The State of South Carolina
Marlborough District

In the name of God Amen, I William Thomas planter of the District of Marlborough and of the State aforesaid, being sick and weak in body but of sound and disposing mind memory and understanding praised be God for the same do make and declare this my last will and Testament in manner and form following:
Article 1st. that is to say, Article first. I desire that all the Slaves which I now possess or own or to which I may have any right title or claim, together with all the slaves which may belong of right to me or to my estate in the hands of my Executors at the expiration of seven years from the first day of January in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and twenty one, that is to say, the slaves in Marlborough District South Carolina and in Richmond County in the State of North Carolina, and in Anson County in the State of North Carolina, be at the termination of the saidSeven years from the first day of January in the year of our Lord One thousand eight hundred and twenty one manumited or emancipated from servitude except such as my executors think, guided by their own discretion should be kept in servitude, and that after the expiration of the aforesaid Seven years, such as my executors think should not be manumited, that the same be sold at public auction and the monies arising, therefrom to become a part of my personal estate in the hands of my Executors to be applied as hereafter directed -----
Art. 2. I furthermore desire that all the SLaves which I now possess, or may may of right belong to my estate in the District of Marlborough Aforesaid and in the Counties of Richmond and Ansonj in the State of North Carolina be placed and continued upon the Several plantations I possess in the District of Marlborough aforesaid and the counties of Richmond and of Anson aforesaid under a superintendant hereafter to be mentioned which said slaves are to be continued on the said plantations for seven years after or from the first day of January in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and twenty one, and that such part or sum of the nett proceeds or proffits of said plantations for seven years at the termination of Said Seven years be distributed among the most aged and infirm os Said Slaves who may at the expiration of said seven years be manumitted for their maintenance and Support, or so much of said proceedds of said plantations as my executors may think absolutley necessary.--
Art. 3 I desire that all my stock consisting of horses, mules, Cattle, hogs, sheep, and so forth, and all my plantation tools now on said plantationsto wit, the plantations in Marlborough District, Richmond and Anson Counties be kept on the respective plantations, to remain on the same for benefit and use of the same for the Aforesaid Seven years from the first day of January ensueing and that after the expiration of Said seven years, I desire that all the said Stock and plantation tools be vended at public auction and the money arising therefrom to become a part of my personal estate in the hands of my Executors to be applied as hereafter directed in this my last will and testament. --
Article Fourth, I also desire that my several plantations lying in MArlborough District and in Richmond and in Anson Counties aforesaid after the expiration of seven years after the expiration of the aforesaid Seven years from the first day of January ensuing when the slaves now and that may be on said plantationscease to cultivate the Same and that the monies, arissing from the rent of said plantations for said seven years do become a part of my personal estate in the hands of my Executors hereafter in the my last will and testament to be appointed.--
Article Fifth. I desire that all my lands in Queen Anne County lying on Chester river in the State of Maryland be cultivated by the slaves on said lands belonging to me for the term of Seven years from the first day of January in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and twenty one and that a part of the nett proceeds or proffits arriseing from the cultivation of said lands by said negroes to be devided, or such sum as my Executor hereafter to be appointed in this my last will and testament may think absolutely necessary to be distributed among the aged and infirm of said Slaves or so many of them as may be emancipated, for their support and maintanance.
Article Sixth. I desire that all the Slaves that I now have or may own after the expiration of Seven years from the first day of January in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and twenty one be manumitted or emancipated from Sevitude except such as my Executors think guided by their own discretion and such as they think would not in all probability manitain themselves, and be peaceable members or citizens of the Country that the same be kept in servitude, and that after the expiration of the aforesaid Seven years, the same be sold at public auction and the monies arriseing therfrom to become a part of my personal estate in the hands of my Executors to be applied as hereafter directed.
Article Seventh, I also desire the Said lands in the State of Maryland after the expiration of said seven years from the first day of January ensueing at which time the SLaves now on Said lands will cause by my request to cultivate the same, and that from the suceeding Seven years the said lands to be rented at the discretion of my Executors and the monies arriseing therefrom to become a part of my personal estate in the hands of my Executor. --
Article Eight, I also desire that all my stock of horses, hogs, sheep, and so forth and all my plantation tools on said lands in Maryland be continued on the same for the use and benefit of the same, and that after the expiration of Said Seven years from the first day of January ensuing Said Stock and tools to be vend at public auction, and the monies arrising therefrom become a part of my personal estate in the hands of my Executors.------
Article Ninth. I desire W. Benjamin Chairs at present one of my Superintendants in North Carolina to be for said Seven years from the first day of January ensueing from the date of this my last will and testament during which time my said plantations in Marlborough District aforesaid and in Richmond and in Anson Counties aforesaid are to be cultivated by my slaves the general superintendant of my said plantations and that he be paid by my Executors one Thousand dollars annually for his Services and that he himself, and his family be supplied from said plantations with meat and bread necessary for their support and that he be permitted with the consent and approbation of the Executors to employ on each of the aforesaid plantations other overseers, who are to be paid by and whose
Erasmus Powe
Wm. Pegues
John S. Pegues

