Capt. Cariker's Company

                              Land     Valuation   Tot W Pole   B Pole   Total  Lots  Stores  Houses

Bogan Solomon 3181/2 $1000 / 2 3 Bogan Jesse 226 400 / / 2 Bogan James 400 1000 / 3 4 Boswell Berel / / Bennett William Sr 1000 1800 / 7 8 Burmingham Joshua 128 128 / / Boley John Sr. 200 400 3 3 Boley William 100 100 / / Coppage Moses 112 448 / 2 3 / Caraway Archibald 487 974 9 9 Carr William 197 197 / 5 6 Cockren John 738 1050 / / Cassel Watson 350 500 / 2 3 Dismukes William 700 1250 / 7 8 Dunn Isaac 292 400 3 3 Dees Edmond 206 412 / / Eavins Thomas 100 1_5 Edwards William 229 210 / / Elder John M 187 187 / / Flournoy John 200 400 / / Fo__ Daniel 160 240 ________________________________________ Grace John 307 $537 / 2 3 Hair John 50 50 " Hair William 83 150 " Holms James 721 686 " Hair Wilson 131 131 " Harrington Thomas 100 100 " Harris Archibald 215 550 / / 2 Hildreth James / / Hildreth David Senr. 300 300 " Jarmon John H 100 150 / / Little Michal 105 105 / / Little Pleasant 280 560 " " Lewis Thomas 417 500 - 3 3 May John B. 519 2000 - 7 7 Mills George 75 50 McLennon Daniel 100 100 " McLennon John 100 100 " McLennon Jesse 27 27 / / Meeks Jonas 50 15 / / Meachem Henry 245 400 / / Meachem James / / Mask Silas W 200 400 / 2 3 Nusom Joseph 450 ___ / / Phillips George 200 250 / / Pope John / / Propter Rebeca 100 150 ____________________________________________________________ Pickett Martin 1427 $4300 - 7 7 Rickett William Junr 137 137 / / Rickets William Ser. 414 414 / / Rickets Reason 222 290 / / Readlander Peter 150 150 / / Stricklin Thomas / / Sinclair James 380 600 / / 2 Slay Thomas 275 400 Spear John / / Slaughter Peter 223 1000 / 3 4 Slaughter James 260 800 / 3 4 Slaughter William 350 800 / / 2 Sturdevin John 100_ 10_0 / 6 7 Taylor Thomas 258 275 Tolon? Edward 100 150 Teel Emanuel 821 1000 William John 54 54 / / Wallis Richard 900 100 / / ditto for heirs of Che__nny 200 200 Williams Patsey 76 114 Welch Zachariah / / / _______________________________________________________________ Total in Company 18453 $31956 128 120 2 42 80


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