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CTC Learning Circles 1998-99

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Sunday, November 15, 1998: Drumming for Ritual. Brydie and Mike facilitated. Both of these talented drummers have performed and been an important part of rituals for several years. Perhaps more importantly they are knowledgeable about drumming for ritual which is quite different from drumming for the fun of it.

Sunday, November 22: Healing Massage for Backs. Dick facilitated. Dick is a certified massage therapist and has been practicing since the Stone Age. Wear comfortable, loose clothing.

Sunday, Novemebr 29: Harvest Ritual. Open discussion. Bring in any leftover turkey and discuss all the wonderful things pagans have to be thankful for! Celebrate the Harvest Season with the Old Gods.

Sunday, December 6: Elements/Directions Seminar. Gryphon Rosemead facilitates. Gryphon has been practicing the Craft since the early 70's and has offered workshops at Four Quarters Farm, the UU Convocaton, Kallisti and the Broken Gourd Circle. This is the first workshop on the Elements and Directions, concentrating on the Earth and North.

Sunday, December 13: Pagans at Christmas. Open discussion. How can pagans survive the Christmas season with our beliefs and way of life uncompromised?

Sunday, December 20: No Learning Circle. Dick and Gryphon hosted the Yule Ritual the evening of the 20th. Since there is a major ritual planned for this day, the LC has been canceled. For more information on this ritual, see Wheel of the Year Celebrations.

Sunday December 27: When Santa was a Shamen. RiverSong Gardner facilitates. This Learning Circle will draw heavily from the book of the same name tracing the history of the midwinter spirit figures. We will also be looking at the mechanics involved in Reindeer Flight as well as look at photos of cave paintings of the flying Reindeer phenomenom. Join us for an historical look at midwinter myths.

Sunday January 3, 1999: Commitment Sunday and Administrivia. CTC Steering Committee facilitates. Come join in the fun and discussion and to show your support for CTC as we talk about CTC's future and where we(that means every friend and member of CTC) want to and will be going. Everyone's ideas and opinions are needed and welcome.

Jan 17, Administrivia CTC is still discussing and planning goals and ways to reach them. Come join us to help form our pagan group into a strong, committed, community serving organization!

Jan 24, Elements and Directions Workshop facilitated by Gryphon. We will be concentrating on the Element Water, which is usually associated with the West. Beliefs from several different Traditions will be discussed, followed by a guided meditation to meet a being of Water. Meditation bags will be made and empowered by the individuals concentrating on one or more West aspects such as intuition, compassion, purification, love, forgiveness, friendship, fertility and dream work. Participants are urged to come on time and bring their own knowledge and experiences about Water/West and particular tools and other items they associate with this working.

Jan 31, Imbolc Ritual no Learning Circle.

Feb 7, The Four Fold Way Facilitated by Wind Spirit. This learning circle is based on the book, "The Four Fold Way," which explores the common spiritual and cultural themes that are found across indigenous societies around the world. Many of these themes are familiar to the Pagan community, and in this learning circle we'll use those themes to explore each individual's "true path," and the qualities that are associated with that path. This is a journey into the subconscious to find out what our true path is, not a "career workshop." Some movement and grounding/centering exercises are included. If you are so inclined, bring a drum or other musical instrument and we might do some movement to your path. Come explore!

Feb. 14, Magical Tools facilitated by Gryphon. Traditional tools will be discussed and displayed, such as the Athame, Cauldron, Scourge, Wand, Candles, Incense, Pentacles, Stones, Tarot, Runes, etc.

Feb 21, Administrivia Future Learning Circles will be discussed as well as the next four main Rituals.

Feb. 28, Elements and Directions Workshop facilitated by Gryphon. We will be concentrating on the Element Fire, which is usually associated with the South. Beliefs from several different Traditions will be discussed, followed by a guided meditation to meet a being of Fire. Meditation bags will be made and empowered by the individuals concentrating on one or more South aspects such as passion, sexuality, energy, healing, purification, courage and freedom. Participants are urged to come on time and bring their own knowledge and experiences about Fire/South and particular tools and other items they associate with this working.

