4 Mar 1819, isssue
5. In [Fayetteville] on Monday morning last, Mrs Sarah E. Lanier, late of Montgomery Co. Died of lingering consumption. Eulogy continues.
23 Jan 1823, issue
9. In Elbert Co., GA on the 18th inst., Capt James Jack 84 years old. Born in PA, settled in Charlotte NC till after the Rev. War, and then removed to Georgia.
6 Mar 1823, issue
13. In Richmond Co. NC the 18th inst at age 59, Mr. Edward MacNair Senr was thrown from his horse while leaving Rockingham. He was removed to the house of John Patterson where he expired at 6:00. He was a native of Cambleton (Scotland) and left an aged widdow and large family.
13 Mar 1863, issue
14. On Sunday 2nd inst. at his house four miles from Cheraw, Allen Chapman Esq. died at 63 years old.
22 May 1823, issue
19. A few days since in Marlboro SC, Mrs Robertson, relict of the late Drury Robertson.
17 Jul 1823, issue
21. In Richmond Co 5th inst, Mrs Elizabeth Lindsey, native of Scotland and widow of Rev. Colin Lindsey of the Presbyterian church.
18 Sep 1823, issue
23. In Sneedsboro, Anson Co. on Tuesday the 2nd inst at his home, Samuel Knox Esq., merchant. He lived to 48 years old. Eulogy follows.
2 Oct 1823, issue
29. In Clinton, Jones Co. GA, on the 30th ult., Mr. Collin Murchinson, son of Daniel Murchinson of Moore County NC --imigrated to Jones Co. GA. [Georgia Journal]
26 Feb 1824, issue
37. Near Allentown in Montgomery Co. on the 13th inst, Mr. John Randle, Member of the State Legislature, died of Cancer, Eulogy follows.
24 Feb 1825, issue
44. In Wadesborough, Anson Co. NC on Monday 14th inst., Col. Boggan Cash, former member of the Legislature.
28 Apr 1825, issue
46. In Richmond Co. NC at the residence of his father on the 21st inst., Capt. Duncan McLaurin, age 42. Eulogy follows.
23 Jun 1825, issue
50. In Mecklenburg Co. NC on the 29th ult., Mr. Samuel Harris, one of the oldest and most respected inhabitants of the county.
11 Aug 1825, issue
53. In Marlborough Co. SC on the 3rd inst., at age 28, Dr. William Carloss, formerly of this town.
54. In Marlborough Co. SC on the 19th ult., Mr. Samuel Hailes, age 21. And on the 28th, Mr. John R. Hailes, brother of Samuel. And on the 1st inst., 19 year old Mrs. Sophia, widow of John R. Hailes.
55. In Anson Co. NC on the 6th of Jul., the Rev. Joseph Williams. On the 8th of Jul., Martha, his wife. Being about forty hours between. Mr. Williams was 77 years old and his wife was about two years younger.
56. In Montgomery CO. NC on Thurday, 26 ult., Mr. William MAsk, 46 years old. Eulogy follows.
8 Sep 1825, issue
58. In Richmond Co. NC on the 4th inst., Mr. Alexander Campbell.
22 Sep 1825, issue
60. At. Laurel Hill in Richmond Co. NC on the 13th inst., Miss Mary Stalker, dau of Mr. Duncan Stalker.
29 Sep 1825, issue
61. In Richmond Co. NC on the 15th inst., Miss Mary Currie, dau of Mr. Angus Currie, age 20.
62. At Laurel Hill in Richmond Co. NC, Miss Mary McNair, dau of late Mr. Edward McNair.
63. Also, Mary McNair, an infant niece of the above lady.
6 Oct 1825, issue
64. In Richmond Co. NC on the 30th ult., Daniel McKinon Senr., age 60 years.
65. Near Sneedsboro in Anson Co. NC on the 28th inst. Died of Bilous fever and was a long time practicer of physic.
24 Nov 1825, issue
67. In Anson Co. NC after a short illness, Mr. Charles Hunt, Esq.
12 Apr 1826, issue
73. At Charlotte in Mecklenburg Co. NC on the 28th ult., General George Graham, age 68. Burried with military honours by the Lafayette Artillery Co. commanded by Capt. Thos. I. Polk. Genral Graham was a Veteran of the Revolutionary War.
