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Phi Kappa Psi

Demands of the Fraternity

In order to function as an ongoing institution whose purpose is the betterment of its members, the Fraternity must make certain demands upon its membership. Such expectations are not at all unusual; in fact, they are a fundamental condition of our entire social order. Every individual in society today is expected to conduct himself along the lines of a particular social order.

The Fraternity expects of its members honesty and integrity - these are outstanding characteristics on which to base a successful life. You must be honest with yourself and put forth an honest effort to make the best of the opportunities offered you while in college. You must do your part in helping to run the chapter and, thus, make that burden easier for all. Once you agree to a specific task, you must complete it as you've promised. That way, your integrity will never be questioned.

The Fraternity expects loyalty of its members; loyalty to the teachings of the Fraternity, loyalty to your religion and country, and loyalty to the institution of which the chapter is apart. The Fraternity expects you to conduct yourself in a scholarly and gentlemanly manner and to be considerate of the feelings of others. It also expects decency, temperance and cooperation.

Generally, within these expectations, there are five main obligations of membership that are each the responsibility of every member:

Achieve academically
The Fraternity expects you to do your best to help yourself and your chapter with a strong GPA and a desire to be well educated. Attend class, study hard, ask questions when needed, and prepare for tests and papers. Seek assistance from your brothers or the college when you need academic assistance.

Behave responsibly
Be a gentleman and be responsible for your successes and failures. Act in a way that will bring honor to yourself, your chapter, and the Greek system. Obey the law and protect those who cannot defend themselves.

Participate in the life of the Fraternity
In the chapter, attend meetings, serve on a committee, be at events, and support activities. Don't just hang out; let Phi Psi benefit from your knowledge, talents, and opinions. As an alumnus, support the Fraternity by attending local alumni events, keeping in touch with chapter-mates, and donating time or money back to Phi Kappa Psi.

Pay your debts
Whether a chapter bill or loan from a brother, you must honor your debts. The chapter must have revenue to operate. When any brother fails to pay his dues promptly, the chapter experiences a shortfall. The result is fewer activities for the entire chapter, or other members covering the shortfall. Neither is fair to those brothers who do pay.

Replace yourself before leaving the chapter
The graduation or transfer of brothers is always a sad time, but can also be a celebration of the lives that brother has made better by introducing them to Phi Kappa Psi. You should not leave the chapter without being responsible to pledge at least one other to take your place - one other who is at least as competent as you!

It is not necessary to devote a great deal of time and space to the discussion of these demands. However, it is necessary to state that unless these demands are met, the Fraternity cannot continue to exist. These demands are inherently related to the Fraternity's ideals just as they are to the ideals of loyal and upright citizens. Fraternity members should be governed by these demands in their daily lives.

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