Daniel Reap's Will

I Daniel Reap of the County of Stanly and State of North Carolina, Being of sound mind and memory, But knowing the uncertainty of my earthly existence. In the name of God. Amen. I make and declare this to be my last Will and Testament. First, I will my Soul to God who gave it. Second it is my will and desire that my Executor herein after named shall provide for my body, a descent Burial, suitable to the wishes of my friends and pay all funeral expenses, together with all my just debts, howsoever or to whomsoever owing, out of the first money that may come into his hands as part or parcel of my Estate.

Third. I will and bequeath to Elizabeth Melinda Tucker, Widow of Daniel M. Tucker, all my Property both real and personal. Consisting of about Three hundred forty seven and ahalf Acres of land, including all Buildings and improvements on the same. My personal property, consisting of cattle, horses, hogs, sheep, and household and kitchen furniture, Farming tools, Wagon and Smith Tools and Carpenter Tools, as well as all money on hand or due me at my death, to have and to hold during her life. On the following terms and conditions, that is to say if she remains virtuous to the name and widow of Daniel M. Tucker, that is to say when her daughter MAry Jane Tucker shall arrive at the age of Twenty one years, she shall have all the land lying on the west side of Cucumber Creek, from the road leading to Solomon Pless.s to Cale in Smith line Rufus Tucker's, that is to say if the Mill on the creek should be put in running order, it should be excepted, with enough land to make a good suitable mill yard and roads. And [when] William A. Tucker arrives at the age of twenty one years, he is to have all the balance of my lands, including my residence and all the improvements thereon. Provided he takes care of his mother and treats her with respect and kindness and remains on said lands. If he should not do this, the said land and premises to remain in the hands of Elizabeth M. Tucker, her lifetime and then at her death said lands and premises to go to said William A. Tucker. And I further give and bequeath to Mary Jane Tucker Sixty dollars out of the proceeds of my estate, to have and to hold the same.

And the said Elizabeth M. is, when any of her childrfen marries or settles off themselves, is to furnish them such stock household and kitchen furniture as she may deem necessary for them to have. And if at my death, there may be more tools & other propertyt, on hand which the said Elizabeth M. Tucker may think they will not need, Then my Executor shall and is directed to make a Sale and sell such property at public Sale.

Lastly, I hereby appoint my friend James W. Efird, Executor of this my last Will and Testament, to execute the same in every particualr, hereby declaring all Wills by me, here to fore nul and void and further I direct my Executor to provide for my grave, a Suitable Tombstone.

Signed and Sealed, in the presence of us who signed the same at my request, as attesting Witnesses This the 30th day of November A. D. 1887

David Burris, Sr.
W. L. Hunneycutt
M. B. Hunneycutt
E. H. Hunneycutt

Daniel (x) Reap (seal)


Peter Pless
John Adam Pless
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