17 May 1826, issue
78. At Laurel Hill in Richmond Co. NC on the 12th inst., Mrs Mary McMillan, consort of Mr. Daniel McMillan. Eulogy follows.
16 Aug 1826, issue
81. In Fayetteville NC, Mr. James H. Houston, Post Master at Mount Mourne, Iredell Co. NC, took sick before leaving home on the 31 inst. for business in Fayetteville. He is the son of Capt. James Houston. A related obituary appears in issue 23 Aug 1826.
30 Aug 1826, issue
84. In Montgomery Co. NC on Sunday last, Mrs. Edith Harris, widow of late Col. West Harris whose death was announced in this paper a few weeks since.
13 Sep 1826, issue
85. In Iredell Co. NC, Major Thomas Harris, 89 years old. He received two captains posts on the same day. One offered by King George III and the other by the Contenental line. Eulogy follows.
27 Dec 1826, issue
94. In Richmond Co. NC on the 13th inst., Daniel Williamson, son of Isreal Williamson, Esq., 21 years old.
95. In Richmond Co. NC on Saturday the 16th inst., Daniel A. Campbell, eldest son of Robert Campbell, Esq. A young mand preparing for the ministry.
96. In Richmond Co. NC on the 25 inst., 12 year old James Locke, son of Neal MacNair, Esq.
31 Jan 1827, issue
102. In Montgomery Co. NC on the 19th ult., Mr. Beverly A. Harris, Esq., about 45 years old.
103. In Mecklenburg Co. NC on the 28 ult., Mr. John Duck, aged upwards of 80 years. He was a staunch whig and valiant soldier of the Revolutionary War.
29 Mar 1827, issue
104. Near Cheraw in Chesterfield Co. SC, Mrs. Mary Culpepper, aged 57. She was consort of the Rev. John Culpepper of Montgomery Co. NC.
26 Apr 1827, issue
108. In Montgomery Co. Alabama on the 26 ult., 28 year old Mr. Thomas Coleman, a native of Anson Co. NC. He was a Clerk of Court in Alabama.
7 Jun 1827, issue
111. In Richmond Co. NC the 27th ult., Miss Elizabeth Bethune.
18 Oct 1827, issue
114. Near Rockingham in Richmond Co. NC on Sunday night last, General Benjamin H. Covington, of Typhus Fever. He was Clerk of Superior Court for this county and Chief Clerk for the Senate of this State.
18 Oct 1827, issue
115. In Montgomery Co. NC on the 3rd inst., Robert Peacock, Esq. Eulogy follows.
22 Nov 1827, issue
116. In Richmond Co. NC on the 9th inst., Mrs. Nancy Robinson, wife of Capt. Arthur Robinson, 53 years old.
117. In Concord, Cabarrus Co. NC on 7 Nov 1827, Mr. George Yeamons, aged 25. Formerly attached to the Philedelphia Circus and has been extensively known as among the most celebrated equestrian performers in the United States.
