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Hey, guys! How is it going? I know I've just written nonsense things 'till now, so I'd better act a little normal before I scare you all away. I just want to say THANKS for giving us this great opportunity not only to get to know more about our favorite group, but also to get to know YOU! You know, when I first surfed by your site, I had no idea about how much work was involved behind the songs we love to listen to and the concerts we long to attend someday - Wow, that was a good sentence, eh? And I didn't ask my english teacher for help ;o) I can even remember my 1st day on the Band site... Tommy was in the chatroom talking to some people and I felt like the stupidest girl on earth because I didn't know who he was. Then he said: "Hey Brazil... go read the page!" And that's what I've been doing for about one year now. I have so much fun reading the FAQ's, the News and checking the Pictures sections that it's just impossible for me to get connected and not stopping by to see the updates... And that's also where I've met the coolest, nicest, funniest people around. That chatroom is definitely my favorite hangout on the whole Internet!!!

Thanks sooooo much, guys! It's really AWESOME to know you guys care about us like that. That's why you've got a very special place in our hearts!!!


Oh Tommy! I've wrote one little song for you, would you like to hear it? No? Well, what if I write it anyway? Here it goes:

"You may run and hide when we're whispering to you...Alright! But let me tell you now there are chatrooms to be... Alright... All of your time spent updating the si..yayayaya...te"

Okay, okay, I bet you don't want to hear the rest of it! :o)

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