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STARWARS - Episode 00000001

BeHiNd ThE sCeNeS wItH tHe BaCkStReEtBoYs


Then Kevader turned around and said: "GUY skyWALKER, you're my son!"

Howie: "Hey, look, I'm taller than Nick!!!"

Nick:"Yeah, right, Howie... But now you've got gray hair! HAHA!"

Aaron: "C'mon, guys! Stop fighting! At least you don't have to use this weird hairstyle."

OMG! Who let Nick fly the bsbspaceship?!? Fortunately, nothing bad happened to the band. Kevin took over the spaceship controls and nobody got hurt. But from now on the closest Nick will ever get to a spaceship will be through his Nintendo64 games!

May the pyros be with you, guys!!!

And may the juice worms be with you, Guido!


<<<Homer is afraid of Jedi's!