24 Jan 1828, issue
118. In Montgomery Co. NC on the 29th ult, Mrs. Nancy Tillman, 78 years old.
31 Jan 1828, issue
119. In Richmond Co. NC on the 17th inst., 28 year old Miss Margaret Nicholson, daughter of Col. Alexander Nicholson.
31 Jul 1828, issue
131. In Montgomery Co. NC on the 23rd. inst., Mrs Martha Chisholm, wife of Mr. Whitson Chisholm. Eulogy follows.
23 Oct 1828, issue
132. In Cheraw SC on the 6th inst., 57 year old Dr. Alexander McQueen. He was formerly of this town (Fayetteville).
4 Feb 1830, issue
141. In Cheraw SC on Tuesday night last, Mr. Lawrence Horn.
18 Feb 1830, issue
143. DREADFUL CATASTROPHE. --A man by the name of Owen Slaughter was summoned on the 3d inst. to assist as a juror in laying off a road, on the opposite side of Mountain Creek from where he lived, in Richmond County --on which side of the creek he remained until near sun-set, when he started home. After crossing the creek, he had to cross a fence, where he was found by one of his negroes sent in search of him. No jury of inquest was held over his body, but from the appearances, he fell from the fence on his head, which fall resulted in in the dislocation of his neck, consequently terminated his existence. For a number of years he passed as a Preacher of the Gospel, of the Baptist order, from which Church he was excommunicated for intemperance. There is no doubt he died in a state of intoxication. This therefore should be a solemn warning to those in the habit of using intoxicating liquors to excess, It also calls aloud for the formation of more Temerance Societies, and an additional number of zealous members.
13 May 1830, issue
147. In Montgomery Co. NC on the 13th ult., 80-90 year old Mr. Leonard Cranford.
148. At the Marlborough Co. SC Court House on the 30th ult., Mrs. Doritha Munnerlyb, consort of Mr. Wm. Munnerlyn of Marlborough.
2 Sep 1830, issue
149. At his residence in Montgomery Co. NC on the 25th ult., the 62 year old Rev. William Peacock. Native of North Britian and resident of Montgomery County NC for the last 40 years. A Minister of the Presbyterian denomination. Eulogy follows.
10 Mar 1831, issue
152. At his residence on the Pee Dee in Richmond Co. NC on the 26th ult., John Wall Senr., age about 85 years. Native of VA, lived in Richmond County for fifty years. Eulogy follows.
11 May 1831, issue
154. At Lawrenceville in Montgomery Co. NC on 29 Apr, Rev. John Christian, age 62 years. Served 20 years with the Methodist Church. Eulogy follows.
14 Sep 1831, issue
157. In Rockingham, Richmond Co. NC on Tuesday, August 30th, Mrs. Mary D. Leak, consort of F. T. Leak, Esq. She left a husband and two small children.
157B. In Rockingham, Richmond Co. NC on the 7th inst., 17 month old William P. Leak, only son of F. T. Leak, Esq.
5 Jun 1832, issue
159. In Anson co. NC on the 26th ult., Mrs. Elizabeth Benton, consort of Mr. William H. Benton. She was the dau of Mr. Archibald Carraway, Esq.
12 Jun 1832, issue
160. Near Cheraw in Chesterfield Co. SC on Friday night last, Mrs Elizabeth Ervin, wife of Col. James R. Ervin and eldest dau of General Erasmus Powe.
21 Aug 1832, issue
162. In Richmond Co. NC on the 15 inst., Mrs Catherine Drake, wife of Mr. Eugene B. Drake and dau of Wm. Warden.
163. In Anson Co. NC on July the 7th, 31 year old Mrs. Jane McRae, consort of Archibald C. McRae and dau of Duncan McKenzie.
19 Feb 1833, issue
176. In Richmond Co. NC on Monday the 11th inst., Mr. Laurence Hicks.
26 Feb 1833, issue
177. Near Wadesborough, Anson Co. NC on the 11th ult., 68 year old Major Adam Lockhart. Former member of the legislature and magistrate from the county.
9 Apr 1833, issue
181. In Anson Co. NC, died at H. W. Stricklin's on the 29th ult., 15 year old Mr. Eli Terry, son of William Terry Deceased and Sarah C. Terry, who formerly resided in Fayetteville.
21 May 1833, issue
185. In Montgomery Co. NC on the 12th inst., William H. Lilly. Late of the firm of W. H. Lilly nad D. C. Lilly.
186. Near Rockingham in Richmond Co. NC on the 8th inst., 2 year old Mary Jane McKinnon.
16 Jul 1833, issue
188. In Florida, F. A. Cash Esq., an attorney formelry of Anson Co. NC.
13 Aug 1833, issue
191. In Richmond Co. NC on July the 21st, 23 year old Miss Mary J. Stanback, daughter of Mr. David Stanback.
27 Aug 1833, issue
192. In Montgomery Co. NC on the 6th inst., 80 year old Mr. Alexander McRae.
193. In Richmond Co. NC on the 20th ult., 25 year old Mr. Duncan McRae, son of Mr. Alexander McRae.
194. In Marlborough Co. SC on the 19th inst,20 year old Mr. Daniel C. McIntyre.
8 Oct 1833, issue
197. In Chapel Hill, North Carolina on Sunday last, James T. Smith of Anson Co. NC. A student sophomore in the university.
