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Learning Circles Offered in 2001

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Here are the Learning Circles that have been offered at Celebrate the Circle in 2001.

January 7: Feng Shui Applications 2 Facilitated by Ursa Madre. Using the principals of personal Feng Shui, this workshop will help you analyze the auspicious and inauspicious directions for each participant based on their own birthdate. Discussion will focus on augmenting good aspects and correcting problem aspects. Bring floor plans (drawn or blueprints - rough scale is okay), photos, and a list of your personal/professional goals to take the greatest advantage from this workshop. Attendance at the earlier learning circles is not mandatory for this learning circle.

January 14: Lares II Household Gods Facilitator; David Merrill. In ancient Rome, each family or household believed that they were protected by a family deity. These deities were known as Lares Familiares, and they were thought to be the spirits of the family's ancestors. They had a cupboard of their own (known as a lararium) which they inhabited in the form of tiny statuettes.

In this class/workshop, we will learn about the Roman customs. We will contact our own family gods, and make small statues for our own household altars. All materials will be provided. Facilitated by David Merrill.

January 21: Maiden and Boy; Wondrous Divine Childhood Facilitated by Gryphon. Let's share together what it meant to live the free, unstructured life of childhood, full of wonder and joy. If your childhood was far from this, come relive it over--the way you wanted it to be. We will discuss the child archetypes and find, empower and celebrate our own Divine Child within.

January 28: Goddess Trilogy I:Goddess Rememebred Facilitated by Dick. This poetic documentary is a salute to 35 000 years of "pre-history," to the values of ancestors only recently remembered, and to the goddess-worshipping religions of the ancient past. Goddess Remembered features discussions among such well-know scholars as Merlin Stone, Carol Christ, Luisah Teish, Starhawk, Charlene Spretnak, and Jean Bolen, who link the loss of goddess-centered societies with today's environmental crisis. They propose a return to the belief in an inter-connected life system, with respect for the earth and the female , as fundamental to our survival. Goddess Remembered is the first part of a three part series which includes The Burning Times and Full Circle. National Film Board of Canada films directed by Donna Read.

February 4: No Learning Circle. Join CTC for our Imbolc celebration led by Lance. For more information, click on The Wheel of the Year Celebrations above.

February 11: Mother and Father: Creative Adulthood Facilitated by Gryphon. The span of our middle years includes a great many changes, transitions, challenges and joys. Leaving childhood behind and moving into this long period of growth, which archetypes can we call on to help us? How can we balance all that is demanded of us by others and ourselves? How can we remain true to ourselves and continue to live life in a sacred, centered way? I hope YOU come with the answers, cause I don't have them all!

February 18: Group Discussion. Facilitated by members.

February 25: Goddess Trilogy II: The Burning Times. Facilitated by Dick. This beautiful crafted film is an in-depth look at the witch-hunts that swept through Europe just a few hundred years ago. False accusations and trials led to massive torture and burnings at the stake, and ultimately to the destruction of an organic way of life. The film advances the theory that widespread violence against women and the neglect of our environment today can be traced back to those times. Part two of a series of three films on women and spirituality which includes Goddess Remembered and Full Circle.

March 4: Astral Travel II Facilitated by Blake.

March 11: Crone/Sage: Wise Ones. Facilitated by Gryphon. We do not have to be at this point in our lives to feel the influence of these Wise Ones. Many see this period in our lives as scary and society has been very skillful in telling us that we do not want to even acknowledge this period of our lives exists (stay young forever!). Women stop bleeding and men enter a new phase of their lives. How can we prepare ourselves for this sacred part of our lives? What archetypes are available to us for guidance? How can we acknowledge, accept and celebrate the Wise One we already are?

March 18: No Learning Circle today! Join CTC to celebrate the Spring Equinox Ritual. Facilitated by Shawn.

March 25; Goddess Trilogy III: Full Circle. Facilitated by Dick. In this stirring documentary, authors, teachers, social activists and feminists explore manifestations of contemporary women's spirituality in the Western world. Full Circle is the final part of the Women and Spirituality trilogy, following Goddess Remembered and The Burning Times. Drawing on the customs, rites and knowledge of the past, Full Circle envisions a sustainable future where domination is replaced with respect. At the center of these discussions is a reverence for the Earth--a sacred circle which we must protect.

April 1: Fool's Magic Facilitated by Lance.