Wm. Thomas

Salaries are to be fixed by my Executors which said Salaries are to be paid out of the nett proceeds of the crops no more being given, to the aged servants who may be emancipated than my Executors shall deem absolutley necessary...........
Article Tenth. I desire that for the said Seven years from the first day of January in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and twenty one that said plantations are by my request to be cultivated by my slaves that they be kept diligently employed, but at the same time treated with kindness and humanity by their superintendants. Here follow diviser and bequests.
Devisee First. I do give and devise and bequeath unto my loveing grand son William B. Thomas to him and his heirs and assigns for ever in fee simple, all that plantation or tract of land lying in the District of Darlington South Carolina which I purchased of the heirs of Colonel Samuel Benton and that he take possession of said plantation when he shall arrived at the age of twenty one years, or when the present time for which siad plantation is rented shall have expired...........
Devise Second. I do give and bequeath and devise unto my loving gran son Alexander H. Thomas and his heirs and assigns forever in fee simple all that plantation or tract of land now belonging to me lying in Chseterfield District South Carolina which I purchased of Duncan McRae comonly called Fairy Hill, I also give devise and bequeath unto my said Grand son Alexander H. Thomas his heirs and assigns forever in fee simple, all my other lands in the District of Chesterfield, South Carolina to go into possession of Said tract of land when he shall have arrived at the age of twenty one years. --------
Devise Third. I do give devise and bequeath unto my loving half brothers and sisters or their heirs or legal representatives Two hundred dollars each. ..........
Devise Fourth. I do also give, devise and bequeath unto the American Bible Society one thousand dollars for the purpose of Aiding and assisting in disciminating the truths of the Gospel and establishing the church of God in various parts of the Heathen world.
Devise Fifth. I do also give devise and bequeath unto Pleasant H. May Esq. Attorney at law of Chesterfield District for services rendered and likely to be rendered in and about the management of my estate the sum of seven thousand dollars. And I do furthermore will order and direct that all my just debts which may possibly have accrued in the State of Maryland, be by my Executors hereafter named, paid and discharged out of my personal estate, and I do here by nominate constitute and appoint W. Samuel Thomas son of Samuel Thomas liveing at Cantwells Bridge New Castle County State of Deleware and Doctor George Washington Thomas liveing in Chester town in the state of Maryland to be the Executors of this my last will and testament, so far only as regards my estate real and personal in the State of Maryland to be the Executors of this my last will and testament, and to adjust all my worldly concerns in Said State. And I do furthermore will and ordain and direct that all my Just debts, funeral expenses and the charges of proveing this my last will be by my Executors hereinafter named paid and discharged out of my personal estate. Then I wish and request that the directions given in this my last will and Testament be strictly pursued by my Executors. And I do hereby nominate constitute and appoint Captain Malachi Pegues of Marlborough District South Carolina Christopher B. Pegues of Chesterfield District South Carolina, Nathan Thomas son of Nathan of the District of Marlborough State of South Carolina Benjamin H. Chairs of Anson County of the State of North Carolina and Pleasant H. Mays Esq. Attorney at law of Chesterfield District South Carolina to be the lawful Executors of this my last will and Testament as far only as regard my estatge in North and South Carolina, that is to say that they are appointed as my lawful executors to attend to the management of all my worldly concerns and matters, except so far as regards my estate real and personal in the STate of Maryland, and I do hereby revoke and make void all former wills and Testaments at any time heretofore be me made and do declare this to be my Last will and Testament. In Witness wheof I have at the bottom of the first sheet of this my last will ( the whole whereof is contained in two sheets of paper subscribed my name, and to this second and last sheet my hand and seal this the Twenty Seventh day of September in the year of our Lord one Thousand eight-hundred and Twenty and in the fortyfifth year of Sovreinty and independence of the United States of America.
Signed, sealed and published by the above named William Thomas as for his last will and testament in the presence of us who at his request and in his presence have subscribed our names as Witness thereto.
Erasmus Powe
Wm. Pegues
John S. pegues

Note: A lengthy codicil followed the will. It is not included here


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