22 Oct 1833, issue
198. In Richmond Co. NC on the 12th inst. from Bilous Fever of a malignant character, 56 year old Mrs. Nancy Covington, consort of Benjamin C. Covington Esq.
12 Nov 1833, issue
199. At Laurel Hill, Richmond Co. NC on the 9th inst. from Inflamatory Fever, 52 year old Tryam McFarland Esq. Eulogy follows.
21 Jan 1834, issue
204. At Laurel Hill, Richmond Co. NC, 67 year old Mr. Daniel McFarland.
205. In this City [Fayetteville, North Carolina], William Polk.
1 Apr 1834, issue
209. At his residence in Lincoln Co. NC on the 6th inst., Mr. Michael West, in the 108th year of his life. He was a native of Baltimore County, MD.
8 Apr 1834, issue
211. In MArlborough Co. SC on Friday the 21st ult., 40 year old Mr. Jas. A. Harrington.
22 Apr 1834, issue
212. In Anson Co. NC at his residence on the Pee Dee, Martin Picket Esq., age 65. He was for many years the CLerk of Superior Court for Anson County.
29 May 1834, issue
214. In Greene Co. AL, Dr. Ingo D. Cash, a native of Anson Co. NC.
2 Sep 1834, issue
216. At Ellerbe's Mineral Spring 12 miles north of Rockingham. Mrs. Harriet A. Drake, consort of Mr. Silas Drake. She lefet a husband and four small children.
9 Sep 1834, issue
217. In Anson Co. NC on the 30th ult., Mrs. Calin Polk, wife of Andrew Polk Esq. Eulogy follows.
30 Sep 1834, issue
218. In Cheraw, Chesterfield Co. SC on the 20th inst., Mr. Alexander McQueen, native of Scotland. He was born on 20 Sep 1782.
28 Oct 1834, issue
219. In Richmond Co. NC on the 14th inst, age 34 years 7 months, Mrs. Phebe D. Stanback, widow of late David Stanback Esq.
220. In Darlington District SC on the 13th ult., 30 year old Doctor Thomas Lilly. Native of Montgomery Co. NC.
4 Nov 1834, issue
221. In Marlborough Co. SC at the residence of Mr. Meekin Townsend at Little Mechanicsville on the 22nd inst., Mr. Duncan M. Campbell of Cumberland Co. NC.
24 Feb 1835, issue
222. In Wadesborough, Anson Co. NC on the 2nd inst, 55 year old Flora Pickett, relict of Col. Joseph Pickett. She left a large family.
223. In Richmond Co. NC on the 19th inst, D. A. McMillan, 22 years old.
3 Mar 1835, issue
224. In vicinity of Wadesborough, Anson Co. NC on the 22nd inst., Mrs. Jane Jarman, aged 105 years old.
24 Mar 1835, issue
225. In Wadesborough, Anson Co., NC on the 7th inst., 29 year old Mrs Rosanna T. Lance, relict of Dr. John G. Lance of Cheraw SC. Left a mother, sisters, and friends.
30 Jun 1835, issue
226. In Bennettsville, Marlborough Co. SC, on the 11th ult., Mrs Sarah Munnerlyn, wife of Mr. Wm. Munnerlyn.
14 Jul 1835, issue
227. In Richmond Co. NC on the 7th of Jul, Mr. John G. Rush, son of Benjamin Rush of Montgomery Co. NC. He left a wife and three children.
1 Sep 1835, issue
228. In Autaugua Co. AL, Mrs Susan Ann Moore, 25 year old consort of of Cornelius Moore and daughter of the late Martin Pickett, Esq. of Anson Co. NC.
