizabeth Maness and Rich'd Austin.
The above Thomas Hood was also from Johston / Wake County. He moved to Anson but sold his land to Asa Hyatt and returned to Wake County where he died in 1818. Note that Thomas Hood had brothers named David, and Benjamin. Wake County neighbors included the Elisha Thomas Family. There is more detailed information on the ties between Thomas Hood and Asa Hyatt.
Berrymon Traywick is listed in the 1810 Anson County Census. Marking his death, the 1820 census lists "Darcas Hyatt" as head of household. An analysis of birth years for their children indicates that Berrymon died ca. 1818. The Rev. Joseph B. Traywick stated that Berrymon was buried beside a pine tree on the hill across from where Fountain Hill Church [now stands]. Fifty years later, this would become the location of the church and its graveyard.
Dated ????, "Dorcas Hyatt" received land (U-127, Anson NC) from her father Asa Hyatt. This was a 300-acre tract adjoining Wm Travis and Brown and was originally granted to Thomas Hood in 1812. Witnesses were Richard Austin and Jerry Austin.
Leonard Musslewhite
Circa 1825, Dorcas Hyatt Traywick married Leonard Musslewhite. Also from Johnston County to Anson, he was likely an active friend and neighbor. The 1820 census indicates that Leonard was previously married. He likely had children by that marriage. Looking at early possible mentionings of Leonard, here are a few notable entries from the records of Johnston County NC:
Court mintues (Book 2, 144-100) 27 Aug 1771 Joseph Boon to Leonard Musselwhite
Court minutes (Book 2, 206) 28 Nov 1769 Leonard Musselwhite to Josiah Strickland
Court minutes (Book 3, 74) 31 May 1779 ordered that Leonard Musselwhites mark be recorded-"A swallow fork in right ear and half moon under it".
Court minutes (Book 3, 167) 28 May 1781 Leonard Musslewhite allowed L300 for keeping the the orhan child Edney Langford for 12 months.
Court minutes (Book 4, 12) 28 May 1787 Leonard Musselwhite to Richard Warren
Court minutes (Book 4, ?) 25 May 1789 "ordered that Loenard Musslewhite & James Price be exempt from paying poll tax (for the future) by reason of their age". (for the future) was marked out. Note that Leonard would have to be around 50 years old before the courts disallowed the need for him to pay poll tax.
On 25 Jun 1778, Leonard Musslewhite received land grant # 1506 in Johnston County on the north side of the Neuce River and on Sandy Swamp. This 172 acres adjoined lands of Benjamin Williams and Jacob Davis.
Leonard moved to Anson County ca. 1797 when he first entered land as follows:
Grant # 5908, Anson NC, to Leonard Musselwhite Ent 27 Sep 1797, Sur ___, Iss 23 Dec 1808. Being 200 acres on "Austins Big Branch" and adjoining Gurley land and his own line. The chain bearers were Jesse Gurley and Needham Gurley.Leonard was listed in the 1800 Anson County Census. He lived in now Union County just below present day Pleasant Hill Church beside his Gurley and Austin neighbors. Both of these families came from Wake/Johnston County. In 1804, Leonard was appointed Executor of the last will and testament for his friend William Gurley. Though not listed in the will, our Benjamin Thomas appeared as receiving a share in the 1815 final land division of William Gurley. Circa 1825, Leonard married Doras Hyatt Traywick. Dated 8 Mar 1837, Dorcas Musslewhite deeded 300 acres (12-257, Anson NC) to her son Asa Traywick. Adjoining Wm Travis and Brown land, this was land originally granted to Thomas Hood. Witnesses were Joseph W. Woodward and Berryman Traywick [Jr].Grant # 7128, Anson NC, to Leonard Musselwhite Ent 23 Dec 1835, Sur 15 Apr 1837, Iss 15 Dec 1837. Being 44 acres on the waters of Rocky River and joining his other land and that of John and Jesse Austin. The chain bearers were B. A. Austin and John Austin.
Dated 23 Jul 1845, Leonard Musslewhite wrote his last will and testament. The will was probated in Jul 1849 Union County NC. He left all of his home and three hundred acres to wife Dorcas Musslewhite. He stipulated that after her death, the land would go to sons Leonard and Drury Musslewhite. Leonard Musslewhite [Sr.] is buried on his homeplace below Pleasant Hill Church.
Known as "Granny Musslewhite", Dorcas moved back to Anson County sometime after the death of Leonard. It is believed she lived on the lands left to her by her father Asa Hyatt. Dorcas wrote her last will and testament in 1861. This will provides valuable information as she distinguishes her children born by both Berrymon Traywick and Leonard Musslewhite. The burial location for Dorcas is not known. Maybe she was buried beside her first husband Berrymon on the hill across from Fountain Hill Church. Note the will of Dorcas Musslewhite mentions that Asa Traywick is to take care of Leonard and Drury Musslewhite. The children of Doras and Leonard, they were both deaf mutes. Asa Traywick assisted them with needsu until his death. Afterward, the two were cared for by Thomas A. Fowler. In recent years, a marker has been placed in the Pleasant Hill Cem where it is believed the two are buried. The marker includes good family history.
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