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Celebrate the Circle Learning Circles 2002

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January 6: Administrivia The place to share what you want to see taught, what you want to teach, and how the circle is celebrated.

January 13: Elemental Balancing-Earth Facilitated by Cynthia. (Please Note, this is the Pagan Leadership Conference Weekend) We will do some discussion on what the elements are and what they mean to us, chart our elemental strengths and weaknesses, and then a ritual/meditation to help bring ourselves closer to those areas we may need to pay more attention to. I find this is an exercise that is useful for me to do every one or two years, to both help me maintain personal balance and to keep track of how I have changed or grown...or relapsed ;) I hope everyone else benefits from it as well!

January 20: Moon Magic: Waxing Moon Facilitated by Gryphon. The Moon has long been associated with magic. She waxes (grows), is full and then wanes (grows smaller) in a regular, reliable cycle. We will discuss the lore and traditions surrounding the phases of the Moon, go on a guided mediation, then make some magic! This LC will involve the Moon in her waxing phase, full of courageous new beginnings. Come share, journey, grow and make some Moon magic with CTC.

January 27: Pagan Leadership Conference Discussion Pagan Leadership Conference Discussion - attendees of conference. Learn what happened at the PLC and the action items it generated. Discuss the role of CTC within the District PLC umbrella.

Imbolc.February 3: No Learning Circle. Join CTC for Imbolc. 5:00 p.m. at ERUUF, Facilitated by Lance Brown

February 10: Mendhi Facilitated by Tamara.

February 17: The Maiden Facilitated by Laura.

February 24: Moon Magic-Full Moon Facilitated by Gryphon. The Moon has long been associated with magic. She waxes (grows), is full and then wanes (grows smaller) in a regular, reliable cycle. We will discuss the lore and traditions surrounding the phases of the Moon, go on a guided mediation, then make some magic! This LC will involve the Moon in her full phase, heavy with creativity and power. Come share, journey, grow and make some Moon magic with CTC.

March 3: Archetypes III-Magician Facilitated by Dick Merritt. Robert Moore and Douglas Gillette have had great influence in the mythopoetic men’s movement, stemming from their original classic, King, Warrior, Magician, Lover. The authors' thesis is that the patriarchal structure of Western civilization, which,victimizes men as well as women, is a result of immature Boy Psychology. The book presents four archetypes of mature masculine Man Psychology (and their Dark Side) in the vision that men will be able to integrate these four aspects into their own lives. This learning circle will examine the Magician archetype.

March 10:Elementary Polyamoury Facilitated by Dick. "Oberon and Morning Glory Zell-Ravenheart will be the principal presenters at the upcoming Carolina Spirit Quest. They are well know as advocates of responsible non-monogamy. This learning circle will look at some of the forms of polyamory as practiced in our culture."

March 17: Common Chants Chantress - by request of Steering Committee. This learning circle focuses on simple chants anyone can sing - even Dick! Learn some new chants and share some old ones. We will learn about the use of chant and music in ritual. We also encourage everyone to bring his or her own chants to teach and share.

March 24: No Learning Circle today. Join CTC for Ostara. The Spring Eqinox Ritual will be held at 5:00 p.m. at Kumasi Hill. Facilitated by Gryphon Rosemead

March 31: Administrivia Let your voice be heard! What subjects would you like CTC to delve into? What do you desire to teach? The place to share what you want to see taught, what you want to teach, and how the circle is celebrated.

April 7: Sun Magic Facilitated by Gryphon. The sun is close, hot and bright in the summer, giving it's energy to the Earth and Her children so we can live and grow. In the winter, it moves away from us, growing distant and cool. The sun creates the seasons, Spring, Summer, Autumn and Winter and provides us light to see by and energy to live by. It paints the sky with color at dawn and dusk and the Moon reflects its' light gently back to the Earth at night. How can we bring this energy consciously into our lives and ask it to help us? Join CTC on April 24 and let's figure it out together and then do some Sun Magic!

