This petition was filed in response to
a petition of Inhabitants of "upperend" Anson County.
To the Honuorable the General Assembly
of North CarolinaThe Petition of the Inhabitants of
Anson County Humbly Seteth forth that they
are Informed that at the last General assembly
there was a Separate Election and General Muster
Established in the County aforesaid, contrary to their
Knowledge or wish &C - - - And that your
Petition further shewith, that Said County is Com
pact perhaps as any in the State aforesaid,
and the Courthouse Situated within a few miles of
its Centre, And that the County has been at Great
Expense Erecting Bridges &C- that no Inconveniency
hath yet arisen nor can arise on that
head, and we Humbly Conceive that Said Separate
Election and General Muster was Erected from
Sinister Views, and not from motives of publick good
and that the Seperation is only attended with
unnecessary Expenses, and much Trouble & Tends
only to fraud and Confusions, - - Now so it is we Pray
your Honours in your Wisdoms to take the case under
your wise Consideration and repeal Said act,
or as much therof as ______ to Granting a Separate
Election and General Muster in the County aforesaid
and that they Elections and General Musters in
the County aforesaid, be Consolidated and held
at the same place and in the same manner they
were before such Law passed, as Such other Relief
in the Premises as to your Honours in your Wisd
om may Seem Just and Right, and your petition
ers as In duty Boundnov the 8th 1800
Charles Taylor Thos Lanier Elijah Lorwing John Lile Cason Hamels David Collens Batt Murphey X Wm T_p____ X Arch Strakle X Mo _______ Dunkin McQuag X James Carter Malcolm Mast_on? John Lindsey X H Grisard X Daniel Davison James Mollingsworth Jonathan fonlener Ths Bailey Daniel Liles David Short David Harson John A______n Nemrod Redfearn X Jon Byl__? Ebenezar Marsh Ezra Bostrick Evert Vauheyen? Turner Sharpe uend Joshua Bummgin X Sampson Stanfill Samuel Curtis Hipkin? Jackson Jno McDaniel Elijah Roadlander X George Threadgill Josm prast___ William Threadgill ___ Murppeas? Harry Price Asa Pate Roan Carels X Gerge Davison X Kinchin Martin Wm Taylor X James Benton Zack __ehle Burwell Lanier Saml Pratt Burwell Edwards _ an __son Jaimes Beaver Simon Covington ________________________________________ Britton Weaks Daniel Mcclendon John Swon- Solomon Boggan James Goodrich Jams Baly X Phillip gathings Joseph Ca iegeen? Jas Chiles Robert Lowry Thomas Knight Jno Hinsen Snr John Kendall Jeremiah Missor James Ingram _orton Duffey A West X John Bohannon Joseph Woods Richd Farris Crawford Wm Bohannan X Joshua Bell Jeremiah Lan__ Edw Avery Lucy? Bosterick Mcleod Jos Roper James Plunket X George Lindsey? Dunken M_____ X H Miller John Treadaway H Bren_mesm? _____ ____ X Nathaniel Dabbs Robert Dabbs David Jendson? Ira Proctor Jos Denson Ephraim Hunter Danl Hooks X Ma__ Degge Daniel Huks Stephen Pace junir ___ Brooks- James Phillips Ezekiel Mchendon Robt Clark Hezachiah Houff- Wm Jerman X John Temples X Frd Temples X ________________________________________ Isaac Brumbelow IB Josiah White H Charles Hinson H John Hinson H Phillip Lynch Marten Granade Wm Short William Wood Wm A. Puckett Jonathan Robison X __ Robertson X Sam B. Dickson Sandy __________ Zachariah X Ratliff James Fields Larkin Ingram John Ha__ Martin Richd Knight WH Davison Charles H Hanut A (X) Gooddebt John Presson Mosey Cam? James X Harrison Isham? Davis X Solomon Rushing thomas Av____ Walter Ross _uiah Tison ________________________________________ John Hand Martan? Easley Isham Woods Moses Woods Wm Blewet Frederick Gordan Junr Robertus Love Wm __nias? Wm Moorman Marshall Diggs Clopoz? Chts Wm Lindsay Mark Pickett William Henry Esq. A. Davison Jos. Ingram Sen John Stanfield Cb? Hinson Jos Ingram Jun Col gill John Seago William Ratliff _ohn Shred? Mark Murphy George Turner Stephen Courtney John Mims (x) John James Solm Trull X- Charles Hicks Jacob Allen Stephen Trull F. Simmond ____________ A. Trull (X) Jaine Jones Gorge Jowers- John Tearn__g A J___s g+ John Stone Ths. Christon 4 - A_cy Falkiner John Arnett Isaac Tears X Levig? Campbell Jas Jameson Chars Virion Pleasant Diggs John Jerman Richd X Rushin John Willoby X Samuel Alsobeary Jeremiah Dixon Capt Wilson Ca__T A Rushing J Job Medow Richard trea_ Jos Ingram William Wood Nathan West Jacob Tis_n H(K)inny Hill George Creemer?X W Bryley X Rowland Rushing Capt John Davis - Wm Medders John Smith leutenant Abraham Bo_______ Thomas Meader Rhd Manous R _______________________________________ Jonathan Boggan John Gudiin? John Tison Benjamin Hinson Charles Biggers? Asa garman John Ratliff John Ingram John Bailey ??-------------- James Stanfield John Litt Elijah Curtis Henry Hutchins Isaac Stanfield Nathen Turner A. Lockhart John Turner x Samuel Curtis Elaney Harc__x Wm Threadgill Henry La_ton Thomas Hinson Robinson Russle Stephen Thomas junener Thos Mason Stephen Thomas Sen x Jacob Biley C Githings x ______________ T-Rushing- ______________ Levi Medder Wm Hair___ Thomas Curtis A Demry x Stephen Harvell Isam Lebbitro? Lion Watson x D_ Rainey x Isah nowell Wm Hinson __nboriy Campbell Isom Meddor ________________________________________ James Nowell Melitia officers John Rogers Noah Rushing JP Normon MacLowd Wm Voughn X Richards Teel William Brooks John May Senior? Jasn Medder X John Lindsey Liwis Dickson Miles Berry Sherwood Auld Andrew Wade John Welch Geo Dodd William ________ Absolum Stegall Francis Wisdom X Josseph Pickett John May Junior William Boggan Daniel Tolson Jeremiah Gaddy Gorge Lindsey Junir Micagah Dop_____ ________________________________________
To the Honorable the General Assembly of the State of North Carolina The petition of the Inhabitants of Anson County Humbly Seteth forth that they are Informed that at the last General Assembly there was a Separate Petition and General Muster Established in the County aforesaid contrary to their Knowledge or Wish &c And that your Petitioner further sheweth that Said County is com- pact, perhaps as any in the State aforesaid, And the Court House Situated within a few miles of Its center, And that the County has Been at Great Expense Erecting Bridges &c- that no Incon= veniency hat yet Arisin, nor can Arise on that head, And we Humbly Concieve that Said Separate Election And General Muster Was Erected from Sinister Views, And not from Motives of publick Good, And that the Separation is only Attended with unnessesary Expense, and much Trouble, & Tends only to fraud and Confusion Now so it is we Pray your Honours in Your Wisdoms to take the Case under your Wise Consideration and Repeal Said Act or as much thereof as ______ to Granting A Separate Election and General Muster in the County aforesaid and That they Petition and General Musters may be Consolodated and held at the same place and in the same manner they were before such law passed or Such other Relief in the Premises As to your Honours in your Wisdoms may seem Just and Right; and your Petitioners As in duty Bound will Pray