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Wheel of the Year Celebrations


Rituals Described:

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Celebrate the Circle has been in exsistance since 1988. Most of the past Rituals live only in the memories of the participants and in brief descriptions in old Newsletters. When we began our webpage, we started putting descriptions of our Rituals on it. These are the Rituals since we have had a working webpage, so they only begin in 1998.

Mabon or Fall Equinox on Tuesday September 22, 1998 7:00pm facilitated by Brydie

In "The Spiral Dance" Starhawk speaks of Mabon: This is the time of harvest, of thanksgiving and joy, of leave taking and sorrow. Now day and night are equal, in perfect balance, and we give thought to the balance and flow within our own lives. The Sun King has become the Lord of Shadows, sailing West: we follow Him into the dark. Life declines; the season of barreness is on us, yet we give thanks for that which we have reaped and gathered. We meet to turn the Wheel and weave the cord of life that will sustain us through the dark.

A Balanced Ritual
This is a ritual about balance, a ritual about understanding balance, about where we find it in our lives, and where it is missing. And of course, if it is missing, what might we want to do about that. We hope to do all of these including finding a plan of action.

Samhain on Saturday October 31, 1998 7:00 pm Facilitated by RiverSong and Jenna

Yule: "A Witch's Yule Carol" Sunday, December 20, 1998, 7:00 Facilitated by Dick Merritt and Gryphon Rosemead.

At this time do we know the dark of the year.
The season of life is past, and all is cold.
Emptiness and bleakness are all about.
Let us now give honor to the Triple Goddess
That the season may be made better
Through the birth of the Divine Child,
The Golden Newborn Solstice Sun.

Through guided meditation, gifting and dancing this ritual will take us on a journey from the winter holidays of the past through the present and from there into a future of our own creation.