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I Can't Live Without You

This was a really fun story for me to write. It is basically based around there are no porno scenes in this, but it is kind of like Dawson's Creek or Felicity or something like that. It is hard for me to explain so if you don't like the topic of sex, don't read this story!!

In this story (which includes members of nsync and bsb) none of the guys were ever famous. They are just normal guys, who have never met before.

This story won an award! Isn't that amazing? lol. Thanks to everyone who voted!

*Oh yeah and I decided to name the chapters for this one...

Chapter One: A new house= 1 girl + 3 guys

chapter two: I think his name was Justin

Chapter Three: My man the underwear model

Chapter Four: The Playa's Club

NEW! Chapter Five: Sorry isn't good enoughNEW!

This story is nominated for these awards so please vote for it!!

Timberland! Awards

Feel free to email me any comments you have on the story at JCs-girl. Please, please, please send feedback!