Key Map and Legal Descriptions of Grants and Conveyances
in Mecklenburg / Cabarrus Counties

Located west of Hwy 601, and south or near Hwy 24/27 in the area of Midland NC.

1. deed 10-332, Cabarrus NC, 6 Nov 1824. Alexander McLarty and John McLarty to Wm. McLarty, being 148 acres beginning at a wo (Sossamon’s corner) north 16 east 42 to ro, north 16 west 42 to po, north 20 east 22 to ro, north 70 east 80 to po, north 14, north 56 east 70 (in Irvin’s line) to bo north 16 west 9, south 78 west 38 to po. north 82 west 56 (by Newell’s fence) to ro, south 85 west 78, west 23 to bo, south 67 west 36 to stump, south 22 east 60 to sas, south 8 east 50 tp locust (near old house), south 32 east 52 to so, south 76 west 30 to hic, south 85 west 35 to bo, south 15 west 58 to po (joining Black’s), north 75 east 46 to hic, north 79 east 42 to po, north 39 east 16 to bo (near road), then to begin. Wit: Nathan Phillips, James Mc____.

2. Deed 14-328, Cabarrus NC, 28 Nov 1840. John C. Sossamon of Cabarrus and William A. Sossamon of Mecklenburg to Green H. Swearengen, being 106 acres on the north side of the south prong of Anderson’s Creek adjoining the lands of Thomas Erwin, Alexander McLarty, John M. Black, and others, being “the widow Sossamon’s dower of the old Ben Cochran place. The metes and bounds are from a so (Alexander McLarty’s corner) south 16 west 41 o dead wo (John M. Black’s corner), south 27 east 17 to bj (Black’s corner), North 60 east 9 to stake (Black’s corner), south south 30 east 21 to bj, south 11 east 31 to two po (near a spring branch corner), south 51 east 3 to sassafras (below the spring Black’s corner), south 63 east 36 to stake (in the road, Black’s line and Swearngen’s corner), (with his line) north 50 east 141 (passing a corner of James S. Burkhead and crossing the spring branch to dogwood(where thje blackoak stood, James S. Burkhead’s corner), (with his line)north 72 east 40 to bj (Burkhead’s corner), north 5 west 71 to po (on Thomas Irvin’s line, (with his line) south 77 west 14 to bj (Irvin’s corner), north 83 west 17 to dead hic (Irvin’s and Alexander McLarty’s corner), south 68 to pile of stone (Alexander McLarty’s), south 83 west 17 to dead hic (Irvin and Alexander McLarty’s), south 85 west 138 to begin.

3. Deed 12-126, Cabarrus NC, 20 Jan 1835. Wm. A. Archibald, high sheriff for a Vendelione Expoinas for sum of $200 issuing from Cabarrus against James S. Burkhead in which case said sum was recovered by John Reed. Lying on Anderson Creek, the metes and bounds are from a wo (on bank of creek) north 77 west 85 to wo, north 50 east 25 to bo, north 12 east 40 to bj, north 5 west 70 to po, north 77 east 46 to bj, north 40 east 12 to ro, south 40 east 72 to po, south 60 east 22 to ash, up the various courses of the creek to begin.

Deed 14-212, Cabarrus NC, 28 Jan 1837. William Newell (Trustee of Seneca Turner) to Green H. Swearengen. Wit: Wm. H. Archibald, Daniel A. Penich.

Deed 14-225, Cabarru1s NC, 12 Feb 1839, prv’d Jan 1840. Green H. Swearengen to William Bost and heirs and assigns in trust “for the sale and separate use of Belinda Burkhead & her heirs.” Wit: John S. Garmon.

Estate Record, Cabarus NC. Lot #3 in the division of William Bost’s estate. For daughter Belinda who married James S. Burkhead.

4. Estate Record, Cabarrus NC, 16 Feb 1827. Lot #2 in the division of William Bost’s lands. For daughter Delila, wife of Green H. Swearengen. Beginning at a wo (on the creek) north 77 west 85 to wo, south 50 west 116 stake (near a road), south 73 east 58 to wo, north 85 east 12 to wo, south 59 east 29 to ro, south 80 east 36 to bj, north 36 east 55 to po (in a hallow), south 65 east 52 to bj, north 50 east 12 to bj, north 55 west 52 to bj, then north 8 east 18 to begin.

Deed 11-420, Cabarrrus NC, 10 Nov 1830, prv’d Jan 1832. Stephen Fox & J. M. Wilson of Mecklenburg & Wm. E. White of York District SC to G. W. Swearengen. Wit: W. Morrison. Land situated on the southern branch of Anderson joining Sam Black and others. 5. Deed ------- Cabarrus NC, ------------ . Heirs of Wm. S. Alexander to Teresa Harris, being 191 acres south of Anderson Creek. Note that tract #5 includes the adjoining tract shaded in red as shown in the key map. Beginning on the creek at and ash, south 60 east 13 (with White’s line) to a po, South 22 west 24 to dog, south 56 east 78 to po, north 54 east 54 to bj (by a road), south 20 east 22 to po, (with Garmon’s line) south 20 to po, south 25 east 58 to wo (joining bost’s land, south 50 werst 118 to po, sough 80 west 86 to pond by Reed’s fence beginning of 130 acre tract at a road), north 42 west 90 to three dogs, north 30 east 60 6o bj, north 8 east 18 to wo (on back of creek), then down the creek to begin.

Deed 8-198, Cabarrus NC, 20 Jan 1812, prv’d Jan 1813. Robert McMurray, Sheriff, to Dempsey Reed by his agent Elisha Spiears. The land is situated between the waters of Anderson and Muddy Creek. a totally different shape than the above combined tracts, there are enough lines of survey that match to indicate this is the same land as above. The metes and bounds are from a p.o. (near a pond at the crossroads) north 45 west 90 to 3 dogwoods, north 35 east 60 to b.j., south 44 east 54 to b.j., north 31 east 80 to po, south 56 east 80 to p.o. (Reed’s old corner), (with Samuel White’s line) north 54 east 54 to b.j. (Samuel McCurdy’s corner), south 20 to p.o., south 25 west 60 to w.o., south 50 west 120 to p.o., then to begin. The legal description for this conveyance identifies 130 acres adjoining lands of Samuel White, Samuel McCarty, and the ‘pond near the crossroads.’ Wit: Malcolm McBride, Andrew Cromwell.

Deed 9-72, Cabarrus NC, 9 Jul 1811 Jacob Sossamon to Dempsey Reed and Dempsey Reed to Wm. S. Alexander. “Being part of the plantation tract where the said Sossamon now lives and is bounded as follows 9viz.0 Lying on the south side of the south fork of Anderson’s Creek beginning at the mouth of a branch on the east side of the creek. Wit: Alphonsa Alexander , Ira Wallace This tract is shaded in red as shown in the key map. Possibly a grant for this small tract or land nearby, (Grant #566, Cabarrus NC) for 49 acres was surveyed for Jacob Sossamon on 22 Mar 1823. The metes ad bounds are from a so (a corner of James White’s and his own land) west 124 to po (his own and McClarty’s Heirs corner), north 12 to po (sd. McLarty’s corner), north 24 east 62 to bj (sd. McLarty’s and Thomas Ervin’s corner), north 45 east 74 to stake (on James White’s line), then (sd line) to begin.

Deed 9-101, Cabarrus NC, Apr 1814. Dempsey Reed to William S. Alexander. Wit: John McLennan, John Black.

6. Deed 8-486, Cabarrus NC, 7 Dec 1813, prv’d Apr 1826. Jesse Whitaker to Thomas Erving of Mecklenburg, being 132 acres on the Middle fork of Anderson Creek. Beginning at a mulberry (Wallace’s corner) south 16 west 70 (crossing the creek) to hic, south 11 west 38 to bo, south 17 east 19 to bj, (with Sossamon’s line) south 68 east 106 to ro, north 46 east 48 to large hic (a corner of the old tract and then with the old line) north 72 east 58 to po (White’s corner, then with his line) north 18 west 44 (crossing the creek) to bo, north 19 west 44 to po, north 32 west 132 (with McKinley’s line) to hic, (with division line) south 55 west 60 to stake (on a road in a glade), south 67 west 17 to bo, south 10 west 38 to stake, south 68 east 9 to begin. Jurat: Jno McClellan.

7. Deed 8-384, Cabarrus NC, 15 Apr 1784, Apr, 1815. Samuel McCurdy to Michael Garmon, being 292 acres. The key map tract #7 shows only the southern tip or appendage of a much larger tract. Beginning at 3 elms, south 72 east 52 (Morgan’s line) to Rock, south 48 east 48 (Morgan’s line) to po (John Caruther’s corner), south 45 west 71 to hic, south 13 west 52 to pop, north 83 west 22 to pop, south 22 west 24 to hic, north 75 west 15 to dog, south 43 west 15 to hic, west 49 to bg, south 4 west 105 to map (in a branch), south 45 west 85 to wo, north 38 west 58 to po, north 25 west 22 to bj, north 20 east 47 to po, north 66 east 40 to ro, north 35 west 33 to po, north 29 east 62 to pine, north 40 west 18 to stake (foot of pine hill), north 7 west 26 to po, north 73 east 88 (crossing creek in Morgan’s line) to ro, north 6 east 33 to stake, south 65 east 50 to stake, north 64 east 40 to begin. Wit: Jno. McLellan, Wm. Gilliam.

Deed 2-525, Cabarrus NC 23 Jan 1798. Adam Eager to Samuel McCurdy, being 218 acres of land “Bought of John Caldwell.” The northern boundaries of this tract are the same as in deed 8-384 above. The southern bounds are different and take in a small state grant to Adam Edger. This tract joins John Carothers on its south end and Samuel White on the north. This tract encompasses (Grant #77, Cabarrus NC) ent. 26 Nov. 1794, iss. 20 Dec 1797 to Adam Edger. The metes and bounds of this smaller grant are from a pine (his own old line) south 24 west 66 to po, south 35 east 49 to so, north 78 east 70 (near his own old line), then north 40 west 108 to begin. CC: Hugh Edger, Adam Edger.

Interesting Side Notes… (Deed 9-349, Cabarrus NC), 8 Sep 1801. Hugh Edger, Late of Mecklenburg NC and now farmer, of Washington County PA appointed Archibald White Senr. of Cabarrus, attorney, to recover from Amos Balch of the Barrony of Cumberland west of the mountains a good title for 500 acres (location not identified). Wit: James Edgar, Sam’l White>

Deed 3-370, Cabarrus NC, 26 Aug 1789. Amos Balch of Greene County NC to Archibald White of Mecklenburg NC, being 1967 acres on both sides of Sugar Creek, a branch of Duck River in the County of Hawkin. The land lies between Andrew Campbell and William Balch lands, being a part of 5,000 acres granted to Amos Balch by letters patent bearing date 10 Jul 1788.

Deed 9-501, Cabarrus NC, 19 Apr 1821. John Phillips to John R. White, being 62 Acres on both sides of Anderson Creek joining the lands of John Carrothers and Samuel McCurdy. Shown in shaded red between map key tracts 7 and 8, the survey begins by a fence on the flint hill, runs north 13 east 58 to pop, north 88 west 22 to pop, south 22 west 24 to hic, north 75 west 26 to dog (by a spring), south 43 west 14 to hic, west 40 to bg, south 4 west 110 to pine, south 53 west 20 to wo, south 60 east 50 to bo, north 32 east 140 to begin. Wit: Samuel Mccurdy, Nathan Phillips. This land was sold from Sam C. Taylor and wife Francine to Leroy Stowe on 18 Oct 1852. At that time the land adjoined “widow Bost.”