April 8: Administrivia. Let your voice be heard!

April 15: Healing Through Five Senses. Facilitated by Sharon. We will explore the use of healing modalities thru the framework of the five senses. This learning circle will provide information about different healing and magickal techniques and combining them for maximum effectiveness. We will do some hands on work of channeling and positive energy using various sensory techniques.

April 22: Carolina Spirit Quest.
No Learning Circle, gather for community dinner.

April 29: No Learning Circle today! Join CTC and celebrate Beltane. Facilitated by Ursa Madre. For more information, click on Wheel of the Year Celebrations above.

May 6: TBA Facilitated by Blake and/or Melinda.

May 13: What is a "Path" and how did you choose yours?. Facilitated by Sharon and CTC members.

May 20: Chakras VII Facilitator; Sharon. Join us for the continuation of this popular series of Learning Circles. None are prerequisites for the others; come to any you would like.

May 27: Elemental Balancing (Air, Fire, Water, Earth). Facilitated by Cynthia. We will do some discussion on what the elements are and what they mean to us, chart our elemental strengths and weaknesses, and then a ritual/meditation to help bring ourselves closer to those areas we may need to pay more attention to. I find this is an exercise that is useful for me to do every one or two years, to both help me maintain personal balance and to keep track of how I have changed or grown...or relapsed ;) I hope everyone else benefits from it as well!!

June 3: Original Blessing. Facilitated by Dick Merritt. Where Creation Spirituality and Paganism touch.

June 10: Rosemary: Pagan Herb Notes. Facilitated by Ursa Madre. What is the significance of a rosemary bush thriving by the front door? Why did ancient Romans wear rosemary circlets at weddings? These and other magickal abilities of this herb will be revealed.

June 17: CTC Midsummer No Learning Circle today; come join CTC to celebrate at Kumasi Hill. Bring your own worship service. For more inforamtion when we get it, click on Wheel of the Year above.

June 24: Gemstones Facilitated by Sharon Hill.

July 1: Administrivia What do you want to learn about and what knowleged do you have to share? Let your voice be heard!

July 8: Tarot Explorations I. Facilitated by Lance Brown.

July 15: Sage: Pagan Herb Notes. Facilitated by Ursa Madre. Why is Sage considered the King of the medicinal herbs? What can you use sage for besides smuding?

July 22: Wheel of the Year. Facilitated by Dick Merritt. The Wheel Turns: The Sabbatts celebrate our connection to the seasons of the year. They remind us of the cycles of our natural world and of our lives. We will explore the relationship of the physical, agricultural, mythological, and ritual cycles as the wheel of the year turns 'round.

July 29: Lammas Ritual. No Learning Circle today; join CTC as we celebrate Lammas, facilitated by Cynthia. This is one of the two designated indoor rituals of the year--feast to follow. Click on Wheel of the Year above for more details as they are available.

August 5: Archetypes I: King Facilitated by Dick Merritt. Robert Moore and Douglas Gillette have had great influence in the mythopoetic men’s movement, stemming from their original classic, King, Warrior, Magician, Lover. The authors' thesis is that the patriarchal structure of Western civilization, which victimizes men as well as women, is a result of immature Boy Psychology. The book presents four archetypes of mature masculine Man Psychology (and their Dark Side) in the vision that men will be able to integrate these four aspects into their own lives. This learning circle will examine the king and warrior archetypes.

August 12: Spell Weaving Facilitated by Lynn

August 19: Parsley & Thyme: Pagan Herb Notes. Facilitated by Ursa Madre.

August 26: Elemental Balancing: Air. Facilitated by Cynthia. We will do some discussion on what the elements are and what they mean to us, chart our elemental strengths and weaknesses, and then a ritual/meditation to help bring ourselves closer to those areas we may need to pay more attention to. I find this is an exercise that is useful for me to do every one or two years, to both help me maintain personal balance and to keep track of how I have changed or grown...or relapsed ;) I hope everyone else benefits from it as well!

September 2: Tarot Explorations III: The High Priestess Facilitated by Lance Brown. We will continue our study of the Major Arcana with the High Priestess. The Lady of mystery, intuition, and unseen potentials. We will explore Her place in the Tarot and Her significance in our lives. We now visit the Empress; she who encompasses all of Nature's creativity, fertility, and abundance, and represents the archetype of the Mother. We continue our exploration of the Tarot with Major Arcana III. Please bring your Tarot decks and experiences to share!

