North Carolina Revolutionary Army Accounts

Volume V. Page 38, Folio, Located at NC State Archives

An accot of Cloathing Currency and Specie Certificates sent to the Commishioners at New York by the Comptroller of Public Accots of the State of North Carolina May 1790

             23           Currency        Specie
Amot brough forward      24036 20 5     848 17 10
930 Wm Tomkin                               12 10
931 Chars Hinson                          1 "  "
932 Thos. Ratliff                           10 "
933 William Pratts                        1 "  "
934 Jno. Parsons                            18 "
935 Robt Smith                            1  2 "
936 Chas Hinson                             10 "
937 William Short                           18 "
938 H. Weatherford                           6  8
939 G. Brewer                               16  6
940 O. Weather                              12 "
941 Chs Ray                                 12 "
942 S. Baker                                 8 "
943 B. Thomas                               10 "
944 T. Griffin                              10  8
945 Thos. Shelby                            14 "
946 Wm Nelsons                              12 "
947 Gideon Greene                            8 "
948 J. Weaver                               10  6
949 N. Renfro                                9 "
950 D. Ornett                               12  6
951 Arthur Taylor                            8 "
952 Wm Weatherford                          10  6
953 S. Culpepper                            12 "
954 G. Hogan                                 8 "
955 J. Hogan                                12 "
956 J. Hogan                                16 "
957 D. Burlison                             12 "
958 J. Gibson                               12 "
959 C. Williams                             10 "
960 H. Cleming                              63 "
961 J. White                              4 "  "
962 Wm Gurley                               10 "
963 Richd Maness                            19 "
964 J. Gilbert                            6 "  "
965 A. MCillen                              10 "
966 J. Wilson                               11 "
967 J. Jackson                              10 6
968 J. Smith                                13 3   


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