April 14: No Learning Circle today --CSQ Weekend! For more information about this wonderfully magical weekend, check out the Carolina Spirit Quest webpage at

April 21: Archetypes IV-Lover Facilitated by Dick. Robert Moore and Douglas Gillette have had great influence in the mythopoetic men's movement, stemming from their original classic, King, Warrior, Magician, Lover. The authors' thesis is that the patriarchal structure of Western civilization, which victimizes men as well as women, is a result of immature Boy Psychology. The book presents four archetypes of mature masculine Man Psychology (and their Dark Side) in the vision that men will be able to integrate these four aspects into their own lives. This learning circle will examine the Lover archetype.

April 28: No Learning Circle. Join CTC for Beltane. Facilitated by Cynthia Campbell. For more information, click on" Wheel of the Year Celebrations" above.

May 5: Moon Magic-Waning Moon Facilitated by Gryphon. The Moon has long been associated with magic. She waxes (grows), is full and then wanes (grows smaller) in a regular, reliable cycle. We will discuss the lore and traditions surrounding the phases of the Moon, go on a guided mediation, then make some magic! This LC will involve the Moon in her waning phase, a sharp sickle of experience and knowledge. Come share, journey, grow and make some Moon magic with CTC.

May 12: The Friendly Stimulants Facilitated by Jenna "Tigerheart" Moore. Ginger, Rosemary, and Peppermint are a few of the herbs that can give you a little pep in the morning. Each of these herbs has other healing powers as well. We will discuss some of the ways to use these three powerful herbs. Feel free to bring you own recipes and items to share.

May 19: Mother Facitated by Laura. Come explore this aspect of the Goddess in part two of a 3-part series on the Maiden/Mother/Crone! Together we will discuss common and uncommon aspects of the Mother, associations, and learn how to incorporate this energy into our lives--whether or not we have children. (Note - this is a CSQ Board Meeting Weekend)

May 26: No Circle Activities - Enjoy your Memorial Day Weekend.

June 2: Tarot Explorations Facilitated by Lance. The Heirophant and The Lovers. We continue our exploration of the Major Arcana of the Tarot with the Heirophant and the Lovers. These are both cards of balance and growth: The Heirophant urges us to master our spiritual selves and find the balance between the spiritual and material, the Lovers focuses on relationship, male/female energy, and the balance between reason and passion. Bring your stories, Tarot decks, and stories to share!

June 9: Crone Facilitated by Laura. Come explore this aspect of the Goddess in part three of a 3-part series on the Maiden/Mother/Crone! Together we will discuss common and uncommon aspects of the Crone, associations, and learn how to incorporate this energy into our lives--even if we have not physically reached this stage in our life cycle.

June 16: No Learning Circle today. Join CTC for Midsummer. Facilitated by Ursa Madre. For more information, click on "Wheel of the Year Celebrations" above.

June 23: Animal Augary: the cat family Facilitated by DolphinMoon. Come join the discussion that's for the cats! Literally. We will discuss all of our feline friends, and what we can learn from them. Journey to the underworld to find a feline animal guide/spirit guide/totem/spirit animal. Bring any pictures, or information you have about your favorite cats, and join in the discussion! Bring along a friend!

June 30: Journaling Facilitated by Sharon. This workshop requires a journal - a few will be available at the circle. Discussion of techniques, purposes, and experiences related to journaling. Includes discussions of books on the subject and doing some writing exercises. Attendees will be encouraged to start a journaling practice and report back at Sharon's next circle.

July 7: Administrivia The place to share what you want to see taught, what you want to teach, and how the circle is celebrated. Newsletter Deadline is Monday, July 8.

July 14: Bastille Day Rituals Facilitated by Facilitator: Jenna "Tigerheart" Moore. July 14 is Bastille Day, which is celebrated in France and is similar to the American Independence Day. This day marks the beginning of the French Revolution in which the French people put an end to the Monarchy. They stopped allowing others to rule them and started ruling themselves. Today we will be celebrating our own freedom from the prisons in which we have found ourselves at times. Please bring any drums or instruments you would like to use during the energy raising.

