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This is the 1986 soundtrack to the fantasy motion picture Labyrinth. For those who have never seen it, I suggest that you do, right now! :) It's a great movie (if you like 80s music, puppets, and crystal balls). Labyrinth is about a girl named Sarah (Jennifer Connelly) who is transported into a fantasy world where she must save her little brother from being turned into a goblin by Jareth (David Bowie). I can't decide which is better, the 80s tunes or the smooth Henson puppets! My Fav tracks are "Chilly Down" and "Magic Dance."
LABYRINTH. Directed by Jim Henson. Original score by Trevor Jones. Songs feature David Bowie. Rated PG.

1. opening titles including underground
2. into the labyrinth
3. magic dance
4. sarah
5. chilly down
6. hallucination
7. as the world falls down
8. the goblin battle
9. within you
10. thirteen o'clock
11. home at last
12. underground


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