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Mr. Tommy Smith

(Turn your speakers on to hear the song Tommy's playing!)

Aww, isn't Tommy cute? Besides being our baby, he's one of the BEST keyboardists in the whole world! What? Shut up, Flávia! Stop calling me @$$ kisser! YOU know the guy's great! Sorry, folks, that was my sister... Well, as I was saying, maybe you didn't know Tommy has been in a movie already *The Rugrats one!* , but I've found out this little secret about Mr.Tommy Smith. Yo,Tom, I had no choice, man: the Boys said they wouldn't tour Brazil if I didn't tell them! *lol* - And just thought about sharing it with everyone out there! Especially the guys from the chatroom! Hey PEEPS! *waving* You are all my sisters!!! *lol huge family huh?* Luv you all forever and ever. Sorry to annoy you at times, but that's just what sisters are all about, right? Keep on the good-funny-weird-cool-talk! And remember: NO WHISPERING to the Band members in DA ROOM! From now on you'll be arrested if you do that! ;o)

HEY HEY, Tommy! We just want you to know that even though you can't possibly notice us in that crowded room, we think you're DA BOMB! Yeah, we know, we know... you can't keep up with ALL of us. But what can you do? You're a popular guy! Hopefully we'll get to meet you one day, man. And hopefully you'll still have that charmy "T" on the back of your head. Aww, it's soooooo cute! By the way, have you ever thought about shaving a "G" on the back of Guido's head? Shhh..don't tell him we suggested that! He may get goosemad at us!

10.000 Kisses all the way from South America,

Fernanda & Flávia

I mean, BrazilianEyes...

or BrazilianBSBandFans...

or BrazilianFans... etc. etc.


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