March 7, Energy and Polarity Massage facilitated by Dick. Using energy and touch; combining your spirituality and polarity energy together.

March 14, Homeopathy facilitated by SilverRose Homeopathy can change your life, by allowing you to be able to makechoices about yourself and your interactions. Sunday's learning circle will be an open discussion of Homeopathy, the theory and philosophy of homeopathic medicine. The differences between Homeopathy, Western (allopathic) and Alternative Medicines. And finally some guide lines on the use and caution of some Homeopathic Remedies.

March 21, No Learning Circle Today!
Come celebrate the Spring Equinox with us, facilitated by Brydie, Dick and Gryphon. For more info, click on Wheel of the Year Celebrations above!

March 28, Elements and Directions Workshop facilitated by Gryphon. We will be concentrating on the Element Air, which is usually associated with the East. Beliefs from several different Traditions will be discussed, followed by a guided meditation to meet a being of Air. Meditation bags will be made and empowered by the individuals concentrating on one or more East aspects such as inspiration, visualization, ideas, knowledge, joy and freedom. Participants are urged to come on time and bring their own knowledge and experiences about Air/East and particular tools and other items they associate with this working.

April 4, Administrivia. Planning and discussion continues!

April 11, Women in the Craft facilitated by Dustin

April 18 (Spirit Quest weekend)

April 25, Elements and Directions Workshop facilitated by Gryphon. We will be concentrating on Center, which is usually associated with the middle (or center) of a place or person. Beliefs from several different Traditions will be discussed, followed by a guided meditation to meet a being of Center. Meditation bags will be made and empowered by the individuals concentrating on one or more Center aspects such as balance, blending and completions. Participants are urged to come on time and bring their own knowledge and experiences about Center and particular tools and other items they associate with this working.

Saturday, May 1, Beltane Ritual.
To be held Saturday, May 1,1999, facilitated by Luna and Ace.

May 2: Conversation. There are many topics that are of interest to us and to those interested in CTC: Where do we want CTC to go from here? What is the dream of the future? If you could here from anyone who would be the first person on your list? How did you come to Paganism? Add the topic you want to talk about.

May 9, Invoking Deity facilitated by Dick. Which deities? What IS Deity? What do you want it (them) to do? How do you ask?

May 16, CTC Hot Dog Roast and Burning facilitated by Brydie. Once upon a time there was a Ritual Grove behind the ERUUF buildings. When the area was to be cleared for a parking lot we moved the alters to Brydie's meadow. The logs are now rotting and it is Brydie's wish that the logs be burned "in Ritual." If you have any Ritual or Magical items that need to pass on to the next plane by way of a cleansing, sacred fire, bring them. Hot dogs roasted over burning alters in sacred space will be our theme. Bring food and drink to share.

May 23: Chakras and Stones Introduction with Lynne Nelson

May 30 Holiday--have a GREAT time!

June 6: "Questions Unlimited" Lila and Luna co-facilitate. Whatever your experience in things magickal, we welcome your questions on how, why and when...we'll bring some books and tools for "show and tell". We will try to answer your questions, or find you a resource to answer questions that we can't answer. All levels of experience are welcome (maybe you hold some answers others seek).

June 13: Angel's Nest Field Trip Facilitated by Brydie. Come experience the labyrinth and chakra path in Stem.

June 20: No Learning Circle Join CTC as we celbrate Midsummer! For more details, click on Wheel of the Year celebrations above. Facilitated by Dick.

June 27: Administrivia Planning and discussion of CTC's future continues...

July 4: Group outing to the Festival for the Eno.

July 11: Introduction to the Norse Pantheon. Danny.

July 18: Wicca 101 - Wheel of the year. Lori.

July 25: Otherkin Energy. Barton.

August 1: No LC. Lammas Ritual in evening.

August 8: Learning to lead Rituals. Brydie et. al.

August 15: Conversations on Pagan Topics.