July 21: Medicine Wheel Facilitated by Dick Merritt. A tool for meditation and spiritual growth common to many Native American nations. We will discuss ways this tool can support a variety of neo-pagan spiritual practices.

July 28: Early Christian Magick II Facilitated by Blake. We will focus on the presence of the Goddess in the religion's developing stages and how Her magick was performed. Participants are encouraged to bring their thinking caps, as well as an open mind. A discussion is to precede a solid exercise in finding and developing the Consort to Christ from within. Those who are interested in attending who missed part one of this presentation are heavily encouraged to contact me for some pre-class suggestions in catching up. Thanks, Blake

August 4: No Learning Circle today. Join CTC for Lammas. Facilitated by Maddy and Dick. To be held at ERUUF - Room TBD.

August 11: Meditation Facilitated by Sharon. Discussion and practice of meditation techniques, including chant work, pranayama (breath work), guided meditation, mindfulness, and "no mind".

August 18: Music with Maddy (Note - this is a CSQ Board Meeting Weekend)

August 25: The Shadow Facilitated by Sharon. The Shadow is a powerful archetype and a most intimate part of each of our personality make-ups. In this workshop we will discuss the function and dysfunction of the shadow. There will be an opportunity for you to share personal shadow experiences as well as exercises to bring light to our shadow. C.G.Jung said, "We do not become enlightened by staring into the light, but by bringing to ligh that which is in darkness." May this workshop be a tool for you to use in your own journey.

September 1: CTC Labor Day Picnic Facilitated by Louann.

September 8: Pivotal Existence I: Ancestors Faciliated by Gryphon Rosemead Hold a hand mirror up to a wall mirror. The mirror you hold is reflected into infinity, as far as you can see. Now turn around and hold the mirror up again; see your back and the hand mirror reflected into infinity. Turn around and look at yourself in the wall mirror. You are the pivotal point in time; from you, your physical line precedes into the future; from you, your physical ancestral line reaches far back. The first Learning Circle in this three-part series will involve going back through your physical bloodline to meet and experience your ancestors. For you to exist, others experienced great adventures, hardships and joy to produce offspring. Touch some of these ancestor spirits of yours; celebrate their lives and their deaths that lead up to your very own existence. Be prepared to journey into the past and bring back unknown treasures.

September 15: CTC Spiritual Sauna 1 PM Contact person, Tammie Ward A discussion of the purpose and some of the various forms of the spirtual sauna ceremony and how it can be adopted to modern neo-paginism will take place. This will include logistical and safety considerations for running a sauna and a brief, but real sauna based on the teachings of an Elder. Bring two large towels, one to sit on and one to dry yourself with. Wear loose clothing, avoiding spandex. This is a special Learning Circle and will be held from 1:00 PM --4:30 PM at Kumasi Hill. If anyone can come early and stay late to help it would be greatly appreciated. NOTICE: Due to the wet/rainy weather this Learning Circle has been cancelled.

September 22: No Learning Circle. Join CTC for Mabon. Facilitated by Gryphon. For more information, click on "Wheel of the Year Celebrations" above

September 29: Administrivia - Newsletter Deadline Monday, September 30.

October 6: Spiritual Preparation for Samhain Ritual Facilitated by Lance & Brydie We will consider how to prepare ourselves for Samhain, the end of the old year and the beginning of the new. At this time of year we recall the memories of friends and relatives who have gone on. They are near us. It is a time of reflection; a time to come to terms with that part of life we cannot control - death.

October13: Tarot Explorations VI Facilitated by Lance. We will look at The Chariot (VII) and Strength (VIII) of the Major Arcana during this Learning Circle. The strong man standing in his Chariot represents control and victory, but can also be the person running roughshod over others on his way to the finish line. Strength, the Lady and Lion, represents strong muscles and action, and also the inner strength of compassion and love. We will examine these cards, how their qualities manifest in our lives, and what we can learn from them. Please bring your decks and Tarot stories to share!

