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True Love Lost

*I want to dedicate this story to anybody who's ever watched but never touched.*

Have you ever loved someone without them even knowing? You watch them from afar and wish you were standing there with them. You feel every breath they take but have never actually been close enough to see their chest rise and fall?

Love works in mysterious ways, they say. For some of us, love doesn't work at all. Some people go through life without someone to hold them close, and tell them, 'I love you'.

And yet there's always that one person who has a permanent place in your heart. Your first true love your only true love. Why not go after that person, you ask?

Because...they're stuck in your childhood where you left them. They will always be there because you never told them how you felt...never gave them a chance.

His name was Taylor. He was the sweetest, nicest person you'd ever met. He lived next door and my bedroom window looked right into his. Of course, he didn't care...he didn't even know my name.

I on the other hand knew everything about him. I wanted desperately to be with him but didn't tell him or anyone else for that matter. I just followed his every move from my window seat.

I would daydream about going to his house, holding his hand, kissing him...and still none of it ever happened.

I lost all interest in any guy who wasn't Taylor. I didn't have a boyfriend all through high school and I moved on to college completely alone. I put all my energy in to studying and ignored boys all together....after all my *soul-mate* was Taylor.

I'm out of college now and I'm home visiting my parents. I saw Taylor today. He remembered me and told me he always had a crush on me. I wanted to tell him I was in love with him and that I always had been, but he started talking about his new girlfriend.

Suddenly I felt free. I'd let him to forever....back to my childhood.


Tell me what you think!!