8. Deed 15-303, Mecklenburg NC, 12 Dec 1789. Geo Graham, Late Sheriff of Mecklenburg) to John Carothers. Beginning at a wo north 40 east 26 to wo (Garmon’s corner), south 68 east 180 to po (Garmon’s corner), north 39 east 78 po (Osborn’s corner), (with Osborn’s line) north 60 west 68 to bo (Osborn’s corner), north 20 east 100 to gum (Osborn’s corner), north 35 west 36 to pine his own corner), (with his own line) south 31 west 93 (to his own corner), south 73 west 84 wo (his own corner), north 9 west 79 (his own line to his own corner) south 54 west 250 to stake, then back to begin.

Deed 11-17, Cabarrus, 20 Oct 1825. Nathaniel Phillips (Exe. of the estate of John Carothers dec’d) to William Bost.

From the Estate of William Bost:

Known as Tract #4 in the Estate of William Bost, 16 Feb 1829 to Mary Elizabeth Bost who is intermarried with Turner. This is the western half of key map tract # 8. This tract was sold (deed 11-216, Cabarrus NC) by Seneca Turner to Wm. H. Archibald on 20 Jun 1829.

Known as Tract #5 in the Estate of William Bost, 16 Feb 1829 to Hiram Bost.

Deed 11-118, Mecklenburg NC, 4 Feb 1782. Being the grey shaded section to the north of key tract 8, “John Carrothers to daughter Mary for Natural Love and Affection which he hath & bequeath unto the said Mary Carrothers, his daughter and also for better maintenance of said Mary” This conveyance is to take place after the death of wife Eleanor. Being 105 acres beginning at a bo north 22 east 80 to bo, south 82 west 100 to so, south 51 west 50 to hic, south 15 east 32 to hic, south 55 west 48 to bo, south 9 east 74 tp hic and 4 wo, north 73 easst 84, then north 31 east 93 to begin. Dated 4 Jan 1824, Moses Clay, John Clay, Hiram Brown, Isham Clay, and Charles Townsend sold this same piece of land (10-146 Cabarrus NC) to William Bost.

9. Deed ____, Mecklenburg NC, 7 Apr 1779. Thomas Polk, Att. for David Oliphant to Christopher Osborn. Being 87 acres on the waters of Anderson Creek. Beginning at a wo (his other corner) south 62 west 94 to po, south 76 west 60 to bo, north 60 west 110 to bo, north 25 east 98 to corner, then to beginning. Witnesses: Wm. Barker, E. Brevard.

Deed 6-1, Cabarrus NC, 5 Dec 1801, prv’d Apr 1805. George Harris to Jonathan Osborn, being 86 acres on the south side of Anderson’s Creek “joining his own land and Elisha Speirs land said in a state grant to the said Osborn to be William Speirs land.” The metes and bounds mention Christopher Osborn lines and John Carother’s corner. Wit: E. Speirs.

10. Grant #293, Cabarrus NC, ent. 13 Dec 1803, sur. 23 Feb 1804, iss. 24 Feb 1805. Being 118 acres granted to Jonathan Osborn. Lying on both sides of Anderson’s Creek, the metes and bounds are from a wo (his own corner by a pond and running with his line) north 14 west 46 to bo (Christopher Osborn’s corner), (with his line)south 200 to pine, south 21 west 60 to bj, south 39 west 6 to bj, (with Wm. Speirs line) north 3 west 36 to pine (sd. Speirs corner), (with his line) south south 54 west 58 to ro (sd. Speirs corner) (with his line) west 68 to po (sd. Speirs corner in Michael Garmon’s line), (with sd line) north 25 east 76 to po (in a branch, sd. Garmon’s line & John Carrother’s corner), (with said Carrother’s line) north 50 east 6 to po (sd. Carrother’s corner in his old line), (with his line) north 26 east 60 to po (his own corner), (with his own line)north 76 east 60 to po (his own corner), (with his own line) north 62 east 40 to stake (in sd. line), north 40 to stake (in or near his own line), (with his line)north 67 west 154 to gum (his own and John Carrother’s corner), south (with his own line) to begin. this is the same land at in deed 6-1 above. CC: James Clay, Jonathan Osborn.

Deed 9-522, Cabarrus NC, 9 Feb 1805, prv’d Jul 1821. Jonathan Osborn of Cabarrus to William Bost, being 118 acres on Anderson creek confirmed to the said Osborn by state deed. Wit: James N. McKinley, Wm. McLellan.

11. Deed 11-320, Cabarrus NC, 7 Dec 1811, Oct 1830. Rob’t McMurry, Esq. (Sheriff of Cabarrus) to Sam’l Black by his agent Elias Spears. Being 100 acres in Tract 2 on the headwaters of Anderson Creek. Beginning at a stake (in his own old line) north 40 west 80 to bj (in Jacob Sossamon’s line), south 38 west 20 to po, south 79 west 42 to large hic, south 75 west 46 to small po, south 60 west 23 to bo, south 17 west 218 to bo, south 10 east 36 to pine, south 42 east 120 to bj (on the side of the road), south 74 east 40 to po (his old corner), (then with his own and his father’s line) to the beginning. Wit: E. Spears, S. Harris.

Deed 8-105, Cabarrus NC, 25 Feb 1834. Samuel Black to John M. Black being 100 acres “on the north side of the plantation” beginning at a dog (on Green H. Swearengen’s line and with his line) 61 west 60 to the spring to a sas, north 20 west 4 to two small po, north 14 west 30 to bj (Sossamon’s corner in the lane), north 37 west 21 to stake (in the road), south 40 west 9 to bj, north 21 west 17 to wo stump (in McLarty’s line), south 13 west 8 to ro, south 38 west 18 to po, south 78 west 96 to po (supposed corner between Black and McLarty), north 80 west 58 to bo, south 42 to begin. Wit: Robert McEachen, William G. Black. 12 -------------------------------------- Not determined

13. Deed 10-319, Cabarrus NC, date_______. Rob’t McMurry, Sheriff to Sam Black. Being 32 acres beginning at a po (his own corner) south 11 east 94 to bo, south 31 west 34 to pine, south 71 west 44 to hollow, north 62 west 16 to wo, north 4 east 34 to stake in old line, then to begin. Wit:______________

14. Deed 11-42, Cabarrus NC, 10 Mar 1821, James W. Morgan to Green H. Swearengen, being land on the south branch of Anderson Creek. Beginning at a po (Washington Reed and Laird H. Harris corner) north 42 west 100 to 3 dogs (Harris’s corner), north 8 east 14 to stake, south 31 west 58 to bj (Swearengen corner), north 82 west 36 to bo (Sam Black corner), South 11 east 108 to stake (in Black’s line and Peggy McLellan’s corner), north 70 east 74 to bo (said McClellan and Reed corner), north 40 east 20 to po (Reed corner), then to begin. Wit: Jos (x) Howell.

15. Deed 20-522, Cabarrus NC, 5 Aug 1858, prv’d Feb 1859. Elias McLellan (agent for Margaret McLellan) to Joseph R. McLellan. Being 160 acres, situated on the headwaters of Muddy Creek, beginning at a hic or pine (near branch on John C Sossamon’s corner) south 73 east 70 to po (Wiley Carricker’s corner), (with Wiley Carricker’s line north 72 east 65 to pine, north 33 east 68 to bj (By Carricker’s barn), north 71 west 18 to bj, north 30 west 52 to hic, north 32 west 66 to hic, north 68 west 27 to bo, north 50 west 32 (with James A. Cagle’s line) to persimmon, north 55 west 35 to pine, north 10 west 28 to so (G. H. Swearengen), south 51 west 10 to bo, south 72 west 60 to (Joseph M. Black’s corner), south 14 west 43 to bj, south 3 east 33 to so, south 15 west 10 to bj (levi Carricker’s corner), south 34 east 154 (with Levi Carricker’s line) to begin. Wit: Levi Carricker, J. C. Burne.

Made of parts of smaller combined tracts, this land changes shape and size over time.
Some of the related conveyances are as follows:

Deed 15-93, Mecklenburg NC, 20 Aug 1793, prv’d. Andrew Alexander Sheriff of Mecklenburg to Mary Johnston. In the above blow-up, this tract is represented by the black shape. Being 50 acres on the waters of Muddy Creek. The metes and bounds are from b.o. (Michael Garmon’s corner south 32 east 70 to pine, south 66 west 74 to b.j., south 9 west 40 to pine, south 32 west 80 to stake, west 50 to stake, then to begin. Wit: _____

Deed 4-92, Cabarrus NC, 10 Aug 1801. Mary Johnston to Rufus Johnston. Being the same fifty acres. In this conveyance, the land is identified as lying on Meadow Creek.

Deed 7-4, Cabarrus NC, 21 May 1801, prv’d Apr 1807. Thomas Black of Montgomery County to Aaron Wallace. Being 30 acres, this is the second of two adjoining tracts conveyed that creates the northern boundary (red) in the image above. The metes and bounds are from a p.o. (near Michael Garmon’s corner and with his line) south 11 west 62 to b.o. (Garmon’s corner), south 87 west 18 to b.o. (Mary Johnston’s corner), south 3 east 24 to w.o. (Johnston’s other corner), north 26 west 22 to b.o., north 26 east 16 to b.o., north 44 west 48 to r.o., west 182 to p.o., then to begin. Wit: John Black. Jurat: Samuel White.

Deed 18-404, Mecklenburg NC, 5 Dec 1801. George Harris, Sheriff of Mecklenburg to Thomas Black.

Deed 7-4, Mecklenburg NC, 21 May 1806, prv’d Apr 1807. Thomas Black of Montgomery County to Aaron Wallace, being one of two adjoining tracts conveyed. In the image above, this tract is represented by the shaded Red, pink, and black areas excluding the southern black area and western red point. Containing 153 acres, the metes and bounds are from a b.o. south 32 east 70 to pine, south 66 west 74 to b.j., south 9 west 12 to pine, north 82 west 80 to b.j., north 70 west 18 to b.j., north 30 west 48 to hic., north 67 west 28 to b.o., north 54 west 20 to per., north 49 west 30 to pine, north 40 west 22 to s.o., north 50 east 22 to p.o., east 182 to r.o., south 44 east 48 to b.o., south 26 west 16 to b.o., south 26 east 26 to w.o., then to begin. The next plat adjoins this land on the north and northeast sides. Wit: John Black. Jurat: Samuel White.

Deed 19-402, Cabarrus NC, 2 Jan 1828. Wm. McAnulty and Wm. Weddington, Executors of the will of John M. Wallace to John Garmon. In the image above, this tract is represented by the shaded Red, pink, and black areas excluding the southern black area and western red point. Wit: A. Towndsend, David White.

Deed 12-507, Cabarrus NC, 12 Apr 1826, prv’d Jul 8 1836. Jeremiah W. Reed to John and Washington Reed, “all men of color”. Being 128 acres adjoining Green H. Swerengen, John Garmon, Laird H. Harris, & others. The metes and bounds are from p.o. (Swearengen & Harris corner) south 50 west 26 to s.o. (Peggy MCLelland’s corner), (with her line through the field) south 40 east 28 to pine stump, south 55 east 35 to persimmon, south 50 east 30 to b.o., south 68 east 27 to large hic. (out of the field), south 30 east 22 to b.j., south 71 east 18 to b. j. (near the road), south 82 east 55 to b.j. (on the old line), (with Laird H. Harris line, the dividing line through the tract) north 116 to stake, then to begin. Wit: G. H. Swearengen.

