In the name of God amen

I Thomas Presley of the State of North Carolina and County of Anson being weak in body but of perfect mind and memory blessed be god for the same calling to mind that it is appointed of god for all men once to dye do make and ordain this my last will & testament in manner following viz. First of all I recomend my soul to god who gave it and my body to be decently buried in a christian like manner by my Executors and as for my worldy Estate wherewith it Hath pleased god to bless me with I give and bequeath in the manner following.

Item I give and bequeath to my beloved wife Sarah Presley 125 acres of Land including my plantation and all the Improvement where I now live with all and Every of its appertainances for her own proper use during her life or widowhood. Item I give and bequeath to my beloved wife Sarah Presley all my stock of horses cattle & hogs that I now am pisest with to own & dispose of in any manner She may think proper for her own support during her life or widowhood likewise I give and bequeath to my beloved wife Sarah Presley two feather beds & firniture and all and Every of my plantation tools of Every kind with all my household furniture of Every kind to will and dispose of as She may think best during her life or widowhood and at the death or marriage of my beloved wife Sarah Presley I give and bequeath the Sd. tract of land of 125 acres to my four youngest Daughters Rebecca Pool Jean Presley Mary Thomas Nancy Pool to be equally divided between them also at the death or marriage of Sd. wife I give and bequeath to my six oldest children Susana Helms Sarah Helms Richard Presley Elizabeth Helms Anna Helms Thomas Presley one half of the property that may remain till that time of Every kind one bed and furniture plantation tools and household furniture [to be equally divided between them all] and and one bed and furniture now called my wifes bed I give to her to dispose of as She may think proper and The other half of my household furniture and tools of all kinds to give to her to dispose of to her heirs or as She may see cause Ite, I appoint my true & trusty friend William Crittendon & my son Richard Presley Executors and my beloved wife Sarah Presley Executrix to this my Last will & testament Disanuling all others do make publish and ordain this to be my last and only will and testament in witness whereeeof I the Sd. Thomas Presley have hereunto Set my hand and affixed my Seal this 6 day of MArch in the year of our lord one thousand Eight hundred and Eight

Signed Sealed and delivered in the presences of us
Enterlind before assigned

Robertson pistole
Elizabeth pistole

Thomas I Presley

State of No. Carolina
Anson County

July Court 1808

This the written will was admitted to probate and was duly proved in open court by the oath of Robertson Pistole and Elizabeth Pistole witnesses thereto and ordered to be Recorded

Tod Robinson clk


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