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"Our relationship with dogs is unique. They wander throughout our homes with impunity. They entertain our children and protect our valuables and give us succor. They share our triumphs and despair. Their loyalty, even in the face of cruelty, is relentless. Their dependence is a gift---of faith and trust. Sometimes, though, we have trouble hearing them.

"Because dogs seem always to have occupied the same place in our lives, we tend to see them as little more than the effects of their caretakers. The dogs we know are sentient, possessing personalities and passions and longings separate from their owners. Theirs is a sharp wit, a profound sense of fairness, a grand passion. They are philosophers and critics and comedians and poets. They are our watchful companions, beacons of civility in a brusque world. And if there has been a gap of understanding between dogs and people, perhaps that is because we have failed to listen, closely."
Dylan Schaffer, Dog Stories, Jon Weber & Dylan Schaffer, Chronicle Books, 1997.