Deed 14-358, Cabarrus NC, 22 Oct 1835. L. B. Krimminger Sheriff to Wm. C. Means, being 128 acres sold due to debt owed by Geo. W. Reed and John W. Reed which was recovered by King and Mervin. The land is now adjoining H. B. Taylor, Jno. Garmon, Jos. McLellan, G. H. Swearengen, Starns, and J. M. Gray Company.

Deed 15-145, Cabarrus NC, 19 Oct 1843. Lewis B. Krimminger, Sheriff of Cabarrus to William C. Means. Being 128 acres, where by virtue of an execution isstuing form Cabarrus County against Edward Pitman for $559.54 which sum was recorvered by Margaret Smith.

Deed 19-403, Cabarrus NC, 19 Feb 1844, prv’d Sep 1854. Wm. C. Means to John S. Garmon, being 128 acres. Wit: Nathan Gougenhaimer, J. S. Burkhead.

Deed18-399, Cabarrus NC, 8 Sep 1854, prv’d Sep 1854. Wiley and Moses W. Karricker of Cabarrus to James E. Mallory of City and County of New York in the state of New York. Now being 251 ½ acres, the metes and bounds are from a bo (McLellan’s line), south 82 east 60 to stake (formerly pine, McLellan’s corner), north 9 east 20 to bj (Dell Reed’s corner) north 67 east 98 to hic sprout (on Garmon’s line), north 29 west 92 to bo, north 11 west 66 tp stake (Seneca Turner’s corner), south 86 west 100 to stake, (then beginning at the stake, John Garmon’s corner) south 86 west 144 to po (Green H. Swearengen’s corner), south 52 west 50 to so, McLellan’s former, (sith his line) south 40 east 28 to pine stump, south 53 east 33 to per, south 66 east 27 to hic, south 26 east 24 to bj, south 20 east 32 to stake, south 69 east 18 to bj, south 75 east 54 to bj (the beginning corner at he end of McLellan’s lane.) Wit: Sam’l Lowrie, William Ritchards.

18. Deed 19-674, Mecklenburg NC, 18 Oct 1783, prv’d. John Nelson to Michael Garmon, being 99 acres on both sides of Muddy Creek. The metes and bounds are from a b.o. (south side of creek) north 60 east 50 to pine (on the creek), north 14 west 160 to w.o., north 13 west 70 to p.o., north 54 west 43 to p.o., south 25 west 100 (Crossing the creek) to w.o., then to begin. Wit: ________

19. Deed 13-743, Mecklenburg NC, 12 Dec 1789, prv’d Jan 1790. George Graham esq., late sheriff to Michael Garmon. Being 100 acres sold for taxes. The metes and bounds are from a wo (his own old corner, with his line) north 13 east 70 to po (his own corner), (with his line) north 54 west 52 to po, south 25 west 114 to gum, south 60 west 50 to b.o., north 12 west 60 to b.j., north 46 east 106 to wo, south 68 east 180 to p.o., south 22 west 100 to stake, then to begin. Wit: Chas. T. Alexander

20. Grant ____ , Cabarrus NC, ent 20 Sep 1856, iss 23 Sep 1856. Being 45 acres on Muddy Creek adjoining Henry Long and others. Beginning at a dog (formerly a stake) (formerly Garmon, now H. Long;s and James W. McAnulty and runs with Long’s line south 23 west 143 to ro (Formerly a pine in the field of Long and James W. McAnulty other corner), north 11 west 164 to po (formerly a wo McAnulty and others), south 70 east 94 to begin. CC: D. Still, Henry Long.

Deed 20-230, Cabarrus NC, 3 Dec 1856. Henry Howell to Thomas A. Still, being 35 acres on Muddy Creek. Beginning at a stake and dog, (formerly Garmon, now McAnulty) south 23 west 143 to ro and pine (Long and James W. McAnulty corner), north 11 west 164 to wo and po (McAnulty and others), south 70 east 94 to begin. Wit: Jesse D. Still.

21. Deed 15-42 Mecklenburg NC 27 Oct 1794, prv’d Oct 1784. Andrew Alexander, Sheriff, to Elisha Spears. Land “on the west side of the Dutch Road adjacent to Jonathan Osborn and Michael Garmon.” Beginning at a pine running north 14 east 100 (crossing a road) to a po, north 40, north 68 east 40 to bj, north 16 west 24 to bo, north 84 west 26 to pine, south 54 west 54 to so, west 40 (on Garmon’s line) to po, south 10 west 18 (on Garmon’s line) to ro, south 68 west 160 (with Garmon’s open line) to stake, then to begin.

Deed 10-113, Cabarrus NC, 17 Apr 1821, prv’d Jul 1823. John McLellan, late Sheriff of Cabarrus to William W. Speirs. The Sherifftook into custody and sold “a parcel of land the property of J. G. Spiers situated & being in the county of Cabarrus & on the waters of Anderson Creek butted and bounded as follows – Beginning at a pine in or near Michael Garmon’s land.” Wit: Allison Fleming. Jurat John McGinnes.

Estate of William Bost, deceased, Cabarrus NC, 6 Feb 1829. Being Lot #1, 170 acres to Katherine Long. Henry and Katherine Long of Union County sold the land (Deed 34-576 Cabarrus, 4 Apr 1873) now a slightly different shape and 200 acres to Alfred Allen of Cabarrus.

24. Grant #756, Cabarrus NC, ent. 26 May 1855, sur. 30 Nov 1855, iss. 25 Aug 1856. Issued to I S. Linker, being 201 ½ acres on Muddy Creek adjoining the lands of Jos. S. Black and others. This tract is identified in the key map as #24, being all the red and non shaded land outlined in a course black line. The metes and bounds are from a hic (Jos S. Black’s corner) north 82 ½ west 97 ½ to stake (Jos. S. Black’s corner), south 35 west 45 1.2 to b.j. (Black’s other corner), south 85 west 30 ½ to (Dr. Leventhorpe’s) corner, south 2 east 90 to dog (formerely a hic. (Dr. Leventhorpe’s corner), south 55 ½ east 10 to pine (Linker’s own corner), south 78 east 73 to b.j. (Linker’s corner), south 54 ½ east 64 to p.o., south 65 east 26 to p.o. (Morrison’s corner), north 43 east 17 (crossing a branch) to stone (McLellan’s corner), south 72 east 57 (crossing a branch) 57 to w.o. (near the branch McLellan’s other corner), north 35 ½ west 89 ½ to stake, Swearengain’s corner), north 23 west 22 to pine (at a branch Swearengain’s corner), north 64 west 15 to p.o. (swearengain’s corner), north 42 west 94 to p.o. (Swearengain’s corner), north 5 ½ west 80 to the beginning. CC: Elias McLellan, Jos. S. Black.

Grant # 771, Cabarrus NC, ent. 14 Mar 1868, sur. 5 Jun 1868, iss. 19 Aug 1868. Issued to Isaac S. Linker, being 14 ¾ acres on both sides of Muddy Creek adjoining the lands of Elias McLellan, W. H. Clay, J. H. Blair, and Wm. J, Morrison. This small tract is shaded pink and is located at the southeast tip of key tract # 24 above. The metes and bounds are from a w.o. (near the creek, Blair’s & McLellan’s corner, running with McLellan’s line north 42 east 26 to dead pine (McLellan’s corner), (with McLellan’s line) north 27 west 65 to stake (in W. H. Clay’s line), (with Clay’s line) south 42 west 34 to hic. (Clay’s corner on Blair’s line), (with Blair’s line) south 35 ½ east 60 to the beginning corner, (with two of Blair’s lines) north 71 west 57 to stone, south 43 west 17 to stake (Blair’s corner on Morrison’s line), south 48 east 7 to stake (McLellan’s corner on Morrison’s line), (with McLellan’s line east 60 to begin. CC: Joseph S. Black, Wm. H. Clay.

25. Grant # 725, Cabarrus NC, ent. 5 Mar 1847, sur. 8 Mar 1847, iss. 16 Dec 1847. Issued to G,. H. Swearengain and Joseph S. Black, the warrant is for 200 acres “adjoining the lands of John Black, David Long Dec’d, and his own lands and lands of others lying on the head waters of Muddy Creek.” This appears to be the same land that was issued to I. S. Linker as shown in grant # 756 above. The survey is for 11 ½ acres that appears to join the northeast side of # 756 above. The metes and bounds are from a hic. (a corner of David Long Dec’d) south 5 east 80 to p.o. (G. H. Swearengain corner), north 26 east 88 to p.o., (Said Swearengain’s corner in or near John Black’s line), then west 45 to begin. CC: Wm. J. Teeter, E. C. Black.

26. Deed 21-57, Cabarrus NC, 12 Apr 1866. W. H. Clay to E. C. Black, being land on Muddy Creek joining Elias McLellan and others. Beginning at a hic I.S Linker’s north 35 west 32 to sg, north 25 west 22 to pine, north 9 west 145 to bj (in Levi Carriker;s line), (with Levi Carriker) south 75 east 154 to bj (Sossamon’s corner), south 14 west 18 (with McLellan) to bj, south 41 west 185 to hic.

27. Grant 759, Cabarrus NC, ent. 2 Oct 1855, sur. 5 Nov. 1855, iss. 9 Apr 1857. Issued to John C. Sossoman, being 13 ½ acres on Muddy Creek. The metes and bounds are from a stake (Sossamon’s and McLelands’s corner) south 75 east 70 to p.o. (Wiley Carriker’s & McLeland’s corner), south 22 ½ west 74 ½ to b.j. (Carriker & Swearengen corner), north 12 ½ east 18 to b. j. (H. M. Sossamon’s corner) north 30 ½ east 35 to p.o. (Sossamon’s other corner), north 45 west 41 to begin. CC: Wiley Carriker, William R. McLelland.

28. Deed 7-108, Mecklenburg NC, 13 Apr 1779, prv’d ---. Being 176 acres on Muddy Creek, Thomas Polk for David Oliphant to Harden Warner. Wit: John Nelson, Phillip Miller.

Deed 13-483, Mecklenburg NC, 13 Jul 1788, prv’d ____________. Charles and wife Mary Townsend to Joseph Howell. 126 acres on Muddy Creek originally “surveyed for Harday Warner”. Wit: Charles T. Alexander, Martin Means.

Deed 2-333, Cabarrus NC, 28 Dec 1795, prv’d Jul 1797. Joseph Howell and Margaret (XT) his wife to Lewis Underwood. Being 176 acres on Muddy Creek. Wit: Jonatathan Fink, John (x) Stewart.

Deed 8-149, Cabarrus NC, 1807, prv’d Jul 1812. David McKinley to Thomas McEachron. . Being two tracts including this one now described as 188 acres. The land adjoins his own and that of William Howell. Wit: John McLellan, David Purviance.

Deed _____, Cabarrus NC, 5 Oct 1850, prv’d ________. Jane M. McEachern, Executrix of Thomas MCEachern to John C. Sossamon. In this transaction, the southern end of the tract has been cut away as indicated in the plat. Now the tract s adjoins lands of H. B. Taylor, Joseph McLelland, G. H. Swearengen, L. L. McLelland, and the Bethel Church lot. The small cross on this plat indicates where lines joining the church lot. Wit: Margaret S. Russell, G. H. Swearengen.