19 Sep 1835, issue
229. In Richmond Co. NC on the 21st inst., 58 years old 8 months and 20 days, Mrs Ann Powell, consort of Robert Esq.
13 Oct 1835, issue
230. In Rockingham, Richmond Co. NC on the 30th ult., 51 year old William Crawford, Esq. Sheriff for 15-20 years. Eu;ogy follows.
4 Feb 1836, issue
231. At his residence in Anson Co. NC on Tues, the 12th ult., Mr. Thomas Lewis, a soldier of the revolution, 85 years old.
18 Feb 1836, issue
232. In Autauga Co. Alabama on the 4th inst., Mr. George A. Dismukes, son of Col. Wm. Dismukes of Anson, 19 years old.
10 Mar 1836, issue
233. In Anson Co. NC on the 29th ult., Mrs. Elizabeth T. Allen, wife of Mr. William Allen, 23 years old. Eulogy follows.
9 Jun 1836,issue 234. In Anson Co. NC on the 1st inst., James H. Martin, Esq., age 48 years. He left a widow and seven children.
16 Jun 1836, issue
235. In Richmond Co. NC on the 26th of May, John D. Cameron, age 27.
25 Aug 1836, issue
236. In Cabarrus Co. NC on the 7th ult., Mrs. Mary Robinson, wife of Rev. John Robinson, D. D.
8 Sep 1836, issue
237. In Rockingham, Richmond County NC on 2 Sep 1836, Rebecca Fletcher, youngest dau of Shadrack and Ann Sedberry, age 21.
15 Sep 1836, issue
238. In Sumpter Co. SC on the 27th ult., Mr. Duncan McCallum, 28 years old, formerley of Richmond Co. NC.
29 Sep 1836, issue
239. In Montgomery Co. NC on the 24th ult., Mrs. Nancy McCallum, widow of John McCallum, deceased. She was 58 years old.
240. In Montgomery Co. NC on the 26th ult., Miss Elizabeth McCallum, only dau of the above. She was 23 years old.
241. In Montgomery Co. NC on the 14th inst., Mr. James McCollum, 25 years old.
242. In Montgomery Co. NC on the 15th inst., Mr. William P. Robinson, 32 years old. Died of Typhus.
20 Oct 1836, issue
243. In Anson Co. NC on the 9th inst, Mr. John Cox, 83 years old. Soldier of the revolutionary war and since a resident of Anson Co. NC.
244. On the 16th inst., Mrs. Ann Harrington, consort of James Harrington, Esq. 49 years old.
27 Oct 1836, issue
245. In Anson Co. NC on the 15th inst, 76 year old Mrs. Cox, widow of late John Cox who died 9th inst.
246. CORRECTION in obit of Mrs. Harrington, in our last issue, she was reported to have died on the 16th, instead of the 10th and be the consort of James instead of Thomas Harington.
17 Nov 1836, issue
247. In Little River, Montgomery Co. NC on the 9th ult., Miss Ann McCauley 68 years old. On the same day, and a few hours apart, Mrs. Margaret McCauley, 89 years old and the mother of the above. On the next daym Mr. Geoge McCauley, her son, age 57.
248. Also in Litle River, Montgomery Co. NC on the 16th ult., Martha Ann, only dau of Calvin and Elizabeth Peacock, 2 years old.
249. Same County, Mr. John McKinnon.
24 Nov 1836, issue
250. In Montgomery Co. NC on 10 Nov 1836, Mrs. Margaret P. Clark, wife of James R. Clark(Taylor) and only dau of Daniel and Milly PAtterson of Moore Co. NC.
251. In Marlborough Co. SC on the 12th inst, Col. Benj Rogers, aged 73. Patriot and soldier of he Revolution.
15 Dec 1836, issue
252. In Montgomery Co. NC on the 4th inst, Mrs. Patience Epps, 80 years old, a Baptist.
2 Feb 1837, issue
253. In Montgomery Co. Alabama on 31 Dec 1836, Mr. Dougald Blue, former resident of NC.
16 Feb 1837, issue
254. In Richmond County NC on Monday, the 6th inst., another Revolutionary War Soldier dies! Mr. Thomas Everett, 96 years 11 months.
