In the name of God, Amen. I Thomas Wilson of the State of North Carolina and County of Cleaveland, being of Sound mind and memory, but calling to mind the uncertainty of this life and the certainty of death do therefore make and ordain this instrument as my last will and testament in manner and form as followeth. First. I give my sould to Almighty God and my body to the grave to be decently buried after my decease. Secondly, touching such worldly estate as it has pleased God to bless me with I dispose of the same in the following manner To wit:
Item. 1st After the settlement of all my just debts and funeral expenses if is my will that all my property both real and personal of all kinds, not heretofore disposed of or conveyed away shall belong to, and be at the disposal of my well beloved wife Elizabeth Wilson; and she is at liberty to dispose of the same, either at her decease, or previously if she may deem it expedient so to do: provided, that distributions among all of my children be made equally of the same, or the proceeds thereof; and my grand children, the children of Samuel Posten are to receive the distributive share to which their mother Barbara Wilson would have been entitled to, were she living.
Item 2. To my daughter Barbara Posten I bequeath the Negro girl Hannah & her increase to be disposed of by her husband Saml. Posten as he deems right & proper.
Item 3. I give and bequeath to my son O. C. Wilson the land he lives on described in a deed made to him for same.
Item 4. To my daughter Sally Posten I give and bequeath the girl named Eliza & her increase to be disposed of by her husband James Posten as he may think best.
Item 5. I give and bequeath to my son Sam’l A. Wilson the tract of land where he now lives described by metes and bounds in a deed made by me to him for the same.
Item 6. I give and bequeath to my son James F. Wilson the tract of land where he now lives as described in a deed made by me to him for the same.
Item 7. I give and bequeath to my son Moses Wilson the tract of land known as the Warlick place described more fully in the deed made by me to him for the same.
Item 8. I give and bequeath to my son Drury R. Wilson one dollar to be further provided for by my wife or executors as mentioned in Item 1st in case he returns home.
Item 9. I give and bequeath to my son Phillip D. Wilson the tract of land including my mills on a branch of Hickory Creek and more fully described in a deed made by me to him for the same.
Item 10. I give and bequeath to my daughter Elizabeth Gaston the Negro girl named Hasty and her increase to be diposed of by her husband Wm. Gaston as he considers best.
Item 11. I give and bequeath to my daughter Mary Love Wilson (the wife of William Mittag) the Negro girl named Jane and her increase which is to be the absolute property of my said daughter and that of her bodily heirs and not to be disposed of by her said husband Wm. Mittag.
Item 12. It is my will that my interest in the old tract of land now occupied by Elizabeth Wilson be sold, and the proceeds be equally divided among all my children or those representing them.
Item 13. I hereby nominate constitute and appoint my well beloved wife Elizabeth Wilson my Executrix and my two trusty sons Samuel A. Wilson and Osborne C. Wilson Co-Executors with her of this my last will and testament and hereby revoke all other wills heretofore made by me and declare this and this alone to be my last will and testament.
In testimony whereof I have hereunto set my hand & seal this 20th day of May 1861.

Signed sealed and
Delivered in presence of

J. R. Logan
E. C. Elliott
Wm. Roberts

Thomas Wilson (Seal)


It is hereby required by me tht my Executors so convey any property or estate that may become due to my daughter Mary Love as to restrict the same to her or the heirs of her body absolutely.Test: J. R. Logan
E. C. Elliott
Wm. Roberts

Thomas Wilson (Seal)


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