Deed 23-169, Cabarrus NC, 19 Oct 1855, prv’d 30 Dec 1870. John C. Sossamon to Hugh B. Taylor and James White (Trustees of Bethel Church of the Methodist E. Church South) for the respect and love for the said church doth give and donate to the said trustees and their successors a certain piece or parcel of land adjoining the lands on which the said church is built containing one acre. Wit: Wiley Carricker, Gr. H. Swearengen.

Deed 20-160, Cabarrus NC 5 Nov 1855, prv’d Oct 1856. John C. Sossamon to Wiley Carricker. Being the northern portion of tact # 34, this deed is for 148 acres. The metes and bounds reflect the location of Bethel United Methodist Church, from a hic (H. B. Taylor’s corner) north 51 west 147 to hic (W. Carricker’s own corner), south 76 ½ west 52 to po (McLellan’s corner), south 23 west 74 to bj (Leverengame’s corner), south 44 east 222 to two wo (on McLellan’s line), north 56 east 17 to po (church land corner), north 7 ½ east 26 to (small pine church corner), north 82 west 5 poles to bo (church corner), north 1 west 16 to (small pine church corner), south 80 east 16 to bo sapling (by pine church corner), north 5 west 76 to pine (McEachern’s corner), north 52 ½ east 38 to begin. Wit: Thos. A. Still, G. H. Swearengen.

29. deed 21-251 Cabarrus NC, 2 Aug 1854. Joseph McLellan to Willie Carricker of Union County. Being 69 acres adjoining H. B. Taylor amd Thos McEachen. The metes and bounds are from a pine north 33 east 65 to bj, south 71 east 20 to bj, south 82 east 90 to pine (near Della Reed), south 11 east 33 to pine (in Hugh B. Taylor’s field), south 32 west 82 to hic, west 52 to stake (on McEachen’s line), then north 42 west 85 to begin.

31. Deed 38-375, Cabarrus NC 27 Nov 1868. Hugh B. Taylor and wife Rosine Taylor of Pitt County NC to William M. Talley. From a wo south 26 east 86 to hic, north 78 east 5 to dog, south 21 east 19 to bo, south 48 west 98 to hic, north 46 west 8 to wo (Mceachern’s corner), north 36 west 42 to wo, north 47 west 61 to pine, north 12 east 22 to pine, north 42 west 52 to bg, south 30 west 35 to hic, north 61 west 16 to po, north 32 east 110 to pine (McLeelan’s corner), north 10 east 25 to hic, south 45 east 62 to wo (Delila Reed’s) south 61 east 48 to begin. Wit: M. Tally.

33. Deed 10-414, Cabarrus, 13 Apr 1827. Eli Newel to Wm. Newel, being 115 acres on both sides of the north fork of Muddy Creek. The metes and bounds of this tract when drawn do not match the surrounding tracts. I believe there was an error in early transcriptions of the record in which an angle of 71 degrees was mistakenly brought forward in time as 21 degrees. The metes ad bounds are from a hic (Wm. Taylor’s corner) down the branch to wo, south 30 east 88 H. B. Taylor’s passing a corner) to hic, north 70 east 5 to po (David Taylor’s, south 21 east 51 (David Taylor’s to old spring house), north 21 71 east 90 to hic, north 64 east 120 to pine, north 7 west 26 to pine, north 82 west 6_ to bj, north 85 west 106 to begin.

34. Grant # 740, Cabarrus NC, ent. 28 Oct 1851, sur. 5 Dec 1851, iss. 14 Feb 1852. Issued to Henry M. Sossamon, being 15 acres on Muddy Creek and both sides of Fayetteville Road and adjoining lands of Delila Reed and others. The metes and bounds are from a r.o. (Delila Reed’s corner) south 40 west 50 to stake (in Newell’s line), (sith his line) south 82 east 23 to p.o. (formerly a b.j. , Newell’s corner), (with another of his lines) south 80 east 60 to small hic. (formerly a pine (Newell’s corner), north 6 west 32 to w.o. (on Robert Mcachran’s line, then (with his line) north 60 west 48 to begin. CC: Robert G. Mcachran, Henry M. Sossamon.

35. Deed 15-41, Mecklenburg NC, 8 Jan 1795, prv’d Oct 1794. Andrew Alexander, Sheriff of Mecklenburg, to William Spears. Being 172 acres between the waters of Anderson’s and Muddy Creek. The metes and bounds are from a p.o. (corner of Spears other survey, running across the Dutch Wagon Road) north 55 west 18 to pine, north 24 east 4 to small r. o., west 100 to b. j., south 41 west 74 to b. j., south 78 west 100 to small b. j., south 20 east 44 to pine, south 60 east 100 to p. o., east 100 (across the Dutch Road) to b. j., then to begin.

Deed 11-264, Cabarrus NC, 18 Nov 1829, prv’d Jan 1830. Wm. McAnulty & Wm. Wadington Ex’s of John Wallace Dec’d to John Black. Being 172 acres “including the the old Charleston Dutch Road & old Fayetteville Road X-ing at Clay’s Ford. Rob’t McLellan relinquishes rights to Wm McAnulty & Wm. Wadington as “Robt’ McLellan “rec’d full & entire satisfaction for the same according to a contract entered into between myself & John Wallace during his lifetime.” Wit: Wm. H. Archibald. Signed: Wm. McAnulty, Wm. Wadinton, Rob’t McLellan.

Deed 11-262, Cabarrus NC, 18 Nov 1829, prv’d Jan 1830. John Black to Wm. McAnulty. Being 172 acres “On the dividing ridge between Muddy Creek and Anderson’s Creek” “Including the X-roads (viz) the Dutch Charleston road & old Fayetteville road.” Wit: Wm. H. Archibald, Wm. Wadington.

Deed 11-384, Cabarrus NC, 21 Apr 1821, prv’d Jul 1831. John McLellan, Esq., High Sheriff, to Rob’t McLellan. Being 172 acres sold for taxes. Wit: Rosannah McLellan.

Deed 15-390, Cabarrus NC, 12 Aug 1845 John H. McLellan of Hardeman TN to Rob’t McEachearn. Being 172 acres beginning on the Yellow Branch of Anderson’s Creek and joining lands of James A. Garmon and the old Turner tract. Wit: James W. Rogers, Samuel W. Rogers, Samuel Ervin.

36. Division of lands f M. M. Furr, Cabarrus NC. Shaded Gray and an arrow pointing down, the metes and bounds for this tract are from a stake (north side of Charlotte Highway) south 75 east to stake (on John S. Turner’s line), south 87 east 86 to stake, south 36 west 182 to stone, north 50 west 34 to stone, north 21/2 west 148 to begin.

37. Grant # 722, Cabarrus NC, ent. 24 Oct 1846, sur. 10 Mar 1847, iss. 5 Apr 1847. Issued to William J. Teeter, being 71 acres on the headwaters of Muddy Creek. The metes and bounds are from a p.o. (Newell’s corner) north 65 west 26 to p.o. and dog (on south prong of said creek), north 52 ½ west west 64 to b.j., north 78 ½ west 72 to pine, north 55 west 10 to fallen hic. (Morrison’s corner), south 20 east 86 to p.o., (in William’s line), south 87 east 34 to w.o. and 2 dog (Said William’s corner), south 111 to b.j. (Said William’s corner), north 53 east 18 to hic. (near Newell’s line), north 7 west 6 poles 20 lks to dog (said Newell’s corner), (then with his line), north 36 ¾ east 131 to begin. CC: Stephen Aycock, John H. Teeter.

38. Deed 14-61, Cabarrus NC, 14 Feb 1835, prv’d Jan 1838. Aaron Townsend to Elias McLellan, being 57 acres on both sides of Muddy Creek and on the northwest side of “Fayette Road.” The metes and bounds are from a p.o., (on said road by a corner of a field) north 46 west 52 to hic., south 38 west 3 to p.o., north 30 west 36 to b.o., south 50 west 56 (crossing the creek) to w.o., west 42 to stake (in Newell’s line), south 63 east 45 to p.o., south 10 east 112 (crossing the creek) to w.o. (on said road), then to the begin. Wit: William G. Townsend, Henry P. Townsend.

Deed 14-471, Cabarrus NC, __________, prv’d ________. Elias McLellan to Robert H. Morison. To settle a debt, Elias sold this and another tract (below). Wit: ________

39. Deed 14-409, Cabarrus NC, 8 Aug 1840, prv’d Apr 1842. Aaron Townsend to Elias McLellan, being 90 acres on Muddy Creek. The metes and bounds of this tract are from a b.j. (with Thomas McCachran’s line) south 45 east 110 to w.o., south 57 west 36 to b.j., south 46 west 116 to p.o. (Elias McLellan’s corner), north 30 west 36 to b.o., south 52 west 30 to pine (D. Long’s corner), north 35 west 58 to b.j., (E. C. Black’s line), then north 50 east 150 to begin. Wit: J. W. Means, Edward Pittman.

Deed 14-417, Cabarrus NC, ____________, prv’d _______. In order to settle debt, Elias McLellan sold this and the tract above to Robert H. Morrison. This is the same land as 14-409 above. Being one of two tracts in this conveyance, the other tract is the same as defined in 14-61 above. Wit: ______________.

40. Deed 21-153, Cabarrus NC, 4 Mar 1853, prv’d Jan 1861. L. C. McLellan of Cobb County GA to Wim. R. McLellan. Being 109 acres on Muddy Creek. The metes and bounds fail to close, but are listed as from a stake and w.o. (on the west side of the Cheraw Road), north 46 west 44 to stake, south 64 east 130 to b.j. (Gray’s corner), north 7 east 24 to p.o. in place of b.j., north 28 east 80 to two p.o. (in the school house yard), north 31 east 6 to b.o., north 46 west 90 to w.o., north 45 west 26 to hic., south 7 west 36 to p.o., south 46 west 43 to b.o. (on the west side of the Cheraw Road), south 6 east 22 to p.o., then south 26 east 30 to begin. Wit: J. M. Black, Elam King.

A Special Note: Deed 8-109, Cabarrus NC, 23 Jan 1812. Robert McMurry Esq., (Sheriff of Cabarrus) to Thomas McEachern, by his agent Elisha Spiers. Defined as 30 acres, the land is much larger and the plat when drawn fails greatly to close. For that reason, and because it overlaps more modern conveyances, this tract does not appear on the key map. The tract is basically a triangle beginning at the southeastern point of # 28, runs southwest, and then northwest to the bj on the northwest corner of #28. It may make up, at least in part, key map tracts #39 and 40 above The metes and bounds are from a dog north 41 west 278 to bj (his own corner), (his line) south 75 east 238 to po (his corner), north 66 east 60 to po, then to begin.

41. Deed 4-172, Cabarrus NC, 5 Dec 1801, George Harris Esq., late Sheriff to Beverly Gray. The metes and bounds are from a p.o. (in his old line) north 34 west 82 to b.o. (William Howell’s corner), (with his line) south 64 west 32 to w.o. & persimmon (on a branch), north 50 west 14 to hic., north 62 west 18 to p.o., north 5 west 8 to p.o. (on the side of the road), north 43 west 103 to b. o., south 29 west 46 to b. j. grub (Michael Garmon’s corner), with his line to begin. Wit: Samuel McCurdy, Michael Garmon.

42. Deed 10-343, Mecklenburg NC, 7 Apr 1779, prv’d ---. Thomas Polk for David Oliphant to John Nelson, being 37 acres on Muddy Creek “joining the Harday Warner survey.” The metes and bounds are from a hic. (on the bank of the creek) north 32 east 20 to a p. o., south 75 west 60 to p. o., south 60 west 50 to hic., south 35 east 92 to w. o., then (cross the branch) north 64 east 20 to begin.

