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ThE BaCkStReEt BoYs!!!



You know those pictures are going to take a while to appear, so hmm... Let me think... Huh? What smell is that? Uh? *lol* Oh, I have just figured out something to say here: THANKS FOR STOPPING BY MY PAGE!!! Eh?! Oh, yeah, right, I have already said that. Hey, don't rush me, don't rush me, I'm thinking... Okay, as you have already noticed, those guys are a HUGE inspiration in my life. Yeah, I can imagine how many drawings and letters from all over the world they receive every single day, but I still wish I could get them to see those drawings... You know, I wish I could give the world to them, but drawings' all I have to give... :o) So once I tried to send one of those to the official fan club address and guess what?! It came back... all torn and dirty! I almost cried 'cause I had worked real hard on it. That was the last time I tried to reach out the Boys, but it was also when I first thought about creating this page. I bet there are many fans out there with the same dream as me, so why can't we just put all our stuff together?! I don't know if it's going to work, or if the Boys will ever surf by this page, but HEY, let's give destiny a chance. If you also enjoy drawing and would like to join me in this virtual crusade *lmao* , send me your artwork and I'll gladly post it on my page along with your e-mail add and name! What do you think? Uh? uh? uh?

<<< FoLLOw HoMeR bAcK tO mAiN pAgE!