August 22: Norse Pantheon II - Ragnarok.

August 29: Otherkin Energy II - Elvinkin.

September 5: No LC. Labor Day holiday.

September 12: Drumming - Fascinating Rhythm.

September 19: Administrivia.
Come help determine CTC's direction during the quarterly membership and administration meeting. Suggest topic to be covered and meet the Steering Committee members.

September 26: Discussion about Mabon We are reinstating an old custom of considering the just past ritual: what worked and what did not, for the purpose of learning just how to plan a large ritual and how a small or intimate (Coven) ritual might differ in content or purpose. This is a learning time for you if you want to lead rituals.

October 3: First Sunday Ritual A Ritual of Healing and for the well-being of Eastern North Carolina. We will call the Directions, discuss the current situation, then send energy to this damaged area through a guided meditation. Come join us as we send healing energy to this devastated area!

October 10: Drumming To be held at West Point on the Eno.

October 17: "Earth Ethics" Listening to a tape of a talk given by Thandeka at the UUA General Assembly in Salt Lake City in June. "Respect for the interdependent web of all existence of which we are a part" is the most radical principle of our chosen faith. It is also the most sacred. To find out why, we have to talk about Earth Ethics and why it is so hard to practice what we preach. Thandeka is an Associate Professor of Theology and Culture at Meadville/Lombard Theological School, one of the primary UU training facilities. Her new book, "Learning to be White: Money, Race and God in America." was recently published by Continuum Press. A Unitarian Universalist minister and theologian, Thandeka was given her name in 1984 by Archbishop Desmond Tutu of South Africa. The name is Xhosa and means "one who is loved by God." Brydie Palmore will facilitate.

October 24: Wicca 101 topic
Facilitated by Dick Merritt. How the Pagan Wheel of the Year reflects nature. From Yule to Samhain, the 8 major holidays deal with agriculutre, weather and human life cycles.

October 31: No Learning Circle! Come join CTC to celebrate Samhain! For more information, click the Wheel of the Year Celebrations link above.

November 7: Dark Moon Rituals Facilitated by Gryphon Rosemead. I have broken Dark Moon Mysteries up into three different Learning Circles, just as the book this philosophy is based on does. During this first one, we will meet our shadowselves through journeying and sharing. It seems to me a dangerous and frightening trip, but we can do it--together. For more information, visit Gryphon's webpage at

November 14: Norse Magick Facilitated by Danny Moses. This is the last Learning Circle about the Norse system of spirituality in this series. There are two main types of Norse magic. The first is "Galdr," or rune magic; the other is "Seith," or shammanic magic. We will explore both.

November 21: Samhain Ritual postscripts We are reinstating an old custom of considering the just past ritual: what worked and what did not, for the purpose of learning just how to plan a large ritual and how a small or intimate (Coven) ritual might differ in content or purpose. This is a learning time for you if you want to lead rituals.

November 28: Thanksgiving Holiday Weekend No Learning Circle.

December 5: Otherkin Energies: DragonKin Facilitated by Bart. Dragon discussion: Continuation of the Otherkin talk. Will talk about dragons in general. What it feels like to embody dragon energy, to be have in your energetics of past lives. Some discussion of dragon lives and worlds. Dragon Sorcerery. Dragons in mythology, paganism, etc..

December 12: The Other Gender: Celebrating Man Facilitated by Dick Merritt and Gryphon Rosemead. In matrafocal neopaganism men are often at the least ignored or at the worst denigrated. In this Learning Circle, we will investigate, honor and celebrate the male half of the human race.

December 19: Gifts and Goodies with Gryphon
It is traditional at this time of the year to give each other gifts. Let's give each other traditional gifts; stones, feathers, oils, herbs, good companionship and stories of past Yules. I will bring a small bag of soil from my family's land in the WV mountains that has been empowered by strong visulazations of welcoming home and hearth. Bring snacks.

December 22: Yule RitualClick on Wheel of the Year Celebrations above for more information.

December 26: Yule/Christmas Holiday Weekend No Learning Circle.