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Wheel of the Year Celebrations 2002

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Imbolc: Feburary 3, 2002. Celebrating the Three-Fold Flame of Brighid

Facilitated by Lance A. Brown. This Ritual will be held at Eno River Unitarian Universalist Fellowship.

The darkest nights of Winter have come and gone. At Yule, the Holly King and his Snow Queen walked among us hearing our thanks and wishes for the new year and leaving their blessings upon us. Now, as Imbolc approaches and the days begin to grow longer, our thoughts turn to our plans and the work ahead of us in the new year.

CTC celebrates Imbolc as a planned indoor ritual, including feasting and revelry afterward so please bring food and drink for a potluck feast after the ritual! A kitchen will be available for keeping warm or heating food. Bring musical instruments, drums, etc. for the revels! Brighid is a patron goddess of the muse, let us celebrate her inspiration with music and dance!

Brighid's Flame is three fold:

The Fire in the Cauldron that nourishes and heals
The Fire in the Forge that shapes and tempers
The Fire in the Head that incites and inspires

This year, we will ask Brighid to join us within our circle in these three aspects: Cauldron, Forge, and Head, and to bless the candles and tools we use in our craft. Please bring any candles and/or tools you wish to be blessed! We will also have an opportunity to ask a boon of the Gods. The Aspects will hear our requests, be they great or small, public or private.

Finally, Imbolc is a time of initiations and beginnings. Under the watchful gaze of the Aspects, those who have accepted Challenges during past CTC Imbolc rituals will have an opportunity to acknowledge their accomplishments and those wishing to accept new Challenges will do so. This is an opportunity to announce new beginnings, or continuation of old tasks, and ask for the help and support of our whole community and the Gods in your endeavors. Please contact Lance Brown if you wish to acknowledge a past Challenge and/or accept a new one.

CTC is committed to providing access to our celebrations for people of all ages. Children are welcome and childcare will be provided during the ritual for those too young to participate fully.

Spring Equinox: March 24, 2002

Facilitated by Gryphon and Friends. This Ritual will be held at Kumasi Hill.

Join us at CTC as we celebrate the Spring Equinox, also known as Ostara. Day equals night at this time, but the light will dominate soon. At this time of precise balance, as we come out of the restful time of dark and move outward back into the world of active growth and movement, what do you need from the Elements to make your foundation solid? Balance is a shifting, ever changing relation within you between the Elements and what they represent, but none stand alone. Ask yourself what you need from each of the Elements, and what you are grateful for. You will have an opportunity to walk with each Element and have a chance to consult with the Guardians of Air, Fire, Water, Earth and Spirit. Be prepared to ask what you will, but be sure of what you ask, as the answer may be what you need to hear, and not what you want to hear!

Beltaine: April 28, 2002.

Facilitated by Cynthia.

CTC's Beltaine ritual will be a celebration of the courtship between the Sumerian goddess, Inanna and her consort, Dumuzi. A circle of women will call Inanna and a circle of men will call Dumuzi. As the two circles meet, we will weave the energies of male and female together around the maypole. We will hear words from the ancient past as well as words from our own hearts. Children are welcome to join us in the ritual circle special activities are planned for the younger pagans during the main working of the ritual.

This Ritual will be held at Kumasi Hill.

Midsummer: Sunday, June 16, 2001.

Facilitated by Ursa Madre. This Ritual will be held at Kumasi Hill.

Come all ye fair and tender ladies, take warning how you court your men! Robin Goodfellow is up to his familiar pranks and might take a fancy to tricking you. Our familiar and beloved Kumasi Hill has been annexed by the FairyLands for the Fairies Midsummer Fete - Titania and Oberon extend their invitations to you. Come explore Shakespearean Paganism and frolic with the sprites and fey folk for the evening.

Lammas; Sunday, August 4, 2002.

Facilitated by Maddy. This Ritual will be held at Eno River Unitarian Universalist Fellowship.

Lammas this year will celebrate the child - as diety, as part of our selves, as our forgotten past, as our bright future. We will explore the gifts we were born with...some of which we gave up or lost somewhere along the way, while growing up, learning, growing wiser...

Children don't think or worry about what or why or how...they just experience and "do". They believe what they see, they trust what they hear, they explore smells, sensations, tastes...without prejudice. They life and laugh and love freely because the gift of life is so new and wonderful to a new toy they're trying out for the first time. Wouldn't you like to feel that way about your life? Get ready, because on August 6th, you will be offered the chance to leave your troubles behind and enter a land of make-believe and wonder!

Mabon; Sunday, September 22, 2002.

Facilitated by Gryphon and Friends. This Ritual will be held at Kumasi Hill.

Night equals day at this time, but the dark will dominate soon. At this time of precise balance as we come out of the active time of light and move inward into the world of our quiet selves, what do you need from the Elements to make your foundation solid for the coming dark? Balance is a shifting, ever changing relation between the Elements and what they represent. Ask yourself what you need from each of the Elements, and what you are grateful for. You will be visiting each of the Elements in their own place and will have a chance to consult with the Guardians of Air, Fire, Water, Earth and Spirit. Be prepared to ask what you will, and be open to the wisdom they will share.

Samhain: Sunday, November 3, 2002.

This Ritual will be held at Kumasi Hill. Facilitated by Dolphin Moon and Jenna Tigerheart.

The veil is thin, and Crow flies through. In this time of spiritual connection to the otherworld, we will journey beyond our perceptions and illusions to explore the depths of reality and spiritual law. Leap into the darkness and discover yourself. Be prepared to question strongly held beliefs, and open yourself to the unexpected. Bring warm clothing and something to sit on the ground with that you can carry with you. Bring your stories to share at the post-ritual gathering.

As always there will be a feast. The feasting will be in the context of storytelling. Bring food and drink to share, especially foods that you would eat storytelling around a campfire.

Yule - Winter Solstice

Facilitated by Danny Moses and Tammie Ward. IMPORTANT: This Ritual will be held at UUCH (Unitarian Universalist Congregation of Hillsborough).

Join CTC at Yule as we celebrate the return of the Sun. This will be a Nordic ritual honoring the Aesir and the Vanir and focusing on the Runes. We will be gazing through the veils of Time - to review the foundation we have laid in the past year; to be conscious of the potential in the present moment; and to look forward to the paths we wish to weave in the future.

Children of all ages are welcome and will participate in the entirety of the ritual. However, there will be portions of the ritual in which both children and adults will need to be settled and focused.

BRING: Chalice, cup, or tankard for drinking. Food, non-breakable plates and eating utensils for post-ritual feast (note: UUCH does have a kitchen).

DIRECTIONS: From UUCH's website -