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In The Beginning...
A Breakthrough ? Bananna Joe or SteamBoat Joe ?
Above is an early representation of a character called Steamboat Joe uncovered by a Bananna Joe Detective named Sam (Click here to visit his site). The picture contains a Bananna looking shape standing on a skateboard. Steamboat Joe is without a joint and top hat, which have become the trademark items of Bananna Joe. If this is actually Bananna Joe at an early stage, we do not know, but if we do find out, it will certainly bring us one step closer to solving the most puzzling riddle of the millenium, Who Is Bananna Joe?
1. The Banannable Story
In the beginning there was a bananna. Not just any bananna but the Great Bananna In The Sky! (GBITS). On the first day he made the first mortal bananna, called B1. And it was so and the Lord was pleased. On the second day B1 came to the GBITS and said, "Lord I am Cold." So on the second day the Lord made the peel. B1 was warm and the Lord was pleased. On the third day B1 came to the GBITS and said, "Lord I am Lonely." So on the third day the Lord made the B2 from a seed to keep B1 amused. B1 was no longer lonely and the Lord was pleased. On the fourth day B1 came to the GBITS and said, "Lord we have no place in which to live." So on the fourth day the Lord made a tree for them to live in and it was so.
On the fifth day B1 came to the GBITS and said, "I have nothing on which to do stuff." It was so at that time that the earth was covered with water and there was no land. So on the fifth day the Lord made Queensland. And the Lord was pleased. On the sixth day the GBITS looked down from above and thought, this is a bloody boring world, as all he could see was water surrounding an island with a tree in the middle. So he created the rest of the world to go with his bananna tree. And it was so. On the seventh day the GBITS was so pleased with his work that he decided to go down to the local pub with his mates. He got totally legless and collapsed. He woke up the next morn with a huge hangover in a heap under the table.
A few thousand years later the GBITS looked down on his world and noticed that a few of his bananna's were misbehaving so he decided to send down his only son to teach them to behave. And so Bananna Joe came down from the heavens and preached the ways of the Banannable. Unfortunately Bananna Joe met a strange looking bananna with only one arm** who offered him a weird green leaf. Being the kind and innocent bananna that he was he did not realise the drastic effect that this would have on the bananna population and on the world, so he accepted it. This weird leaf made his mind go crazy and during this time he did some very bad things. Even worse he enjoyed these bad things so much that he became addicted.
 Soon all the banannas followed his example believing it was the wish of the GBITS. This started a time of gross indecency and misconduct (otherwise known as "Ye Time Of Sex, Drugs and Banannas"). The GBITS was so disappointed in his children that he demoted them from rulers of the world and most intelligent species to a lowly fruit. This allowed a far less intelligent species (they can't even spell bananna right), the humans to take over. Bananna Joe, being immortal and immoral, hid from the wrath of his father and still roams the earth today with a group of menacing banannas, to stoned to do anything.
**Where the phrase "It was not me, It was the one armed bananna" probably came from.
2. The Coverup Story
Back sometime in the 50's A large bananna shaped spaceship crashed to earth near a small town called Lamanna in Queensland. The Government was quick to the scene and took both the ship and the survivors back to their secret military base to perform bizarre ritual experiments on them. Among the things they found was that if you peel of their spacesuits, they are really nice to eat. The Queensland Government then started a huge plan to market and sell these banannas to other states and countries. One bananna heard of this plan and escaped from the base. Using parts he found in a junkyard he built a one bananna spaceship and flew home to Bananna-Land. It is believed he is still there now, planning to take over the earth as revenge and to free his fellow banannas who are being eaten by the crate loads all over the world.
 3. The Tim Story
Bananna Joe was all made up in the mind of a disturbed schoolboy called Tim and is totally fictional.
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