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Isn't that amazing? We've met one of the BEST singers and dancers of all time: Mr. Michael Jackson! Yeah, we thought you wouldn't believe it, so here are some pictures to prove it...



See how important we are? YEAH! We just hope the Boys won't be jealous when they find out about Mike :o) Now I just HAVE to tell you what REALLY happened THAT day. Also because you'll need something to read while the pics are downloading! *laughs* So... Once upon a time (February, 1995)... We heard MJ was coming to Brazil to shoot the video for the song "They Don't Care About US" and that he would visit Rio de Janeiro, our Wonderful City. Since we're two BIG MJ fans, we definitely couldn't miss that! Next day we got up at about 4 in the morning to go to the hotel he was staying... just hoping to take a pic of him or maybe even getting an autograph (Why do fans always think so positive?). Anyway, people usually say he's a weird person and all that, but although that was the closest we could get to him (YEAH, THAT WAS REALLY MICHAEL JACKSON!), he seemed to be really caring and nice to the fans. I mean, he was always in the hotel balcony, either throwing some candies to us (Maybe 'cause he knew we were all hungry! Yummy, yummy!) or some papers with autographs (NO, silly, we didn't eat the papers! I said we were hungry but not like that, duh!). And when we finally decided to get back home, he showed up again and waved... TO ME! I mean to my sister and I! Yeeesss, there were a LOT of people there but, guys, it's true! My mom was also there and if you want u can ask her about it. I myself couldn't believe it either. He noticed us, he noticed us! *laughs* I swear, that was the most amazing day of our lives! We have never done anything like that before and it was sooooo cool. Some of you probably know what I'm talking about here: being noticed by your favorite singers, musicians, actors, etc. That's ALL we long for. Even if the guy's 7 floors above! Right?!? Right!!!

Fans... Who can understand them? What's going on inside their strange minds? Why do they scream so loud? Why can't we just stop eating junk-food? Is there intelligent life outside this planet? Those are questions no one will ever know :o)

Okay, if you finished reading this blahblahblah and the pics didn't show up, don't blame ME! Blame your computer, dude! *laughs* C'mon, they're almost.......almost.........almost......................... WHOOHOOOO! There they are! I told ya they would appear sooner or later. See?!? Hope you enjoy them!

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