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Wait a second! You're not a Backstreet Boy! *intrudor alarm, intrudor alarm* How did you get in here, huh? C'mon, I want the names! Who gave you the access code??? *L* Whoops, I guess I got a bit carried away now. I know many people out there are probably laughing at me for thinking the Boys may surf by my page someday... HEY, STOP! I can see you out there, ya know? Okay, go ahead, Laugh Now! ;o) I myself don't really believe it, but, well, this is what Internet is all about. I mean, everyone comes on the net once in a while, and as far as I've been told, they're five normal guys (err... right?). So why wouldn't they use it too?

Anyway, I just want to tell them that... that... hmm... Oh gosh! I have no idea! I guess all those HUGE crowds that have being attending to their concerts, all the smiles, screams and tears (I still think they should perform in a boat by the way), all those hundreds of letters and presents, have already told them EVERYTHING! So I guess I just wanted to make sure they got the point :o) Sweet NC, Sweet B , Sweet D, Sweet K and Sweet AJ, can you guys get a little closer to the computer screen now? I want to tell you something, but I really don't want anyone else to hear it, you know... Geez, I said CLOSER, but there's no need to press your noses against the monitor like that! Okay, okay, here it is:

WE YOU, GUYS! For all the joy you've brought to our lives through your beautiful songs... for being so lovely and caring about us, your fans. I know some of us may get a little too excited at times and others may get kinda nosey about your private lives, but don't get us wrong, okay? That's just because we care a LOT about you... even if we live in far away countries, like in Brazil, for instance, where you've never been. Oh, yeah, Howie has already been here! YOOOOO SWEEETIIIIEEE, come back someday, but this time don't forget to bring your brothers along, all right? Pst... You didn't tell them about that TV program where you actually had to stand on a balcony (the DJ was playing "My Heart Will Go On"), while these two girls were proposing to you, did you? Heehee. Sorry, D, but that was so funny! Everytime we watch it, we can't help laughing... Poor girls! You stole their hearts... And ours too!!! But don't worry, man. I'm not telling anyone about it! ;o) Not until I figure out a way to send a copy of the tape to the other guys!

Oh yeah, there's something else I'd like to say... PLEASE, DON'T SUE US, BOYS! I'm telling you, we've got no money! I mean, we can never be sure whether you'll enjoy our jokes or not. We just want you to know that in NO way we wanted to derespect you or the band members, or Guido or Tyke. But if somehow we did it, please, don't hesitate in letting us know. We admire you all so much and making you upset would never be our intention... But in the other hand, if we got some little... just little smiles from any of you, we'd really LOVE to hear from you too!

PEACE, LUV, MILK AND COOKIES FOR YOU, BOYS! Huh? Okay, Nick, you may have some pizza too! ;o)

Fernanda & Flávia

Oh, hey, "Intrudor"! Almost forgot about you... We'll give you 5 seconds to get out of here, otherwise we're gonna call the virtual cops. Okay, you asked for that...

*Count down is on*


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