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Nick *whispering voice* Nickolas... Gene... Carter... pay close attention to what I'm saying - whoops, I mean, to what I'm writting... Right now you're being hypnotized... You're falling asleep now... almost closing your eyes... NOO WAIT! That's a terrible idea! Open your eyes! :o) Okay, now you're going to do whatever it's written in here... Got it?! Good, so now I want you to e-mail me and tell me what you think about my comics...

Did you do it, Nick? Oh, good boy! Now read the next instruction: you're going to annoy everyone out there so that they will bring the Millennium tour to Brazil... If they tell you it's not up to them... get the leader and bring him to me...Okay, now when I give you a kiss you won't remember anything I wrote in here... we've never met chat and you definitely don't know me, all right? So here it goes... hmmm SMACK! :o) Oh hey Nick, you feeling all right? Click here to get out of this weird place before you get asleep again!