October 20: Animal Spiritual Exploration: The dog/wolf families Facilitated by DolphinMoon. Which canine is the more a trickster? What can you learn from an Australian wild dog? What can we learn of loyalty from domestic dogs? Which vulpine can teach you about camouflage? Bring your whole pack along to learn about these animals, and discover new ways to apply nature to your spiritual growth. Awooooooooooo!

October 27: Pivotal Existence II: Progeny Facilitated by Gryphon Rosemead. Hold a hand mirror up to a wall mirror. The mirror you hold is reflected into infinity, as far as you can see. Now turn around and hold the mirror up again; see your back and the hand mirror reflected into infinity. Turn around and look at yourself in the wall mirror. You are the pivotal point in time; from you, your physical line precedes into the future; from you, your physical ancestral line reaches far back. The second Learning Circle in this three-part series will involve going forward in time to experience your physical offspring. Although these future people may not be of your own blood, they are your children, you have helped shape them, they are people you will have a great effect on. Reach out to them and come back rejuvenated.

November 3: No Learning Circle. Join CTC for Samhain. Facilitated by DolphinMoon and Jenna Tigerheart. 5:00 p.m. Kumasi Hill. Click on Wheel of the Year above for more details.

November 10: Tarot Explorations VII: Hermit and Wheel of Fortune. Facilitated by Lance Brown. Join us as we continue our journey through the Major Arcana of the Tarot. We will study the 9th and 10th Arcana, The Hermit and The Wheel of Fortune. What wisdom does the Hermit bring you? What can you learn from the Hermit's reclusive nature? The Wheel of Fortune represents Luck, good and bad, and destiny. Have you the courage to place your talents and skills in the game and spin Fortune's wheel, risking it all? Come, join us to delve into these cards, discuss their meanings, and share your stories of the Tarot!

Sunday, November 17: Manifestation: A Chakra Exercise fcilitated by Sharon (Note - this is a CSQ Board Meeting Weekend) I have developed a daily exercise based on the work of Caroline Myss and Anodea Judith that uses affirmations and the energies of the chakras to shape and manifest our desires in the external world. In this workshop we will briefly discuss the energies and associations of the chakras and develop a personal ritual to use these energies in our magikal practice

Sunday, November 24: Pivotal Existence III: You Facilitated by Gryphon Rosemead Hold a hand mirror up to a wall mirror. The mirror you hold is reflected into infinity, as far as you can see. Now turn around and hold the mirror up again; see your back and the hand mirror reflected into infinity. Turn around and look at yourself in the wall mirror. You are the pivotal point in time; from you, your physical line precedes into the future; from you, your physical ancestral reaches line far back. The last Learning Circle in this three-part series will involve tying together your own ancestral past with your progeny future. You are the key, you are the bridge, you are the center of your own wondrous sacred web.

December 1: Designing Your Own Personal Spiritual Retreat Facilitated by Sharon. In 2000-01, from Yule to Imbolc, I made a silent retreat in my home. I continued to speak, use the phone, the computer, and any other technology of communication Monday to Friday at work. I'd like to share the decision making process that I went thru to make the decision to take this time and to decide how I would spend these 6 weeks. I will also share some of my experiences and some of the results. I will also share some alternative ways to design a home retreat and we will discuss essential and optional activities to include.

December 8: Yule and Related Traditions Facilitated by Maddy.

December 15: No Learning Circle. Join CTC for Yule. Facilitated by Tammie and Danny. For more information, click on "Wheel of the Year Celebrations" above.

December 22: Menopause Facilitated by Tammie. Is it possible to have a hot flash in my leg? What are the differences between HRT and natural remedies? When your partner is experiencing menopause, should you give in and go out to dinner, or stand there and fight? Come to this learning circle on menopause and find out the answer to these and other questions. If you have experienced menopause first hand, lived with a partner who has, or don't know if you have or can, please come and share your knowledge and experience with everyone. Please bring any books, articles, etc to share with the group.

December 29: Yule "Tea" Facilitated by Tamia or Dick. Instead of a learning circle this week, bring a favorite culinary treat of the season (or one that you've got too much left of) to share. We'll snack and socialize, focusing on decompression of the holiday season stress. No Claxton fruitcakes please!