9 Mar 1837, issue
255. In Richmond Co. NC on 31 Jan 1837, Mr. Henry Gibson, age 30 years 6 months 5 days.
13 Apr 1837, issue
256. In Anson Co. NC on the 23rd ult., Mrs. G. Grady, consort of John Grady
17 May 1837, issue
257. In Richmond Co. NC on the 15th ult., Mrs MAry C. Steele, consort of R. J. Steele. Esq. She was formerly a resident of Rutherford Co. NC and dau of Humphreys and Nancy Parish, who reside in Rutherford.
24 May 1837, issue
258. In Richmond Co. NC, at the residence of James D. Pemberton, and on the 14th inst, Eleanor F. Stanback, dau of David Deceased. She was 17 years old.
19 Jul 1837, issue
259. In Fayette Co. Tennessee on the 13th ult, Mr. Thomas Yarborough, formerly of Franklin Co. NC. Died of a Spider bite.
2 Aug 1837, issue
260. In Anson Co. NC, 30 ult. Miss Martha Griffin
16 Aug 1837, issue
261. In Richmond Co. NC on the 28th ult, Thomas Steele, Esq., 51 years old. Eulogy follows.
6 Dec 1837, issue
262. In Cabarrus Co, NC on the 12th inst at the residence of son John Phiffer, Col. Martin Phiffer, 82 years old, An officer in the Revolutionary War serving in the North Carolina Continental Line.
13 Dec 1837, issue
263. In Montgomery Co. AL, Hon. William D. Pickett, a native of Anson Co. NC and was at death the Judge of the 8th Judicial District of AL. Eulogy Follows.
20 Dec 1837, issue
264. In Montgomery Co. NC on the 18th ult., Mr. Joseph Parsons Esq, Eulogy follows.
27 Dec 1837, issue
265. In Lawrenceville, Montgomery Co. NC on the 16th inst. Mrs Sarah Carter wife of Elias J. Carter. She died of Typhus Fever at age 25 years. Eulogy follows.
31 Jan 1838, issue
266. Near Rockingham, Richmond Co. NC, Mr. Daniel McCormack, age 78. Born in the Scottish highlands, Shire of Inverness, town of Illiroid, came to Anson at age 8 with his father.
21 Feb 1838, issue
267. In Anson Co. NC at the residence of James S. Turner, Esq., Mrs. Amy Marshall, age 92 years.
28 Mar 1838, issue
268. In Richmond Co. NC on the 18th inst., Mrs Margaret Bethune, age 90 years.
18 Apr 1838, issue
269. In Wadesborough, Anson Co. NC on the 30th ult. at Mount Calm, Mrs. Rosanna A. Tray, age 60 years, Eulogy follows.
1 Aug 1838, issue
270. In Autaugua Co. Alabama on the 30th of Jun at the home of James T. Dejarnette, Col. William Dissmukes, formerly of Wadesborough for many years. A Memeber of the Episcopal Church.
10 Oct 1838, issue
271. In Rockingham, Richmond Co. NC on the 31st ult., Mrs. Elizabeth Leak, consort of Mr. Walter Leak, Senr., age 71 years.
19 Dec 1838, issue
272. In Richmond Co. NC on the 5th isnt., Mrs. Charlotte Thomas 33 years of age, wife of Mr. James Thomas. Member of the M. E. Church
2 Jan 1839, issue
273. Near Wadesborough at the house of her father, Maj. William Hammonds, on the 7th inst., Mrs. Lydia Cotten, 32 years of age.
9 Jan 1839, issue
274. In Montgomery Co. NC on the 18th inst., Mrs. H. Harris, wife of Daniel Harris, age 50.
13 Feb 1839, issue
275. In Marengo Co. Alabama, on the 8th of Mar, Miss Margarett Ann, eldest daughter of Col. Joseph Pickett and Mahala Pickett from Wadesborough. She died of Typhus Fever at age 16 years.
