Monthly Meeting Schedule: Proposed 2000 Agenda
Mar 7: Trailering (Video)
Place: Beaufort Courthouse
Time: 7pm -9pm
The following events are scheduled with the
place and time to be announced at a later date.
Apr 4: Horse
May 2: Breeding
Jun 6: Dressage
July: Picnic / Auction
Aug 1: Hay (Co-Op)
Sept 6: Geriatrics
Oct 3: TBA
Nov 7: TBA
Dec 5: Christmas Party |
Activities Schedule:
(All activities where horses are gathered
require proof of current Negative
Coggins matched to horse)Proposed 2000 Agenda
The following events are scheduled with
the place and time to be announced at a later date.
Mar: Scavenger Hunt
May: Camping Trip
Sept: Trail Ride
Nov: Beach Ride
Please call 223-2640 or 726-4440 for details or questions
on meetings/events or for membership information.