Election Names for the       Senate Valid 1799 august

1 John Evins           24 William Robert
2 John moroson?        25 Thomas Everitt
3 Benjamin Laring      26 Thos Robinson
4 William Heath        27 Eli Terry
5 Hugh McCormick       28 Daniel Snead
6 Wright Galland       29 Saml Sprouls
7 James Long           30 Micajah Gainey
8 William Perry        31 John Watkins
9 Caser Lassiter       32 Isrial Watkins
10 Dun Rye             33 James Speed
11 Robrt? Ryes?        34 William Watkins
12 John Covington      35 James Coleman
13 Jacob Perkins       36 Stephen Cole
14 George Bound Jun    37 George Bound Snr
15 George Gunn         38 John Colson
16 Elijah Parker       39 Robt Wilson
17 James Terry Senr    40 John Wall
18 Phillip Brooks      41 Charles Smith
19 John Clark          42 Nicholas Clark
20 George Satterfield  43 Elisha Crowson
21 John Long           44 Robrt Webb Esq
22 John McLennon       45 Sagle? Haley
23 James Wright        46 Daniel McLen__than?
                       47 William Snead
                       48 Solomon Snead (Sen?)

49 Will Hailey         77 Walter Leak
50 James Thorton       78 Daniel McKay
51 Wm Armstrong        79 Duncan McCormick
52 John Jones          80 Isorose? Williamson
53 John Snead          81 Benje Smith
54 Duncan McQuagne     82 John Colhoon
55 Will Smith          83 John Lucas
56 Moses Hurbey        84 Charles Colhoon
57 _arine Everitte     85 Desman Colhoon
58 Francis Cole        86 Walter Watason
59 Jorme Moorhead      87 Daniel Duglas
60 John Dinis?         88 Kinzie M. Thomsey
61 Samuel Watkins      89 Arht Lucas
62 Saml Cope           90 James (P,R)ickett
63 Desmion McKay       91 Solomon Srorol?
64 John McInnes        92 John Carmicle
65 Phillip James       93 John M Duffie
66 Benj Sampley        94 Daniel M Coll
67 William Hunt        95 Desman McLerrin
68 Willm Webb          96 Collen M Arter
69 Saml Covington      97 Danl McKinnon
70 Patrick Ryon        98 Duncan M Coll
71 John Stringer       99 Saml Usher
72 James Stringer      100 Daniel Smith
73 John George         101 Peter Fairly
74 John Crori_         102 John M Coll
75 John Dockins Snr    103 Wm Smith
76 Jonethn Alevinny?

104 John Buchannon     130 Fergn M Rea
105 Lauhlin M Kinnon   131 James Turner
106 Neil Mc Kinnon     132 Dunca Cramiele
107 Mathew Moore       133 Daniel M Leod
108 Hugh McLerron      134 Alexr M Leod
109 Absolum Rye        135 Benjr Chairs
110 Danl M Daniel      136 Farqd M Rae
111 Hugh Thomson       137 Walherd Terry
112 Asaac Armstrong    138 Randel Haley
113 John Graham        139 Neil M Farland
114 Alexr M Millan     140 Daniel M Kinnon
115 Edward M Nair      141 John M Nair
116 Elijah Chairs      142 Anjuis M Kiskell
117 _anithen M Wim?    143 Anjus McLeod
118 Anjus Curry        144 Hugh McLean
119 __rmad_ Harrison   145 Thomas Thorn
120 Malcom McLean      146 John Morrison
121 John Mc Phearson   147 John McDonald
122 Duncan McLerrin    148 Peter Burton
123 Malcom Mcaskill    149 Alexr Watson
124 Alexr Fairley      150 John Steatey
125 John Jorgeson      151 John Thomson
126 Au_ McRea          152 Moses Night
127 Alexndr M Rae      153 Jos Lassator
128 John Mathews       154 John M Kay
129 Joseph P_____ry    155 Eile Blewette