Deed 13-481, Mecklenburg NC, 2 Dec 1787, prv’d Jul 1788. John Nelson to Joseph Howell for the 37 acres above.. Wit: Hezekiah Bryant, Charles Townsend.

Deed 8-37, Cabarrus NC, 5 Dec 1801, George Harris Esq., Sheriff, to William Howell. Being two small tracts making up 17 acres on the waters of MuddyCreek . The metes and bounds of this, the first tract are from a w.o. & persimmon (on the bank of the creek) north 62 east 12 to w.o. (his own corner), (with his line) north 35 west 92 to stake (by David McKinley’s field, south 8 west 43 to p.o. (Michael Garmon’s corner, with his line to the beginning. This tract is the small grey shaded area adjoining the southwest line of key map tract #43.

Deed 8-37, Cabarrus NC, 5 Dec 1801, George Harris Esq., Sheriff, to William Howell. Being two small tracts making up 17 acres on the waters of Muddy Creek. The metes and bounds of this, the second tract are from a p.o. (his own corner and with his line) south 75 west 36 to p.o. (in said line), north 43 east 35 to p.o. (John Gray’s corner), (with his line) south 41 east 28 to p.o., south 4 east 16 to small gum (in fork of said creek, Thos. Black’s corner), (with his line)south 26 west 70 to r. o. (his own old corner), (with same) to begin. This tract is the small grey shaded area adjoining the northeast line of key map tract # 43.

43. Deed 19-223, Cabarrus NC, 2 Dec 1852, prv’d July 1853. Hugh B. Taylor to John C. Sossamon, Thomas M. Ervin, and Robert L. Archibald. Being 125 acres “on Muddy Creek joining Jane McEachen, Isaac Howell, H. Newell, and others. Beginning at a bo (near old Fayetteville road, south 20 east 35 to the spring, north71 east 91 to a hic, north 64 east 120 to stone, south 6 east 78 to po, south 84 west 65 to stake, south 19 west 65 to persimmon, north 58 west 31 to bo, south 69 west 92 to dog, north 73 west 70 , north 43 west 26 to stake (Howell and McEachern corner, north 24 east 21 to wo, north 46 west 16 to hic (near old Fayetteville Road), then to begin. Wit: James M. Ervin, John Stogner.

44. Deed 11-45, Cabarrus NC, 18 ----1827. William (x) Taylor to David Kizor. Being 50 acres on both sides of Muddy Creek. Beginning at a pine south 37 east 50 to bo, north 20 west 18 to bo, north 55 east 60 to po, south 22 east 49 to pine, north 33 east 12 to po, north 7 west 98 to po (H. B. Taylor’s corner), (with Taylor’s line, south 84 west 64 to pine , north 13 west 25 to bo, south 19 west 100 to begin. Wit: David Purvience, Mark Kiser.

Deed 19-44, Cabarrus NC, 6 Nov 1851. Samuel H. Gray to John M. Gray, being the same 50 acres conveyed in key map # 44 above.

45. Deed 11-121, Cabarrus NC, 4 Apr 1825, prv’d Oct 1828. James Tucker to William Spears. Being 87 acres on the waters of Muddy Creek, the survey shape for this tract does not come close to closing. Though indicating an error, the survey provides valuable clues locating McDaniel’s Branch and several other tracts of land. There is a later parcel of land that overlaps this tract. Deed 11-121 takes the form of a red arrowhead that points to the left. The metes and bounds are from a lightwood stake, (on Robert McLellan’s line) south 37 west 150 (with Dan’l Sossoman’s line) to r.o. (Sossoman’s corner), south 21 east 80 (with Sossoman’s line) to b.o. (Sossoman’s corner), south 50 west 7 to pine (on bank of McDaniel’s branch), south 71 west 50 (with James Tucker’s line) to r.o. (Wm. Taylor’s corner), north 60 west 241 (with Wm. Taylor, David Taylor & Eli Newell) to b.j (in Rob’t McLellan line), 60 east (along sd. line) 56 to p.o (gone), then 72 to begin. Wit: Wm. Archibald, A. Pickens.

Deed 11-139, Cabarrus NC, 19 Aug 1828, prv’d Jan 1829. Wm. W. Spears to Seneca Turner The deed reads similar to the above with changes or additions in red: from litewood stake (on Rob’t McLellan’s line) south 37 west 150 (with Dan’l Sossoman’s line) to r.o. (Sossamon’s corner), south 21 east 80 (with Sossamon’s line) to b.o. (Sossamon and Wallace’s corner), south 50 west 7 to pine (on bank of McDaniel’s Branch), south 71 west 50 (with James Tucker’s line) to r.o., (Wm. Taylor’s corner), (with Willliam Taylor, David Taylor, and Eli Newell’s line) north 60 west 241 to b.j. (on Robt McLellan’s line), then __ 60 east 56 (along McLellan’s line) to p.o., then 72 to begin. Wit: John Barnhart, Thos. W. McLellan.

46. Deed 14-295, Cabarrus NC, 16 Feb 1824. Henry Pharr to Walter S. Pharr, being 320 acres identified on the key map as all of the red shaded areas under numbers 24 and 46. Beginning at a pop (on a branch John M. Wilson and Robert Pharr’s corner and with said Pharr’s line north 57 west 34 to ash, north 10 west 15 to wo, north 75 west 76 to hic, north 11 to hic, north 89 west 82 to wo, north 25 to ro (on the wagon road), 160 to bo (Samuel Morrison’s corner), north 16 east 26 to to bj, north 10 east 94 to bj, north 72 east 54 to ro, east 13 to ro, south 40 east 78 to bo, south 44east 20 to per, south 10 east 136 to pt, south 68 east 10 to per, south 23 east 46 to bo (by the Great Road), then to begin.

47. Deed 13-85, Cabarrus NC, 13 Aug 1835, prv’d Apr 1837. Robert Farr to Samuel M. Fullwood. Beginning at a ro, south 42 west 20, south 12 west 26 to wo, south 26 east 28 to hic, south 46 east 48 to po, south 16 east 46 to ro (on a branch), south 37 east 46 to pop (by a branch), south 34 east 50 to wo (old corner), south 85 east 115 to bo (in Wilson’s line), north 39 west 22 to bo (by a wagon road), north 34 east 128 to pop (on a branch), north 58 west 36 to ash, north 10 west 45 to wo, north 75 west 76 to hic, north 11 to hic, north 89 west 82 to wo, north 28 to wo, north 31 west 86 to po, north 80 west 40, then to begin. Wit: Wm. Gilliam, Edward Pitman.

48. Deed 13-839 Mecklenburg NC, 12 Dec 1789. Geo. Graham, Sheriff of Mecklenburg to Thomas Shelby planter of the other part, being 163 acres on Clear Creek. This tract is all of the gray shaded area identified under key map #48. Beginning at a bo, north 40 west 44 to bo, north 34 east 244 to po (near a branch), north 20 west 40 to po (in a hallow), east 84 to dog, south 212 to stake, south 46 west 20 to bo (Wiley’s corner), south 20 east 32 to bj, north 42 west 132 (with Shelby’s line) to wo, south 35 west 140 to begin.

Deed 10-258, Cabarrus NC, 4 Oct 1824, prv’d Jan 1825. William Harris, Esq. to John M. Wilson of Mecklenburg. Being 100 acres lying ‘principally on the waters of Clear Creek, this tract is identified on the key map as the textured right side of 48. This tract appears to be a widow’s dower portion of the original tract of Thomas Shelby "adjoining the lands of said Wilson & Samuel Morrison & purchased by Rob’t Harris Dec’d at the sale of Sarah Shelby Dec’d & by the said Rob’t Harris conveyed to the present grantor.” Exception to the conveyance: “Elenor Harris, relict of Robert Harris, Dec’d is during her natural life to possess full right & occupancy in & to said lands. Beginning at a dog (a corner of the original tract of land) south 1 east 280 to po ( a corner of sd. tract), south 45 west 19 to sg, north 40 west 78 to hic, north 226 to bj (on the old line), (with said line) north 89 east 52 to begin. Wit: Cyrus A. Alexander, Andrew Davis.

Deed 8-567, Cabarrus NC, 21 Aug 1816, prv’d Apr 1817. Moses Shelby to John M. Wilson, being 250 acres on Clear Creek. Moses Shelby to John M. Wilson. This tract is all of #48, excluding the right half which was cut off in Deed 10-258 above. This tract also encompasses a diamond shaped addition to the south west knotch indicating at early acquisition hinted in Deed 13-839 above. Beginning at a pile of stones (on said Moses Shelby’s field, Moses Wiley’s and Wilson’s corner and runs with two lines of said Wilson) south 52 west 54 to bj…, north 49 west 146 to bo (William’s corner), north 8 west 16 to bo (beside the old…., north ..east 266 (crossing the said road) to po, north 20 west 46 to pi (in hollow), due east 44 to bj, Robert Harris’s corner( then with his lines) due south ___ to hic (by his own fence), (with Harris’s line south 39 east 78 to gum, north 66 (46?) east 10 to ___, (south 19 east 30 to dog (on said Wilies line), (with his line) south 60 west 64 to begin. Wit: James Morrison, Sarah R. Wilson.

Deed 14-46, Cabarrus NC, 24 May 1836. Isaac Wilson to Robert Russell of Mecklenburg. Identified on the key map as all the land encompassed by the black bold line surrounding tract #48. Beginning at a bo, north 24 west 67 to bo, east 5 to bo, north 39 west 22 to bo (by a road), (with Samuel Fulwood’s line) north 35 east 147 to pop (Fullwood and Pharr’s corner), north 10 east 135 (with Pharr’s line) to bo (Pharr’s corner at a wagon road), north 79 east 24 to be (Pharr’s corner)m east 100 to wo and dog (old corner), south 1 east 247 to bo (Wm. morison’s corner), south 17 east 25 , south 25 west 20, north 50 west 4, South 25 wet 22, south 21 east 30, south 58 west 19 to stake, south 16 east 86 to stake in branch, south 65 west 44 to map (on bank of branch), then to begin.

Deed 12-369, Cabarrus NC, 16 Feb 1839. Henry Pharr to Robert Pharr.

Note that tract # 48 should make contact with the gray shaded tract # 63, but it does not. The cause is likely the interpretation for locating the Shelby lands that adjoined early conveyances for tracts 50, 56, 57, and 67 The land around numbers 47, 48, 54, 55, and 63 need further consideration.

49. Deed 21-136, Cabarrus NC, 29 Mar 1853, prv’d 20 Nov 1860. Henry Long, Exe. Of C. E. Sehorn dec’d of Union County to E. C. Black. That where in his life C. E. Sehorn in his lifetime entered bond for making conveyance to E. C. Black. Situated on both sides of Muddy Creek, the metes and bounds are from a p.o. south 12 west 30 to b.j. (formerly a stone), north 58 west 18 to p.o. (William J. Morrison’s corner), north ` west 27 to w.o. (on the west side of old Fayetteville Road, Elias McLellan’s corner), (with four of his lines) north 42 east 23 to stake (on side of the road), north 40 east 64 to stake (in the said road), north 55 east 48 (crossing the creek to side of the road) to p.o., north 46 west 42 to p.o. (in Elias McLellan’s yard)m south 65 east 141 (crossing the Cheraw Road) to b.j. (Leander McLellan’s and Beverly Gray’s heirs corner), south 5 west 129 (crossing the creek and Cheraw Road) to p.o. (on the side of the road) (Beverly Gray’s corner), then north 70 west 160 to begin. Wit: David Howell, Isaac Howell.

