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Dennis?! Is that you? Oh gosh! What happened to you, man? Please, tell me who did this to you... I'll kick her butt and... and... HUH? What? Oh gee, yeah, I did it! *L* But why? Well, I'll tell you why... This is actually a warning to the BSBand members out there who don't come to the chatroom to talk to us... You know who you are. You better watch out or we're gonna post your picture right here ;o) C'mon, guys, we'd love to chat with you too. We promise we're not gonna bite you... especially 'cause there isn't a option like that in the room... You may ask Tommy about it: he always has a great time in there with us. Right, Tom? Err... right, Tommy?!

Hey, we're just kidding! Pst... Pst... Dennis? Sweet Danger? You're not mad at us, are you? Aww don't be... Yo, guys, STOP laughing! Man, please, if you don't like this joke -if you ever visit this page- just let us know and we'll take it off right away. We just want you guys to have some fun in here, ya know? After all, this page's completely dedicated to YOU and to all band fellas! Oh yeah, to the Boys too... Whoops, almost forgot about them ;o)

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