156 Wm Young           181 Archd Campbell
157 James PAtterson    182 Malcom McNair
158 Daniel M Lerrin    183 Gilbert M Nair
159 Archd _onson       184 John Fergison
160 John Webb          185 Rorey McLeod
161 _arrin McLuarin    186 John M Leod
162 Wm Jinkins         187 John Mortin
163 Sm Moorman         188 Daniel M Nair
164 James Alen         189 John M Coll
165 Hugh M Innis       190 Neil Sny_ir
166 Daniel Campbell    191 Wm L_ator
167 John Mc Nair       192 John McFarland
168 Roger Powell       193 Daniel McDonald
169 Daniel Camron      194 Wm Bennett
170 John Jonson        195 Saml Hushlit?
171 James M Innis      196 Larry Satterfield
172 Hugh M Kinnon      197 John Vinnar
173 Thomis Alrid       198 Duncan Cormical
174 Fonley M Innis     199 Peter McKaskill
175 Duncan McBride     200 Murdo_h  M Innis
176 Duncan M Collom    201 Fenley M Caskill
177 Peter M Rea        202 Ans__Duglas
178 Duncan M Lerrin    203 John M Innis
179 Wm Williams        204 John Black
180 Lauhkin? M Kinnin  205 Hugh McLerrin

206 Anjuis Brown       238 Anjuis Curry
207 Richd Farley       239 George Curry?
208 Wm Brown           240 Amus Doomos
209 John McAskill      241 Norman McLeod
210 Dugold Blue        242 John Mathews
211 Benjm Skipper      243 John McQueen
212 MAlcom Morrison    244 Alexr McLeod
213 John Campbell      245 Neil Wright
214 Daniel Morrison    246 John McIver
215 Anjuro? W__h__son  247 George Wright
216 Daniel M Rae       248 John James
217 John Comron        249 Martin Martin
218 Joseph Lane        250 Duncan Bochanon
219 Hulor McMillon     251 Rory Neeleson
220 Duncan Campbell    252 Archd Mcpherson
221 A__r McRea         253 Alexr McNair
222 James Bennett      254 Arch McLeod
223 John McPherson     255 Jas Watson
224 Edward Wilkerson   256 Sylvester Hulm
225 Duncan Lewiston    257 Anjuis McSwain
226 Duncan McCall      258 Duncan McCullum
227 John M Cain?       259 peter Nicholson
228 Christopher McRae  260 peter McLeod
229 Archd McLeod       261 John Camron
230 James Cole         262 Daniel McSwain
231 Benj Powers        263 Thos Usher
232 Daniel McCaskill   264 Dal McLorain
233 Danl M Pherson     265 Rory McSwain
234 Nathan McGuire     266 Anjuis McGill
235 Shubel Weeks       267 Murdock McInnis?
236 George Torry       268 (N,H)uston Crawford
237 John McLane        269 Norman Morison
                       270 Norman McLeod
                       271 George Thomas
                       272 Neil McKiller

273 Rory MQueen        298 Charles Rolenson
274 Theopelos Terry    299 Jeremiah Dumus
275 Duncan McDugold    300 Keneth McKenzie
276 Dugold McFarland   301 peter Cole (Cabe?)
277 Jesse Alsbrooks    302 Archd McInnis
278 Daniel M Donald    303 John Smith
279 Wm Woodle          304 Wm Wright
280 Wm Long            305 Wm Hadley
281 John McDonald      306 Edward McPherson
282 Wm Johnson         307 Alexr Grat_m
283 John McFarland     308 John McIntire
284 Malcom M Durmaid   309 George Collins
285 Anjuis Mc Donald   310 John Alred
286 Saml (P?)ate       311 Benjn Bolton
287 Alexe Smith        312 Alexr McDonald
288 James Smylie       313 Danl McFarland
289 Neil McNair        314 Saml Brown
290 John Campbell      315 John McNair
291 Alexr McFarland    316 Donald Campbell
292 Neil McLeod        317 Anjus McNeil
293 John Morrison      318 Neil McNeil
294 Anjus _ucan        319 Wm McDowell
295 John Smith         320 Hugh McColl
296 John Rorie?        321 Archd McKay
297 Mic_jah Shill_on   322 Duncon McColl
                       323 George Cole?
                       324 Alexr McDonald
                       325 John Eving(son?)
                       326 Stephen Pate
                       327 Jas Smith Sr
                       328 Wm Segrand
                       329 Alexr McQuay
                       330 Daniel McColl
                       331 Thomas H _____