Deed 23-187, Cabarrus NC, 18 Feb 1863. William J. Black and David M. Flow to William McLelland, being 109 acres on Muddy Creek “known as the parsonage except two thirds of the mineral interests with privileges of roads and timber.

50. Deed 10-311, Mecklenburg NC, 3 Apr 1779, prv’d ---. Thomas Polk, attorney for David Oliphant to William Haynes. (See above plat) Being 326 acres situated on the waters of Muddy Creek and identified in the key map as a gray “T” shaped tract extending out from #50. The metes and bounds are from a w.o. south 46 east 42 (crossing the creek) to hic., south 52 west 102 to p.o., north 56 west 120 to w.o., south 88 west 20 to b.o., south 38 west 200 to p.o., north 53 west 40 to w.o. (crossing a branch), north 25 east 150 to w.o., north 70 west 146 to p.o., north 12 east 120 to p.o., then to beginning. This tract includes all land above outlined boldly in black.

Deed 11-93, Mecklenburg NC, 8 Sep 1781, prv’d Apr 1782. William Haynes to Jacob Self, being 70 acres. This tract is in the lower center and south of the red horizontal dashed line. It includes all the land in the long arm running south from the main tract. Wit: John Allison, William Mitchell.

Deed 12-287, Mecklenburg NC, 13 Oct 1783, prv’d Apr 1784. Susannah Daniel to “Robgert John.” Situated on the waters of Muddy Creek, being 147 acres including the eastern end of the land deeded in 10-311. The eastern third of the larger tract, the metes and bounds in this transaction are for land adjoining the “Thomas Mary line” to the west and also William Mitchell lands. It is interesting that Daniel Little acquired the red shaded land to the southeast. Wit: Rees Shelby, Daniel McTheney.

Deed 1-24, Cabarrus NC, 28 Feb 1791, prv’d Jul 1793. Jacob Self to Martin Means, Being 60 acres on Muddy Creek beginning at t wj (Martin’s old line), southwest 80 to po, southeast 84 to hic, east to a ro, along said Mean;s line) to begin. This tract should make up a major portion of the dark gray and red shaded land in the above map. Wit: William Polk, Thos. Polk.

Deed 1-___ Cabarrus NC, 6 Dec 1793, prv’d Jan 1794. Martin Means to Daniel Little, being 95 acres situated on each side of Muddy Creek. Shown in the above as shaded in light gray (including the dark gray and red) , this subdivision when drawn out extends beyond the original shape of the tract to include the triangular addition extending from the southwest side of the original tract. At the time of this transaction, the western line of the survey (in gray) begins at Wm. Mitchell’s corner and runs with his conditional line. Jurat: Tobias Glotz.

Deed 2-227, Cabarrus NC, 14 Jan 1797, Prv’d Jan 1797. Daniel Little to Michael Garmon, being two tracts totalling 301 acres. The deed was witnessed by Joseph Howell, Allen Freeman Jurat. The tracts are:

1st tract: On the east side of Muddy Creek beginning at a bo (William Mitchell’s corner and with his conditional line) south 4 north west 104 to po (his corner), south 54 west 74 to po, south 31 east 94 to hic, north 24 east 68 to bo, north 88 east 28 to wo, north 46 west 42 to wo, then to begin. This tract is shaded dark gray and is a part of William Haynes original deed 10-31..

2nd Tract: Beginning at the corner of the first tract north 55 west 120 (with said line) to wo, south 88 west 20 to bo, (with the same line) south 24 west 68 to hic, south 88 east 146 to begin. This tract is shaded dark red and should not be seen as part of William Haynes deed 10-31.

Deed 8-100, Cabarrus NC, 22 Feb 1812, prv’d Apr 1812. Robert McMurry, Sheriff of Cabarrus to David Purviance. This is the same land as in tract two of deed 2-227 above. The metes and bounds are from a b.o. (south side of Muddy Creek, his own corner & running with his own line) south 85 west 172 to hic. (his own & William McAnulty’s & Michael Garmon’s corner), (with Michael Garmon’s line) north 28 east 78 to b.o., north 88 east 28 to w.o., then south 56 east 120 to begin. Wit: A. Townsend, A. McCurdy.

13-882, Mecklenburg NC, 15 Jun 1790, prv’d Apr 1791. Jacob Self to Rebecca Ford, being 70 acres on the north side of Clear Creek. This tract cannot be located due to the incomplete legal description. But mentioning Mitchel’s land, it must be nearby. The metes and bounds are from a po (on Self’s line) north 215 to wo (on William Mitchell’s line), (with said line as far as it goes where it may be 40 pole), (along the vacant land) southwest 68, then 300 to big pine (above Henry Ford’s field), then to begin. Wit: James Brach. Allen Freeman.

51. Deed 17-302, Cabarrus NC, Jul 1849. Jane Gray to E. C. Black for one dollar. Being 188 acres on Muddy Creek and “the land upon where I live.” Being tract #51 which is outlined in red and encompasses the eastern arm of tract # 50, the metes and bounds are from a hic (an old corner of the old tract) north 86 east 173 to s.h. & r.o. (David Purvience’s corner), north 50 east 116 to hic., north 47 west 49 to w.o., north 31 west 83 to p.o., north 65 west 93 to dog, then south 25 west 238 to begin. Jane Gray is indebted to Isaac N. Alexander, Adm. of C. T. Alexander, dec’d. Wit: K. B. Gray, David S. Howell.

Deed 19-384, Cabarrus NC, 17 Jan 1850. Henry Long, Exe of Charles S. Sehorn Dec’d to D. C. Purvience. Wit: Joseph M. Black, J. M. Black.

Deed 22-370, Cabarrus NC. Hugh B. Taylor & W. H. Taylor to Asa Brumblo of Union County. Wit: W. McTally, L. L. Teeter.

Deed 22-331, Cabarrus NC, 10 Dec 1866. Asa Brumbelow of Union County NC to Jonathan Lowrie, being 188 acres adjoining “Carson, Purvience, Gray’s Heirs and others.” Wit: Cullen Parker, William Griffin.

52. Deed 14-179, Cabarrus NC, 22 Jan 1836, prv’d Apr 1839. David White to Nathan Green, the land being 150 acres on both sides of Muddy Creek made of two tracts. The two combined tracts is the same shape as the one piece of land appearing to the left in a later conveyance. The metes and bounds are from a p.o. north 30 west 108 to p.o., north 30 west 46 to r.o., north 20 east 50 to p.o., then to beginning of that plot, then north 67 east 86 to b.o., south 59 east 28 to p.o., south 30 west 4 to pine, south 30 east 108 to stump (formerly a stake), south 60 west 1___ to p.o. (the beginning corner). Wit: Thomas (x) Barker. Jurat: George J. Green.

Deed 18-38, Cabarrus NC, 1 Jul 1847. Nathan Green to son Gideon A. Green, for love and affection and future advance, for $240 for which he must pay before he can “Draw any more out of my estate real or personal after my death.” And for $1, he is given the combined lands equaling 185 acres identified in deed 14-179. The metes and bounds are from a p.o. (in a drain on the widow Jane Gray’s line & runs with two of her lines) north 47 west 38 (crossing the creek) to w.o. (her corner on Green’s old line), (with her line & passing her corner with Beverly Gray’s line) north 32 west 126 to r.o. (said Gray & Isaac Howell’s corner by Howell’s fence), (with his line) north 24 east 58 to p.o. (by Howell’s fence and near his line Hugh B. Taylor’s corner), (with three of his lines) south 73 east 70 to dog (in place of p.o.), north 67 east 94 to b.o., south 58 east 30 to p.o. (down and on Samuel G. Gray’s line), (with two of his lines), south 30 west 4 to small p.o. & wal (in place of pine), south 32 east 112 (passing Gray’s corner and along a line of a tract belonging to Alphonsa Garmon) to a stake & wal., then (with said Garmon’s tract) south 60 west 186 to begin. Wit: Kiser, Edwin Kiser.

53. Deed 5-114, Cabarrus NC, 5 Dec 1800. George Harris, Late Sheriff, to David Powell. Being 220 acres on both sides of Muddy Creek, it “being in part a surplus of his old tracts.” (See above) The metes and bounds are from a r.o. (his own and William Bugg’s old corner, and runs with said Bugg’s line) south 35 west 72 to p.o., (with his old line) south 60 west 132, to b.j., north 58 west 32 to p.o., north 36 west 21 to pine, north 5 east 42 to p.o., north 55 west 36 to p.o., north 35 west 188 to p.o., north 3 west 54 to b.o., north 35 east 28 to p.o., (on the side of the road), north 12 east 58 to p.o., (his own old corner), then to begin. Wit: _____

Deed 5-133, Cabarrus NC, 10 May 1804, prv’d _____. David Powell to Alexander McLarty, being now 430 acres on both sides of Muddy Creek. The metes and bounds now begin from a po (William Bugg’s corner) (with his line) south 23 west 180 to ro, south 35 west 72 to po, south 60 west 132 to bj, north 58 west 32 to po, north 36 west 21 to pine, north 5 east 42 to po, north 55 west 36 to small po, north 35 east 188 to po, north 3 west 54 to bo, north 35 east 28 to po (on side of road), north 12 east 58 to small po, north 55 east 68 (Crossing the creek) to po, south 23 east 50 to pine, north 73 east 94 to po (in Isaac Garmon’s line), south 79 east 39 to small po, then to begin. Wit: John Carrothers, Wm. Weddington.

Deed 5-176, Cabarrus NC, 19 Jul 1793, prv’d Oct 1804. Andrew Alexander, late sheriff of Mecklenbug to John Powell. Being 110 situated on the waters of Muddy Creek. The metes and bounds are from a wo (on his own open line & Polk’s corner and runs with Polk’s line) south 53 west 68 to po (sd. Polk’s corner), (with Polk’s line) north 53 west 16 to stake (on the creek), (up the creek) north 5 west 70 to po, north 35 west 32 to pine, north 23 east 30 to pine, south 78 east ____ to pine, north 35 west 44 to stake, north 60 west 6 to stake, north 18 east 42 to stake, south 41 east 60 to po, Frd’ck Kisor’s corner, (with his line) north 37 east 150 to stake, south 40 east 20 to stake by a pine, south 5 west 66 tp stake, south 30 west 74 to pine (by his old corner), then (with said line) to begin. Wit: John and Elleanor Carothers.

Deed 13-358, Cabarrus NC, 24 Apr 1845, prv’d Jul 1845. John E. Garmon to Jesse Reavis, being 121 acres on Muddy Creek. (Shaded in pink) The metes and bounds are from an ash (on he bank of the creek) north 71 west 16 to per., north 22 east 38 to s.g., north 51 east 54 to hic. (by a branch), (up said branch the various courses) east 6 to stake, north 25 east 6 to stake, north 75 east 5, north 35 east 5, north 85 east 4, north 5 west 10, north 25 east 6, east 3, north 35 east 4, north 80 west 4, north 10 east 6, south 75 east 4, north 20 east 6 to pine, (on bank of branch), north 73 east 27 to p.o., south 79 east 40 to p.o., north 25 east 5 to large pine, east 24 to stake and b.j., south 104 to stake (in Wallace’s line), south 85 west 42 to hic., south 29 west 4 to stake & p.o., south 79 west 40 (crossing the Great Road) to w.o. (on the bank of the creek), (up the various courses of the creek) north 7 east 40 to stake, west 7 to forks of the creek, (up the south fork of the creek) south 25 west 6, north 83 west 11, north 10 west 12, north 72 west 7, then south 7) west 8 to begin. Jurat: James A. Garmon. Wit: Edmond Greene.

