Capt. Smith's Company

                   Land  Valuation       W Pole  B Pole Total  Lots  Stores  Houses

Adcock John 225 $300 / / Breby George 450 450 Byber Abraham 100 140 / / Blewett William 450 1111 / / Cocks John 217 225 Clark Francis 545 2000 / / Clark William 200 500 / / Diggs Littleberry 107 161 / / Diggs John 80 100 / / Digs William 180 185 Elleby Thomas B. 1100 5050 / 19 20 / Flake Jordon 509 872 3 3 Franlin Eli & Nowell? David 300 350 / / Fields Sarah 250 270 / / Flake Elijah 1331/3 399 2 2 German William 162 165 Hooker Hardy 629 900 Hunter Ephraim 150 300 / / Haley John 125 600 / / Janagen Samuel 428 428 / / Janegen Henry B. / / Knots Absolum 500 700 / / Knots John 446 800 4 4 Lovesey? John 702 1405 2 2 Liles Elijah 158 300 / / Love Thomas 200 400 / / Liles James 130 550 2 2 Liles David 200 1200 / / Lilly Eli 164 300 / / Lovingston Angus 150 1871/2 Lovingston John 200 200 2 2 McQuage Duncan 226 400 Martin John 275 1025 2 2 Martin William 100 450 / / Martin? Isham 53 100 Martin Joseph / / Moore B______ 164 300 / / ____________________________________ Permenter John 437 790 / / Robless? Elijah 275 400 / / Smith Samuel 400 600 / / Smith Eli / / Strickland William 326 850 / / Spencer Samuel 800 3500 9 9 Segoe William / / Smith Thomas 1547 1973 5 5 Townsand David 575 450 / / Wall James 349 1562 4 4 Wall John 297 1500 8 8 Williams Solemen 200 415 5 5 West Charles 128 192 / / Winfrey Gideon B. 150 375


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