Capt. Meadows Company

                                    Land     Valuation   Tot W Pole   B Pole   Total  Lots  Stores  Houses

Ashcraft John 200 $250 / / 2 Alsobrooks Isham 306 350 / / 2 Alsobrooks Samuel 663 785 5 5 Ashcraft William 377 800 / / Alsobrooks Willis 350 700 / / Armstrong Richard 220 650 / / Alsobrooks Jesse 225 358 " / / Alsobrooks Ralph 250 300 / / 2 Ashcraft Benjn. 50 50 / " / Ashcraft Thomas 175 175 " " " Ditto for Isaac Mainer 50 20 Ashcraft Thomas 175 175 " " " Bullard William 200 400 / / 2 Brown John " " / " / Baker Michael 400 500 Baker Peter 225 125 / " / Barrit Thomas 225 800 / 2 3 Baker William Ser. 800 1000 / 3 4 Bingham Martin 772 1250 / / 2 Baker William for Isaac Baker 100 100 / / Collins Lewis 50 50 / " / Collins Reubin 120 151 ditto for Jesse Collins 50 50 / / Cook Elijah 200 600 / / Divin Jonathan 250 1701/2 Giliane Howell 225 125 / / Gerises? William 5 5 Guin Hardy 148 758 Guin Colomeck A. 200 250 Harvil Mills 800 1600 / / Huntley Stephen 1140 ____ / / Harrel John 1251 1250 " 5 5 Harrel Abraham " " / / Horn Thomas for Carolina 150 150 Hendrick Phabory 360 400 _ 2 2 Harrel R. John 300 320 / / Lowary William 400 450 / / Lowary Eli for Robert Leonard 327 227 Lowary Eli 310 ___ / / _____________________________________________ Lockhart James 300 300 / / 2 Milton Isham 128 128 / / Moris William 975 1000 / / 2 Mires Absolam 500 500 / 3 4 Mills Andrew 100 100 2 2 Meadows David 150 160 / / Meadows Jame 150 150 / / 2 Milton Jesse 330 375 / / Meadow Lewis 191 480 / / Mitchell Robert 225 125 / / Moris James 225 125 / / Meadows James 200 550 / 2 3 Morgan William 50 50 / / Prince Richd 200 200 / / Powell William 50 50 / / Rushing William 120 200 / / Rushing David 156 600 / / 2 Rorie James 676 676 2 2 ditto for William Worley 187 1871/2 ditto for Stephen Rains 74 761/4 ditto for Noah Sinclair 15 ditto for Ezekiel Rorie 57 ______________________________________________________________ Rone William 220 242 / / Rushing Paul 300 400 / / Rushing Richard 700 1200 / / Rone Absolum 50 50 Rains Burges / / Rushing Stephen 500 500 / / ditto for James Littles heirs 300 300 Rushing Robert 400 650 / / Roach D. John 325 800 / 3 4 Sinclair Alford 185 400 / 2 3 Sinclair Orion / / Teadlock / / Whitaker John / / Wimberly Abraham 200 300 / / Wimberly Jonah? 200 200 / / Wimberly Abraham Wimberly James Heirs ______________________________________________________________ Total of Company 26573 26748 51 48 99


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