332 Daniel Gillis      366 Murdock Morrison
333 John McLane        367 Daniel M Kinsey
334 Asa Covington      368 Wm Ladd
335 Norman McDuffie    369 A_blon Laugter
336 Alexr McRea        370 George Slaughter
337 Archd McNeil       371 John Roper
338 John McDowell      372 Isom Norton
339 Janes Hines, Esq   373 Neelios stone
340 Aler McDonald      374 Daniel Smith
341 plummer Williams   375 Thomas Jowers
342 John _ornbers?     376 Jesse Bounds
343 Thos Baird         377 Archd Smith
344 Dugold Graham      378 Mathew Covington
345 James Terry        379 __lias Goodman?
346 Donald Henderson   380 Edwin ____am
347 Neil McFail        381 Wm Thomas Jnr
348 John McKinzie      382 John Baldwin
349 John Mo__man       383 John Baldwin
350 Squire Robinson    384 Wm Snead
351 Phinley McSwain    385 Alexr McKinnon
352 Cham_ Terry        386 Daniel Martin
353 John Comron        387 Danil Nicholson
354 Duncan Rankian     388 Duncan Campbell
355 Rodrec? McLeod     389 Duncan McIntyre
356 Daniel Caricle?    390 John Mc Lerrin
357 Daniel McLane
358 Benjm Engrin
359 Archd McPherson
360 Wm Lowery
361 Allen McKaskle
362 Archd Johnson
363 Hugh McLorren
364 Owen McGuire
365 Wm McGuire

391 John Armack?       413 George Grims
392 Hugh M Lerrin      414 Hugh McDonald
393 Duncan McRae       415 Jos Speight
394 James Newberry     416 Alexr Person
395 Saml Chairs        417 John Johnson?
396 Darby Swinie       418 John M Swain
397 Murdock McRae      419 Allen Smith
398 Elijah (h?)asty    420 Rodry McDonald
399 Malcom Bleu        421 Finley M Kaskill
400 Tehlolson Obegan?  422 Angus McAlister
401 Hugh Cohoon        423 Kenneth M Kaskill
402 _______ Hasty      424 Daniel McMillan
403 Gilbert McMillan   425 Kenneth M Kaskill
404 Archd McMillan     426 Dugold M Coll
405 Wm Bouchanon       427 John McColl
406 Duncan Mcterry?    428 John Harrington
407 Archd McLauhlen    429 John Harbert
408 Saml Webb          430 Peter Ussary
409 Isaac Spurling     431 Jos Hull
410 Jos Sampley        432 James Robinson
411 Wm Bluitt          433 George Keachey
412 Wm Crowson         434 Daniel McInnis
                       435 Wm Thomas Sr

436 Wm Herrington      468 John Cole (md)
437 Plasent Mask       469 Lemmerd Webb
438 Daniel McCormick   470 Wm Cole
439 John McDuffie      471 Swain McIntosh
440 John McDaniel      472 Elijah Morris
441 John Lennon        473 John Clemmon
442 Keneth McInnis     474 Wm Bankey
443 Elijah Thomas      475 Henry Moore
444 Jas Moorehead      476 Solo Snead Junr
445 Anjuis Intosh      477 Anjuis Campbell
446 Thos Dock_y (Jr?)  478 Dugald M Farland
447 Thorgood Pate      479 Ed Cole
449 James Bostwick     480 Chasl M Lean
450 John Morrison      481 Simon Thomas
451 Andrew Dumos       482 John Cunningham
452 Benjm Min_er?      483 Benj Rogers
453 Thomas M__nby?     484 Denson Obrigan
454 Jos Hall           485 Thom Webb
455 Richd Powell       486 Turner Webb
456 Eli Thomas         487 Hector McKinnon
457 Elisha Collins     488 Jos Moorhead Sr
458 Hugh Carmicle?     489 Saml Dawkins
459 Richard Adams      490 Thomas Moorman
460 Wm
461 Webb
462 Isom Henry
463 Saml chance
464 Stafford Gibson
465 Mordock Shaw
466 Owen Slaughter
467 Wm McPherson

491 Jesse Newberry      Upon Counting
492 Wm Lampley          the Tickets of the
493 Alexr Bowen         Election there apeared
494 John Taylor         to be three hundred
495 John Speed          & thirty one in favor
496 Lauchlan McKinnin   of W. Jos Landford
497 R J Steele          and two hundred &
498 Jas Stewart         ninety two of in favor
499 Wright Gladish      of Mr Duncan Mc
500 John Daukins Jr     Farland the Cand
                        -idate for the House
                        of Senate, Exclusive
                        of a few &C cash in
                        the box for the _____-
                        ______  Commons

          State of North Carolina
          Richmond County
I certify the afore mention is a true
Copy of List of polls for the Senate
and a Statement of the Election
held for the County of aforesaid on
the Second Thursday & Friday in Augst
Last at the Court house in the Town
of Rockingham as appeared by the 
List of the Polls kept by myself
Josy Robinson & Eli Terry, Clerks
appointed by myself for the purpose
returned to me
Octr 18th 99    Jno Wall Sheriff