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STARWARS - Episode 00000001

BeHiNd ThE sCeNeS wItH tHe BaCkStReEtBoYs


(TURN ON your speakers!)

Hey, hey, calm down people! This is just a joke, okay? I've made ALL those pics (by the way, is that illegal?!?) so, trust me, nothing you may see in here is for real! *lol* But I bet you guys would LOVE to see the Boys in a movie, uh? Yeeeaaahh! So, the other day I was just wondering what it would be like if the Boys were StarWars characters... Well, here they are!

Hmmm... I've got a lot of things to comment on this pic, but let it just speak for itself... literally! :o)

OMG, Nick, I bet none of your friends knew you are actually a Jedi, huh? Sorry to reveal your secret, man. Please, don't get mad at me! Wha..Wha.. what is that, Nick? Yo, man, you look kinda angry... What's wrong? Nick? Nick? NO, Nick, stay away! NOOOoooooo.... Ouch, that hurts! *heehe*

Now the 1st question on your mind is probably: HOW did she find out Nick's secret? Well, I noticed some Jedi facts in the last credits of Episode I. If you didn't notice them, you'll have no choice but watching it AGAIN! Naahh, just kidding! Check them out:

- A Jedi must be very good at Nintendo64, Playstation and computer games. Jedi's can lose at times, but you'll find out WHY when you read the next fact;

- Jedi's LOVE to play basketball. They just try to make some mistakes once in a while, ortherwise everybody will find out about their secret;

- Jedi's usually think they don't know how to dance, but OH MY, they sure know how to shake what their moms gave them ;o)

- Jedi's have to eat a lot of PIZZA! Dough is definitely one of the secret ingredients to increase your powers;

- Jedi's are usually 6' and growing. Aww, don't be sad if you're not THAT tall. Remember: you can still be an Yoda!

- Jedi's keep their rooms the messiest. It's not allowed for them to use their powers to fix their beds or try to find clean socks under all the mess;

- A REAL Jedi usually have COOL tattoos. If it's a shark or musical notes, chances are this guy can kick all other Jedi's butts! Watch out!

- Jedi's look real sexy in black! ;o) **Here comes the man in black... Whoops, wrong movie!** But they also look real good in blue, green, orange, red and even in pink!

-Drawing comicbooks is one of Jedi's favorite hobbies!

10º- Did I forget anything? If so, e-mail me and let me know. okay?

Whoa!!! What a fight!


L@@k! Homer wants to show you MORE StarWar pics!>>>