Deed 13-358, Cabarrus NC, 14 Jul 1845, prv’d ____. Jesse Reavis to James A. Garmon, ……

Deed 14-366, Cabarrus NC, 10 Nov 1840, prv’d Oct 1841. (gray shaded potion) Joseph Brown & David Dorton, trustee of said Joseph Brown to John Garmon, being 58 acres on Muddy Creek. Identified by the gray shaded area the metes and bounds are from a stake (David White’s line & with his line) north 60 east 35 to stake (White’s corner), (with his line) north 30 west 58 to small b.o., north 12 east 16 to b.o. (the old corner), north 55 east 60 to p.o., south 23 east 51 to pine, north 73 east 70 to stake (in Reed’s line in the branch), (down the branch) to hic., south 51 west 51 to s.g., south 22 west 17 to ash (on the north bacnk of creek), then up the creek to begin. Wit: Elias Spears, Wm. H. Archibald.

Deed _____ James S. Tucker to David Russell, being 58 acres, the same gray shaded area as in deed 14-366 above.

55. Deed 11-804, Mecklenburg NC, 27 Jan 1790, prv’d Jul, 1791. Geo. Graham Esq, late Sheriff of Mecklenburg to Oliver Wiley., being 130 acres on the waters of Clear Creek. Beginning at a small bo (on the bank of the creek, Jacob Self’s corner) south 38 east 44 to big pine, south 30 west 82 to small bj & po (said Self’s corner), south 85 west 96 to small po (by Col. Adam Alexander’s corner), (with his line) north 38 west 132 (crossing the creek) to hic & po (Wm. Shelby’s corner, north 20 east 48 to bo, north 48 east 38 to hic, north 9 ___ 22 to bo, south 38 east 80 (crossing Thompson’s branch) to bo, north 60 east 34 to po, north 20 west 38 to hic, south 18 east 58 to po, south 8 west 100 to two small bo (in said Self’s mill pond), (up the various sources of said creek) to begin.

Deed 2-145, Cabarrus NC, 19 Jan 1796. Oliver Wilie to Moses Wilie, now being 299 acres.

Deed 10-30, Cabarrus NC, 17 Jan 1822. Moses Wiley to Samuel Morrison as identified on the key map as the green portion of tract #55. The northeast most three lines on this tract adjoins accurately with tract # 49 and lands to the south of tract #49. However, this seems to make tract #55 too long if it also adjoins tracts 66 and 69. The metes and bounds for this, deed 10-30 do not close, indicating there was a problem back in the day the land was surveyed. The metes and bounds are north 9 east 22 to bo, north 38 east 38 to ash on a branch, north 60 east 62, north 20 west 30 to bo, north 46 east 32 to bo, north 18 west 24 to bo, north 1 west 120 (adjoining Morrison) to bj, north 20 east 20 to po, south 7 east 19 to bj, south 42 east 60 to bo, south 40 east 39 to hic (near Fayetteville Road), south 18 east 82 to po, south 6 west 24 to bo (on steep bank, William Gilliam’s), south 48 west 34 to wo, (with the division line) north 48 west 42 to stake (near the road), south 66 west 160 to begin.

Deed 18-22, Cabarrus NC, 9 Oct 1840. Joseph C. Ford to William Gilliam. This land includes much of the green shaded land in tract #55 and adjoins the pointed shaped tract to the east. Beginning at a gum, north 22 east 64 to po (Purvience’s corner), north 16 west 171 to wo, north 70 west 24 to bj (in old line), south 29 west 112 to wo (in hollow Wm. Gilliam’s corner), south 17 east 114 to hic, (down the creek) north 70 east 16, south 47 east 27 to begin. Wit: Chearles Shehon, John Cuthbertson.

56. Deed 13-450, Mecklenburg NC, 18 Jun 1785, prv’d Apr 1787. Thomas Harris, late sheriff, to Jacob Self, being 150 acres of the lands of Dr. David Oliphant that were sold for publick taxes due the year 1782. This tract is bordered with a black line and encompasses all of the red shaded land lying under key map number 56. Situated on Clear Creek, the metes and bounds are from a p.o. (on Henry Ford’s land, and running with his line, south 87 east 100 to small b. o. (his own corner), (with his line) south 7 east 40 to stake (his own old corner), with his line south 80 east 90 to b. o., north 61 east 14 to p.o. (his own corner), (with his line) north 25 east 150 to w. o. (William Mitchell’s corner), (with his line) north 70 west 146 to stake, then to begin. Wit: Charles Harris, Wm. Cupples.

Deed 8-242, Cabarrus NC, 26 Oct 1811. Solomon Spiers to William McAnulty, being 159 acres on the waters of Clear Creek. This tract is bordered with a red line and encompasses much of the red shaded land a little of non shaded land to the northwest around map key # 56. The metes and bounds are from a pine (David Purviances corner and with his line) north 50 west 43 to pine, north 68 west 18 to pine, north 27 west 13 to beech, north 75 west 24 to pine, north 11 east 15 to po, north 21 west 94 to bj, north 2 east 24 to po (Aaron Townsend’s corner), (with his line) south 70 east 153 to po (his and Michael’s corner), (with said Garmon’s line) south 15 west 71 to po (his other corner), south 80 east 85 to hic (another of his corners), south 18 west 131 to begin. Wit: E. Speirs, David Dorton.

Deed 12-277, Cabarrus NC, 20 Oct 1834. Wm. McAnulty to John Russell.

57. Deed 2-644, Mecklenburg NC, 25 Jun 1764, prv’d Jun 1764. His Excellency Arthur Dobbs & wife Justina to Thomas Roaddy. Being 108 acres on both sides of Clear Creek. The metes and bounds are from a w.o. (Michael Ligget’s corner) north 5 west 40 to w.o., north 7 west 142 to pine, south 15 west 80 to hic., south 55 east 70 to pine, south 76 east 88 to pine (Ligget’s second corner), then (along his line) north 14 east 94 to begin. Wit: Arthur McKay.

Deed 4-794, Mecklenburg NC, 12 Sep 1768, prv’d Oct 1768. Thomas Roddy (planter) and wife Hannah to Michael Ligget (planter), being 108 acres. Wit: Adam Alexander, William Gordon.

Deed 10-341, Mecklenburg NC, _________, prv’d _____. Michael Ligget to Jacob Self, being 108 acres. Wit: Sam Martin, Adam Alexander.

Deed 5-123, Cabarrus NC, 20 Mar 1804. Jacob Self to David Purvians, being 445 acres on both sides of Clear Creek. Though the survey for this tract does not close and therefore leaving the southern end undefined; a distinctive pointed shape to the north end of the tract can be found on modern Cabarrus tax maps. This tract is the land south of the point that surrounds map key # 57. Beginning at a pine north 50 west 44 to pine, north 60 west 181 to small pine, north 27 west 12 to butterwood (by a branch), north 73 west 22 to pine, north 11 east 14 to po (Wm. McAnulty’s corner), north 32 west 102 to hic, south 16 east 82 to bo, south 17 west 70 to sg (by the bank of the creek), (crossing the creek) south 43 west 12 to stake (by the branch), (up the said branch) to sg (in said branch), north 81 west 21 to bo, south 42 west 78 to wo, south 7 west 32 to bo, north 83 east 20 to pine, south 40 east 48 to bo, north 13 east 116 to po, south 75 east 20 to po, north 85 east 10 to po, north 5 west 22 to stake, north 25 east 51 to hic, (crossing said Creek) south 25 east 14 to dog, north 83 east 38 to bo, south 10 east 20 to stake, south 65 east 56 to bo, north 47 west 32 to po (Daniel Little’s corner), south 85 west 147 to hic, then to begin. Wit: Joseph Purvience.

59. Deed 15-28, Mecklenburg NC, 19 Jul 1793, prv’d Jul 1794. Andrew Alexander Esq., Late Sheriff to Jacob Self, being 225 acres on the north side of Clear Creek. Being one of two tract deeded, the metes and bounds are from a pine (on his own line) south east 10 to p.o., north 65 east 22 to b.o., north 84 east 25 to b.o., (on Freeman’s line), north 66 east 58 to p.o., south 8 east 86 to stake, north 25 east 254 to small b.o. (on Dan’l Little’s line), (with his line) north 82 west 12 to p.o. (Little’s corner), (with his open line north 88 west 148 to hic. (Little’s corner), then to begin. Wit: Charles T. Alexander.

60. Deed 8-79, Cabarrus NC, 23 Jan 1812, prv’d Jan 1812. Robert McMurry, Late Sheriff to David Purviance, being one of two tracts, the first tract is for 120 acres on the north side of Clear Creek and Muddy Creek. The metes and bounds begin at a bo (his own old corner and then with two of John Garmon’s lines) north 29 east 40 to pine, 61 east 32 to pine (Col. Cha’s Polk’s corner), (with his line) north 53 east 67 to po (sd. Polk’s corner, Garmon’s and McLarty’s corner), (with two of McLartly’s line) north 7 west 172 to stake, north 10 east 132 to po (David White’s corner), (with his line) north 47 west 34 to wo (on bank of Muddy Creek), south 66 west 52 to bj, then to begin. Wit: George Pfeiffer, Jo. Pfeiffer.

60. Deed 8-78, Cabarrus NC prv’d Jan 1812. Rob’t McMurry, Sheriff to David Purviance, being one of two tracts totaling 120 acres. The first tract is on the north side of Clear Creek and on Muddy Creek. Beginning at a bo (his own corner) south 25 west 246 to bj (his own old corner), (with two of John Garmon’s lines) north 29 east 40 to pine, south 61 east 32 to pine (Cha’s Pols’s corner), (with his line) north 53 east 67 to po (sd. Polk’s corner, Garmon’s & McLarty’s corner), (with two of McLarty’s lines), north 7 west 172 to stake, north 10 east 132 to po (David White’s corner), (with his line) north 47 west 34 to wo (on bank of Muddy Creek), south 66 west 52 to bj, then to begin. Wit: Alexander Pfeiffer, Jo Pfeiffer.

Deed 8-78, Cabarrus NC prv’d Jan 1812. Rob’t McMurry, Sheriff to David Purviance, being two tracts totaling 120 acres. The second tract is on the south side of Clear Creek containing 10 acres and beginning at Claiborn Freeman’s corner north 41 west 10 to bo (his own corner), south 75 east 86 to po (his own corner), south 14 west 26 to water oak (Freeman’s corner), (with his line to the beginning. Wit: Alexander Pfeiffer, Jo Pfeiffer.

61. Deed 8-115, Cabarrus NC, 15 Jan 1812, prv’d Apr 1812. Robert McMurry, Sheriff of Cabarrus NC to Alexander McLarty. Being 139 acres on Muddy Creek sold for taxes, the metes and bounds are from a p.o., (David White’s conrer) north 60 east 100 to p.o. (in his own and sd. White’s line), (with his own line) south 8 east 36 to p.o., south 35 west 178 to p.o., south 55 east 34 to p.o., south 5 west 40 to pine, south 36 east 20 to p.o., south 55 east 32 to b.o., north 60 east 90 to p.o. (by the Big Road in his own line), (with said road) south 17 west 80 to ___ (in the said road), south 30 west 96 to p.o., (by the road, Charles Polk’s corner), (with his line) north 33 west 80 to p.o., (said Polk;s corner), north 7 west 172 to stake, then to begin. Wit: John Garmon, Charley Polk.