September 9: The Lemon Herbs: Pagan Herb Notes. Facilitated by Ursa Madre

Septemeber 16: Pagan Pride Day. No Learning Circle in favor of CTC attending the PPD. -- NC State Fairgrounds. Come support your circle-mates that are giving workshops. CTC is leading a ritual, setting up an altar, and helping with foodservice! For more information on this event, check out their webpage at:

September 23: CTC Mabon. No Learning Circle today. Join CTC to celebrate Mabon, or the Vernal Equinox. Facilitated by Lance Brown. For more information, click on Wheel of the Year celebrations above.

September 30: Administrivia Let your voice be heard!

October 7: Lavender: Pagan Herb Notes. Facilitated by Ursa Madre. It's not just for potpourri! Lavender has both culinary and medicinal properties in addition to its common crafty uses.

October 14: Tarot Explorations III Facilitated by Lance. We now visit the Empress; she who encompasses all of Nature's creativity, fertility, and abundance, and represents the archetype of the Mother. As the Empress is Mother, so the Emperor is Father. He is the Rule Giver, the Disciplinarian, strict, strong, and loving. He will defend those under his protection with all His strength and heart. What can we learn about our-selves and our paths from Him? We continue our exploration of the Tarot with Major Arcana III. Please bring your Tarot decks and experiences to share!

October 21: Practical Magick and Ethics Facilitated by Maddy. Magick for every day use. Finding a parking space. Dealing with an unfair boss or argumentative co-worker...without harming anyone. Learn magickal ways to protect your family, pets, property; protection for traveling; What about love spells? The Rule of Three, Karma, and other ethical considerations. What should be in your emergency magickal kit?

October 28: CTC Samhain Ritual. No Learning Circle today. Join CTC as we celebrate Samhain. Facitiatated by Dick Merritt. For more information as it is avaiable, click on Wheel of the Year Celebrations above.

November 4: Elemental Balancing: Fire. Facilitated by Cynthia. We will do some discussion on what the elements are and what they mean to us, chart our elemental strengths and weaknesses, and then a ritual/meditation to help bring ourselves closer to those areas we may need to pay more attention to. I find this is an exercise that is useful for me to do every one or two years, to both help me maintain personal balance and to keep track of how I have changed or grown...or relapsed ;) I hope everyone else benefits from it as well!

Sunday, November 11: Archetypes II: Hero and Warrior. Facilitated by Dick Merritt. Robert Moore and Douglas Gillette have had great influence in the mythopoetic men’s movement, stemming from their original classic, King, Warrior, Magician, Lover. The authors' thesis is that the patriarchal structure of Western civilization, which victimizes men as well as women, is a result of immature Boy Psychology. The book presents four archetypes of mature masculine Man Psychology (and their Dark Side) in the vision that men will be able to integrate these four aspects into their own lives. This learning circle will examine the magician and lover archetypes.

November 18: Elemental Balancing: Water Facilitated by Cynthia. We will do some discussion on what the elements are and what they mean to us, chart our elemental strengths and weaknesses, and then a ritual/meditation to help bring ourselves closer to those areas we may need to pay more attention to. I find this is an exercise that is useful for me to do every one or two years, to both help me maintain personal balance and to keep track of how I have changed or grown...or relapsed ;) I hope everyone else benefits from it as well!

November 25: Music in Ritual Facilitated by Maddy and Cynthia.

Decemebr 2: Tarot Explorations IV: The Emperor. Facilitated by Becky.

December 9: Auguary/Animal Totems I. Facilitated by DolphinMoon. Come join the discussion that's for the birds! Literally. We will discuss all of our feathered friends, and what we can learn from them. Journey to the underworld to find a feathered animal guide/spirit guide/totem/spirit animal. Bring any pictures, or information you have about your favorite birds, and join in the discussion! Bring along a friend!

December 16: No Learning Circle. Join CTC for our Yule Ritual at 5:00p.m. at Kumasi Hill. Facilitated by Tamia Buckingham.

December 23: Early Christian Magick Facilitated by Blake. We discussed Gnosticism, Kabala, and the Dead Sea Scrolls.

December 30: Ring out the Old! A Pre-New Year's Celebration Facilitated by Lance. A holiday party! We will gather to celebrate the season so please bring holiday munchies, music, and yourselves for a relaxed couple hours of community sharing and building at ERUUF.