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The Natural Holidays - Wheel of the Year

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Spring Equinox

The Spring Equinox is the beginning of the astrological year. This moment occurs about March 20-21 in the western calandar. Astrologically this is 0 degrees Aries. On this day, light and darkness (day and night) are in balance. This day is therefore a celebration of balance.


May Day - Beltane

This day, approximately May 1 in the western calandar, is a "cross-quarter" day, being halfway between the Spring Equinox and the Summer Solstice.


Summer Solstice - Litha

Summer solstice - Longest day of the Year. Traditionally celebrated June 21.


Lammas - High Summer

Approximately August 1. Cross-quarter day between the Summer Solstice and the Autumn Equinox.


Autumn Equinox - Mabon

Approximately September 21.


Samhain - Halloween

Traditionally observed on October 31. Cross-quarter day between the Autumn Equinox and the Winter Solstice. The Celtic name is pronounced approximately as "sah-wane".

Sometimes called the "Witches New Year" Samhain was the Celtic New Year festival. On this "day between the years" it is traditional to remember the Ancestors and those who have died.

This is the High Autumn time, when the Earth begins her fallow season, the season of rest and rejuvenation.


Winter Solstice - Yule

Aproximately December 21.


Imbolc - Candlemass

Deep Winter. Traditionally on Feburary 1. This is the cross-quarter day between the Winter Solstice and the Spring Equinox.