62. Deed 15-413, Cabarrus NC, 1 Dec 1845, prv’d Mar 1846. David (x) Morton & wife Elenor (x) to James M. Purviance, being 278 acres. The metes and bounds are from a r.o. (John Reed & Jesse Reavis corner, running then with Reavis’s land) north 65 west 68 to p.o., south 30 west 16 to ash, south 54 west 26 to p.o., north 85 west 38 to p.o., south 25 west 158 to p.o., north 77 west 41 to p.o. grub (on Purviance’s line), (with said line) south 7 east 84 to stake, south 68 east 80 to stake (in Dutch Road), (down said road) south 25 west 31 to p.o., south 41 east 59 to pine, north 22 east 1331 to dead pine, north 40 east 65 to stake, south 77 east 138 to pine & hic., north 31 east 52 to p.o., (Wallace’s corner), (with Wallace’s line and passing the lots formerly owned by Wallace heirs north 44 west 182 to p.o. (John Reed’s corner), then north 28 east 76 to begin. Wit: J. M. Black, Alex’d McLarty

63. Deed 14-416, Mecklenburg NC, 29 Jul 1793. Adam Alexander Esq. to Cha’s T. Alexander, being 540 acres and making up all of the gray shaded land around map key # 64. Beginning at a small hic by old dead bo south 77 west 50 50 bo (David Flough’s corner), north 54 to bo, north 16 east 124 (crossing the creek road) to bo (by a branch, north 65 east 56 to big wo, (down the branch) south 73 east 156 (crossing said branch) to stone (in a field Wm Shelby’s corner), south 58 east 56 (crossing the Charleston Road) to bo, south 49 east 58 o po and hic (Oliver Wiley’s corner and runs with his line), south 37 east 122 (crossing the creek) to bo, south 40 west 88 to bo (by the creek), south 5 east 96 to stake, south 49 west 90 to bj & po, south 39 west 38 (crossing the schoolhouse branch) to bo, north 39 west 112 (crossing the Charleston Road) to bo, south 30 west 70 to bom north 64 west 9 to bo (David Flough’s corner), north 22 west 68 to stake, then north 25 west 92 to begin. Wit: R. Smith, Andrew Alexander.

63. Deed … Cabarrus NC, 25 Nov 180, prv’d Apr 1802. Major Chas T. Alexander to John M. Wilson. “Being part of the Brickhouse Plantation including the house a part of the improvement conveyed by W.. Shelby Heirs of Moses Shelby Dec’d to Col. John Boggs & William Richardson and by them sold and made over to said Chas. T. Alexander. The small corner bounded by a red and black line around map key # 63. This a parcel of Adem Alexander’s Conveyance to son charles in deed 14-416 above. Beginning at a po south 53 west 80 to bo, north 48 west 140 to bo, north 75 west 136 to bo, south 55 west 60 to bo (William Pickens), South 60 to stake, west 22 to stake, south 8 west 16 to stake, south 8 east 60 to bo, (with Chas. T. Alexander’s line) south 77 east 280 to po (on old line), north 25 east 48 5o stake, north 38 east 128 to begin. Wit: Wm. Robb, Sam’l Black, Oliver Wiley, James Harris.

Deed 20-117, Mecklenburg NC, 11 Mar 1811, prv’d Aug 1815. Charles T. Alexander to John M. Williams, being 60 acres on Clear Creek. This is all the land surrounding map key #64 within the black border. Beginning at a small bo (sd. William’s corner on the southern boundary of his plantation), south 7 west 33 to dog, south 77 east 302 to hic, north 25 east 22 to small bo (Moses Wiley’s corner), north 20 east 30 to po (sd. Wiley’s corner), (with sd. Wiley’s line) north 20 east 22 to bo, north 76 east 36 to hic, north 7 east 22 to po, north 38 east 26 dog, north 7 east 22 to sg, north 31 east to (the intersection with said William’s line as conveyed by the said Charles T. Alexander to the said Williams in Nov 1804), south 38 west 128 (with said William’s line established on said line) to stake, south 25 west 48 to po (sd. William’s corner established at said line, (with said Williams line north 77 west to begin. Wit: Sam’l Black, Evan Alexander.

65. Deed 14-408, Mecklenburg NC, 12 Dec 1789, prv’d Oct 1798. Geo Graham Esq. Sheriff to Adam Alexander Esq. Planter. Begin with a bo (old corner) south 78 west 58 to ro, south 1 east 144 to bj & po (old corner), north 49 east 90 to stake, north 10 west 98 to begin. Wit: chas. T. Alexander.

66. Deed 14-424, Mecklenburg NC, 12 Dec 1789. Being one of three tracts to Charles Tay Alexander. Beginning at a hic southeast… to, south 36 west 40 to bo, south 68 west 100 to wo, north 41 west 112 to po, north 40 east 88 to bo (Adam Alexander’s corner), then to begin.

67. Deed 15-28, Mecklenburg NC, 19 Jul 1793, prv’d Jul 1794. Andrew Alexander Esq., Late Sheriff to Jacob Self, being the second tract deeded. The land is on the south side of Clear Creek. The metes and bounds are from b.o. (his & Jonathan Shelby’s corner) south 13 west 100 to b.o. sapling (Chas. T. Alexander’s corner), (with his line) north 40 west 40 to p.o., (Alexd’r corner), (with another of his lines) north 87 west 62 to b.o., (another corner), north 70 west 70 to stake (near his own old corner), then to begin. Wit: Chas. T. Alexander.

68. Deed 2-620, Mecklenburg NC, 25 Jun 1764, prv’d Jun 1764. His Excellency Arthur Dobbs & wife Justine to Michael Ligget Jun’r, being 103 acres lying on both sides of Clear Creek, a branch of Rocky or Johnston’s River. The metes and bounds are from a wo south 14 west 94 to pine, south 6 east 62 to pine, south 86 east 100 to ro, north 8 east 142 to ro, north 79 west 108 to begin. Wit: John ____ Junior, Arthur McKay.

69. Deed 13-10, Mecklenburg NC, 22 Apr 1785, prv’d Sep 1786. Thomas Harris, late sheriff of Mecklenburg to Jacob Self, being 150 acres on both sides of Clear Creek. A U shaped tract shaded in red, the metes and bounds are from a b.j. & r.o. north 63 east 68 to b.j. (by Oliver Wiley’s corner), north 30 east 118 to p.o. (his corner to small pine his own corner), (with said line) south 57 east 20 to pine (his old corner), (with his line) south 77 east 76 to pine (his old corner), (with said line) south 7 east 60 to p.o. (by his old corner), (with said old line) south 87 east 100 (crossing the creek) to r.o. (his old corner), (with said line) north 6 east 140 to b.o. (by a bunch of stones), south 59 west 120 (crossing said creek) to r.o., west 20 to p.o. (Rees Shelby’s old corner), (with his line) south 64 west 72 to b.o. (Shelby’s corner), then to begin. Wit: Chas. T. Alexander.

70. Deed 8-80, Cabarrus NC, 15 Jan 1812, prv’d Jan 1812. Robert McMurry, Late Sheriff to John Garmon. Being 56 acres on the north side of Clear Creek. The metes and bounds are from a p.o. (his own corner) north 86 west 120 to pine (his other corner), north 41 east 21 to p.o. (Purviance’s corner), (with his line) east 86 to b.j. (Purviance’s corner), north 29 east 48 to forked pine, north 75 east 46 to b.o., south 61 east 32 to pine, south 12 west 120 to p.o., south 31 west 40 to pine, south 50 east 12 to p.o. (by own corner), then (with his line) to begin. Wit: Samuel McCurdy, Charley Polk.

71. Deed 19-692, Mecklenburg NC, 29 Apr 1811, prv’d 14 Jan 1813. Charles (C) Polk Senior of Mecklenburg to Charles Junior of Mecklenburg. Being 190 acres on both sides of Clear Creek “subdivided from Charles Polk Senior’s old tract.” The metes and bounds are from a cherry (on the south side of the creek) north 2 west 20 to b.o., north 22 ½ east 76 to p.o., north 72 ½ __60 to stake, north 13 east 182 to p.o., south 73 east 70 , south 1 east 42 to b.o., (by the wagon road), (with the road) south 25 west 64 to hic., south 12 west 30 to pine, south 32 west 110 to pine, south 42 west 49 to large stooping b.o., (by the spring), south 27 west 24 to willow (by the bank of the river), up the creek as it meanders to begin. This land is part of the southern half of the division plat to the left and as outlined below. Wit: William Polk, David Arnet.

Estate Division, Mecklenburg NC, 25 Jan 1828. David Flow, Jacob Long, Henry Long, Philander Alexander, and Robert Russell summoned to divide the lands of Charley Polk dec’d among the heirs viz: Hannah Polk, Charley S. Polk, Mary Polk (now Mary McLarty), Ezekiel Polk.

Lot 1 to Hannah Polk. Being 97 acres From an elm (on bank of creek by partition fence) north 17 east 58 (crossing the lane) to stake (by fence), north76 west 10 to stake (the widow corner), (with two of her lines) north 10 east 27 to small p.o., north 26 east 62 to double b.o. (at the rase paths), (with the rase pathes) north 16 east 38 to small b.o., (with lot 4) north 58 west 60 to small p.o. (the old corner), (with three of the old lines) south 28 west 110 to b. o. (Garmon’s corner), (with two of his lines) south 25 west 98 to b.o., south 5 west 17 to hic. (on bank of the creek), down Clear Creek to begin.

Lot 2 to Charley S. Polk. Being 67 acres from a forked willow (on the creek, George Polk’s corner and with three of his lines) north 27 east 26 to hic (by Polk’s spring), north 41 east 47 to stake (on great road), ( with said road) north 31 west 112 to stake (an old corner), north 16 (along road to stake (Mary Polk’s corner), (with her line) north 79 west 38 to small p.o. (by rase paths), (with the pathes) south 16 west 20 to double b.o. (Hannah Polk’s corner), (with four of her lines) south 26 west 61 to p.o., south 10 west 27 to stake (by the lane), north 76 east 10 to stake (by the lane), south 17 west 58 to elm (on bank of Clear Creek), down the creek to begin.

Lot 3 to Marry Polk. Being 78 acres from a stake (in Great Road George Polk’s corner with two of his lines) north 80 east 34 to large w.o., south 80 east 34 to small p.o, north 23 east 146 to pine, north 42 west 60 to small p.o. (by the Great road), (with the Great road) about south 30 west 114 to stake and b.o. (Ezekiel Polk corner in said road), (with two of Ezekiel Polk’s lines) north 52 west 44 to two sas, south 16 west 80 to small p.o. (by rase pathes), (with two of Charles Polk’s lines) south 79 east 30 to stake (in Great road), then south 16 to begin.

Lot 4 to Ezekiel Polk. Being 128 acres beginning at a p.o. (the old corner by the Great road running with four of the old lines) north 60 west 88 to p.o., north 83 west 53 to hic (John Garmon’s corner), (with two of John Garmon’s lines) south 12 west 135 to p.o., south 31 west 43 to pine, south 50 east 13 to p.o. (Hannah Polk corner running by the rase pathes), (with two of McLarty lines) north 16 east 62 to sas, north 52 east 44 to b.o. (by the great road), then (with the great road) to begin.


George Thomas

6101 Ballou Court
Raleigh, North Carolina

Copyright © 2009 by George G. Thomas

2000 Tax Map For Cabarrus County