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CTC Rituals 2000

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Current Wheel of the Year Celebrations
Previous Wheel of the Year Celebrations

Imbolc: Monday, January 31.

Presented by Dick, Tim, David, Shawn and Joy.

Celebrate the Circle will hold its Imbolc (Canclemas, Brigid) ritual in the ERUUF Fellowship Hall at 7:00 PM on Monday, January 31. This is the feast of the waxing light. We see the infant year grow strong as the days grow visibly longer. All are welcome at this rite. For more information contact Dick Merritt at 644-6310 or

Spring Equinox: Sunday, March 19

Presented by Tamia

Spring Equinox with an Aboriginal flavor!

The Vernal Equinox, also known as Ostara, Alban Eiler, and Esther, is a time for celebrating the maturing Sun God. Day and Night stand equal. New life is unfolding - gone are the winter winds, new plant growth appears as Spring marches forward to the Beltaine climax. The dance has begun, and remains innocent at this point - as summed up by the Australian witch, Fiona Horne, the maiden and youth become innocently aware of one another; 'their eyes meet across the dance floor'. It is the time of initiation to adulthood, prior to the Great Rite.

Among the Australian Aboriginals, gatherings of the tribes, known as corrobboree, were held both prior to initiation and to welcome the newly initiated men of the tribes. Major inter-tribal celebration, dispute settlement, and marriage arrangements took place along side the dancing and music of the corrobboree.

This Ostara, we borrow the corrobborree from the native Australians, allowing their earth-centered culture to resonate to the core of our being and bring us closer to the primal feelings of moving from oyhood to manhood.

Join CTC at 7:00 at Kamasi Hill for an Ostara corrobboree - ritual attire and instruments (drums, etc.) welcome. Didgeridoos, rhythm sticks, and bull-roarers highly encouraged. Please note, this ritual is held out-of-doors - please look to the weather for appropriate attire. Please bring food and drink to share at after ritual feast.

Beltaine: Sunday, April 30

Presented by David, Shawn and Gryphon

Greetings and Merry Meet!

Sgt. Howie (shocked): 'But they are naked!'
Lord Summerisle: 'Naturally. It's much too dangerous to jump through the fire with your clothes on!'

--from "The Wicker Man"

Beltane is a very special point on the Wheel of the Year, when we come together to celebrate the marriage of the Maiden and the Green Man. CTC will be holding a Beltane celebration and ritual at Kamasi Hill on April 30. Gather at 7:00 PM. The ritual will start at 7:30 The Goddess says: "all acts of love and pleasure are My rituals," so we will be having lots of fun, in games and general revelry! We'll frolic with Pan, under the Lady's silver face. We'll be chanting, drumming, making music and magick, and dancing the maypole. Of course, it wouldn't be Beltane without a Fire (or two). And, we will complete the Work we began at our Ostara corrobboree by burning a charged, knotted ring of cords in the Beltane Fire. Please join us to celebrate and have lots of fun! Feel free to dress up or down, however you're comfortable. Please bring food to share at Feasting.

Midsummer: Sunday, June 18, 5:00 PM.

Presented by Dick and Gryphon

Celebrate the Circle Celebrates Man for Midsummer!

Men are wondrous and sacred beings. CTC will hold an all out celebration and honoring of men and the masculine. At the height of the sun's power (often thought of as the most powerful masculine time) we will dance and chant and celebrate men!

We will begin by a quiet meditative walk around the firepit. As you are ready, you will be lead to the Cave. Face the Being there which represents your idea of "man." Feel free to discuss your feelings and thoughts with this being. You will be given a medalian that has within it ashes from the Beltaine fire. Ashes that include the burned pieces of rope that were tied with power at the Spring Equinox.

You will be lead to the firepit through the ring of people still quietly walking. There the Gate Keeper will ask you two questions.

"What have you brought to cast into the Fire?" and "What have you come to celebrate?"

Time to celebrate man now! What ever good feeling or experience you have to celebrate, say it out loud.

If the Gate Keeper sees that you are serious, have begun your journey and are ready to dance and chant he will allow you entry.

Others will celebrate with you as you join them in dance and chant!

We will raise energy and focus it into a candle; then throw the candle into the Fire at the height of our power raising and send out this energy of love and goodwill to man into the universe.

Come celebrate and journey with Celebrate the Circle on Midsummer Night.

Lammas; Sunday, July 30. Gather at 5:00 PM in the Commons Room at ERUUF.

Presented by Brydie and Dick.

Everysoul Ritual

This is the time of the first harvest. Lugh dies at Lammas and as we move toward Samhain and its final harvest, this is a time to look at the ultimate journey we will all eventually take. We consider lessons learned and not learned while we participate in a morality play teaching us that death is not final. There are three main characters:

Hecate is a Goddess of the underworld. She is spoken of as gathering souls at a crossroads at midnight while Her hounds surround Her.

The God who is less specific and represents male strength and fearsome might.

Everysoul represents every person who, fearful of death, learns that victory is available to those who accept and embrace the divine.

Hecate, The God, and Everysoul teach us the Mystery during the play.

Mabon; Sunday, September 24, 5:00 PM at Kumasi Hill

Presented by Bill and Tamia.

A Ritual done in Druidic style.

Samhain: Sunday, October 29 5:00 PM at Kumasi Hill.
!!Note: Daylight savings time starts Sunday Morning!!

East, be with us as our breath escapes
Us for the last time.

South, be with us as as the Fire within
Dwindles... dwindles... then is snuffed.

West, be with us as our blood slows...
Then stops flowing through our veins.

North, be with us
As our bodies grow cold.

Center, be with us
As our spirits leave our physical home.

Come celebrate Samhain with CTC. For one night, die and enter the Underworld. Persephone will interceed for you with Hades--but only a handful will get the opportunity to live again. Will you be one? Do you have the courage and desire to live? To fight for your right to join the living again?

Circle with Death this Samhain--come on, I DARE you, mortal!

Yule - Winter Solstice: "Winter Magic" Sunday, December 17, 5:00 PM

Facilitated by Dick and Brydie. The Sun will again turn its attention toward us at the Winter Solstice -- this magic moment in the wheel of the year. The days lengthen giving us the promise of victory over the cold and darkness of Winter and the joyful return of Spring. Winter Magic is a celebration ritual reminding us that God and Goddess are with us always.

We rejoice at the Sun's return and celebrate His birth together with candles and bonfire. Since winter is a time of contemplation we listen to the wisdom of the four directions while making a Winter Token to remind us of our learnings. Again we celebrate with dancing and feasting before traveling home with our Winter Tokens to tell us again of the joy and peace of this season. Join us for an evening of both introspection and fellowship. Please wear comfortable clothes that you can move and be warm in, and shoes that will support you. We will conclude the evening with drumming and feasting. If you have food to share, please bring it for a potluck. Bring non-perishable food for area food banks.