15 May 1839, issue
276. In Richmond Co. NC on the 9th inst., Mr. Henry H. Hailey.
3 Jul 1839, issue
277. In Anson Co. NC on the 20th ult., John B. Knotts.
24 Jul 1839, issue
278. In Richmond Co. NC on the 12th inst., Mrs Jemima Ann Ingram, consort of Mr. Hugh M. Ingram and yougest daughter of Robt. Powell, Esq. Age 21, 3 mo. 23 days. She left a husband and 3 children.
28 Aug 1839, issue
279. In Laurel Hill, Richmond Co. NC on the 26th ult., 36 year old Mrs. Margaret Buie, consort of John R. Buie and daughter of Late Duncan McFarland.
280. In Richmond Co. NC on the 2nd inst, Miss Catherine McLaurin, daughter of Hugh McLaurin.
2 Oct 1839, issue
281. In Laurel Hill, Richmond Co. NC on the 20th ult., Mr. Archibald McNair, a native of Killean Kintyre, Scotland, age 45 years.
282. In Richmond Co. NC on the 22nd inst, Mr. Malcolm Nicholson, age 86 years.
9 Oct 1839, issue
283. In Richmond Co. NC on the 28th ult, Mr. Daniel Giles age 85 years.
28 Oct 1839, issue
284. In Richmond Co. NC on the 19th inst, Mrs. Mary Covington, Consort of William Sr.,
1 Jan 1840, issue
285. In Richmond Co. NC on the 14th inst, Mr. Benjamin Dumas, age 70 and 4 mo. (Eulogy follows)
19 feb 1840, issue
286. In Marlborough Co. SC, at the residence of Jesse Bethea Esq. on the 22 ult. of Pleurisy, Mr. Andrew McKAy, son of Rev. Daniel McKAy, Late of Richmond Co. NC, now a resident of Mississippi.
26 Feb 1840, issue
287. In Montgomery Co. NC on the 31st ult., Mr. John Robinson.
288. In Montgomery Co. NC on the 4th inst, John Robinson, son of the above. Died of Typhous Fever.
1 Apr 1840, issue
289. In Wadesborough, Anson Co. NC on the 23rd ult., Claudia, daughter of Rev. Phillip B. Wiley, age 8 years 11 mo.
29 Jul 1840, issue
290. In Richmond Co. NC, 6 year old Thomas Bostwick, son of Mr. Elijah Bostwick. Eology follows.
26 Aug 1840, issue
291. In Anson Co. NC on the 9th inst, Miss Sophronia Thomas, second daughter of James and Jane Thomas. A memember of the Baptist Church, she died at age 19 years 8 mo 28 days.
9 Sep 1840, issue
292. In Anson Co. NC on 22 Aug, Mrs Nancy Meachum, 73 years old.
293. In Rockingham, Richmond Co. NC on the 20th ult., Miss Martha Wall Covington, eldest daughter of Benjamin B. Covington, deceased.
14 Oct 1840, issue
294. In Richmond Co. NC on the 25th ult., 25 year old Mr. James M. Covington, son of late Gen. Benjamin H. Covington. Had just married Miss Caroline M., daughter of William Crawford.
295. At the residence of Jas. McDonald, Esq., in Kemper Co. MS. Mr John Campbell, Sen., age 66 years. A citizen of Chambers County AL, and originally from Chesterfield SC.
4 Nov 1840, issue
296. In Shelby Co. Alabama on the 15th of Apr, Mrs Sarah Mcleod, consort of John McLeod, Esq.
297. In Shelby Co. Alabama on the 9th inst., Mrs. Ann Williams, dau of John McLeod Esq. and Sarah McLeod.
298. In Shelby Co. Alabama on 11 Aug at his residence in Alabama, John Mcleod Esq., Former resident of Montgomery Co. NC.
299. In Marshall Co. MS on 1 Sep, Mrs Catherine McCollum, consort of David McCollum. She was a native of Montgomery Co. NC.
23 Dec 1840, issue
300. In Cheraw Co. SC on the 11th inst., Mrs Elizabeth Ellerbie, widow of late Capt. Wm. Ellerbie.
6 Jan 1841, issue
301. In Morven, Anson Co. NC on the 24th inst., Herbert Pearson, age 73 years, a native of Virginia.
20 Jan 1841, issue
302. In Marlborough Co. SC at the house of T. Bethea, Esq., Alexander W. McLaughlin on the 7th inst. Aged 42 years, he was a native of Richmond Co. NC.
