In the name of God Amen I Wille Baucom of Anson County NC being of Sound and Perfect mind and memory do this twenty first day of December one Thousand Eight Hundred and Thirty Eight Do Make and Publish this Last will and Testament in Maner as follows that is to say first I give and bequeath after all my just Debts are paid I gaive to my Dear beloved wife Rebecca Baucom one feather Bed & furnature and Sted then I gaive unto my five Sones Willson Andrew Daniel Shelvey and Thomas Baucom Two Hundred and fourty three Acres of land to be Equally Devided between them five Dier Sones and for them to maintain ther mother During life or widow hood ofit of the prosiades of the land but if my wife should mary thin the Land to goe independent to my five sons
I give unto my Daughter Annis Baucom one feather bed and furnature and Sted one cow and calf and Also I gaive unto my Daughter Mary A. Baucom one feather Bed and furniture and Sted one Cow & calf
I also gaive unto my Daughter Elizabeth Thomas one dollar in cash
I also gaive unto my Daughter Winney Thomas one Dollar in cash
As I have gaiven unto my two daughters Elizabeth and Winney Thomas ther Distribution parte heare to four
and Also the remaining parte of my propperty to be sole and Equally Devided with my five Sones
and Last I here by Constatute and apoint Andrew and Daniel Baucom my Two Sones to be my Executors to this Last will and Testament
here un to I set my hand and affixt my Seal with the DAy and Date above riten Signed Sealed and DElivered as my Last will and testament of the above in the presence of
A. Tye
William (X) Baucom

Willie (X) Baucom (seal)

State of North Carolina
Anson County
October Sessions 1839- Then the above will was exhibited in open Court by the Executors thein named and duley proven by the oath of Allen Lye one of the subscribing witnesses And Andrew & Daniel Baucom qualified and obtained letters Testamentary

A. D. Boggan CLK


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