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The Unofficial Official Jenny Inspired Unique Typical Fan-fiction by Seda VhilleaRok O'Reilly

This must be the most interesting story ever I bet!!!!!

Heaven In Your Eyes

You just heard that there is a radio competition to win front row seats and backstage passes to go see the Backstreet Boys in their concert. You ring up and nervously waits for the DJ to pick up. Almost a minute later the phone clicks someone has picked up. "Caller number 5, for your chance to win the tickets who out of the band likes to play the drums?" Oohh my god I know this... um..., you stutter. "Is it Nick???" "Yes, that's right!!! You are the lucky winner to go see the Backstreet Boys in concert with four friends!!!" "Oh My God!! I can't believe I won, I love the Backstreet Boys!!!" After leaving your details you hang up the phone dazed and confused. This has totally picked up your previously wistful mood. And you already know who you are going to take with you to the concert you best friends in the whole world , , and . You gals have know each other for almost forever and you all love the Backstreet Boys. You all are about 5"6', brown hair and bright blue eyes. You all love shopping and cheerleading. Thrilled but also shocked about winning, you immediately pick up the phone again and dial in their numbers and tell them of the news.
You can't believe it two weeks have past and it is two days before the concert. You all decide that you have to go on a shopping spree to pick out new outfits. By the end of the day you's have decided on cargo pants, singlets, platforms and cute clips.
You are at the concert you feel so excited you and your friends can not believe you here. The front row of the mosh-pit is definitely the best place in the house! Throughout the concert you and your friends scream your lungs out and sing to every song.
The concert was best you have ever seen but now your heart is pounding since you can't believe that you are going to go backstage to see the boys.
Wading through the crowd you finally manage to find the security door, you show them your passes and go through. Backstage the first person you see is you now know that there is such thing as love at first sight. He walks up to you with eyes wide and says he has never seen a more beautiful girl. Beside you you see talking to , is hitting it off with , sitting with and is engrossed in conversation with . After half an hour you all decide to go out to eat. You can't believe each how well each of you are getting along with the boys.
After awhile looks deep into your eyes and says, ", will you be my girlfriend?" Shocked you managed to utter...yes. Before you can say anything else he kisses you passionately.
Finally you all have to leave, but all the guys decide that they don't want you all to go so they take you out to a club. There you have the time of your life. Talking to all ya girlfriends all the other boys have asked them to be their girlfriends too, it is so exciting.
It has been the best night of your life so far and to end it a long kiss good-night from .

Brought to you by Elemental Productions