303. Near the Pee Dee in Anson Co. NC, 89 year old Mrw. Winnifred Ingram, relect of Joseph Ingram, Sr. Eulogy follows.
3 Feb 1841, issue
304. In Chesterfield SC on the 21st ult., Dr. Crawford D. Ellerbee.
305. In Montgomery Co. NC on the 14th ult.,Mrs Disa Boyd aged 75-80 years. Her clothes caught fire and she burnt so extensively that she died immediately.
306. On the 14 ult., John, son of the late Alexander Nicholson of Richmond Co. NC was taken sick at Davidson College.
307. In Montgomery Co. NC on the 20th ult., 91 year old Mrs Mary Munn, consort of James Munn, deceased.
10 Mar 1841, issue
308. In Richmond Co. NC on the 28th ult., Mr. Kenneth McKenzie.
31 MAr 1841, issue
309. In Laurel Hill Richmond Co. on the 20th inst, aged 80, Mrs. Catherine, wife of Hugh.
26 May 1841, issue
310. In Columbus Georgia on the 13th inst, Col. Neil McNair, native of Richmond Co. NC.
16 Jun 1841, issue
311. In Mobile Alabama, on the 18th of Apr, the 24 year old Mr. George T. Dunlap, son of George Dunlap, Esq., of Anson Co. NC. George Jr. Moved to Westville MI and was on a trip to by supplies in Alabama when he became ill.
312. In Montgomery Co. NC on the 23rd ult., Mr. Thomas Butler. Eulogy follows.
313. In Montgomery Co. NC on the 2nd inst, 25 year old Mrs Flora McCallum, consort of Mr. William McCallum, and daughter of Col. Nicholson.
11 Aug 1841, issue
314. In Anson Co. NC on the 1st inst., Tristram T. Carraway, son of Arch'd Carraway, Esq, deceased. At aged 17 and 8 mo, a eulogy by the young men's debating club follows.
1 Sep 1841, issue
315. In Anson Co. NC on the 6th ult, John Henderson Grace, son of Mr. James H. Grace, aged 34 years.
29 Sep 1841, issue
316. In Perry Co. Alabama lately: Professor Wallis. Also, J, N, Boggs, Esq. Also, Miss Bellingsley, wife of Thomas Billingsley (formerly Mrs. Rutland of Anson Co. NC. Also, the wife of Rev. Lowerly. Also, Dr. Henry Yarborough.
317. In Covington Co. MS, on the 19th of Jul, Mr. Allen Smith, age 85 years. Native of Argyle Shire Scotland to Richmond Co. NC.
6 Oct 1841, issue
318. In Chamberlain Co. Alabama, 24th Aug, John Grady Senr., aged 76 years. Raised in Wake Co. NC and removed to Anson Co. NC about year 1800 and moved to Alabama in 1837.
319. In Simpson Co. Ms on 11 Oct, at the residence of Archibald McCollum, Mr. Norman Cameron. Aged 24 years and 3 mo, he was a native of Richmond Co, NC.
13 Oct 1841, issue
320. In New Orleans Louisiana on 14 Sep., Col. James a. Hart, native of SC but lived in Anson Co. NC for many years
320. ANOTHER REVOLUTIONARY WAR SOLDIER GONE! 26th ult., at his residence in Stanly County NC --Rev. George Shankle aged 90 years. For the last forty years, he was a preacher of the M. E. Church.
321. Yet another! In Anson Co. NC on the 20th inst, the 84 year old Mr. Michael Nash, Soldier and pensioner. Was a native of Nash Co. NC but lived in Anson Co. for many years.
27 Oct 1841, issue
322. In Richmond Co. NC on Fri. last, Hugh McLean, Sen.
17 Nov 1841, issue
323. In Richmond Co. NC on the 5th inst. at the residence of son Benj. C. Covington, Esq., 91 year old Mrs. Nancy Covington.
1 Dec 1841, issue
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