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The Official I'm Soooooooo Original Jinny Fanfic

Presenting by Zinder Bryaaon O'Vana.

It had been two months since you'd been going out with . went out with for a little while but then they decided to end their relationship, but they're still the best of friends. You were waiting for to come and pick you and up. He'd called your cute-looking cell (which he had given to you for your 1 month anniversary) earlier to tell you that he had a surprise for you. All you knew was that you and your best friends were going out for dinner. You were wearing your favourite spaghetti strap dress you'd bought at Bloomingdale's. had helped you pin your hair up with some cute butterfly clips. You'd only put on a bit of makeup , you didn't need much. in turn was wearing her cute black skirt with the cute red 3/4 shirt that she borrowed off . She looked so cute in that. Two minutes later the doorbell rang. When you opened the door you were greeted by . He pulled his cute smile, he was wearing a wife beater under a blue shirt. He looked so good. You noticed that and just gave each other shy smiles. Ain't that cute? Was something going on between them again? If there was, how cute! Anyhow, took your arm and led you into the stretch limo with and following behind. A coupla minutes later you arrived at some posh restaurant. You saw your friends there already and ran up to them to give them a hug.

"Omigod! , I haven't seen you in ages!! I've missed you so much!!" (hug, hug, kiss, kiss)

"I've missed you, too! Omigod! You look sooo cute in that dress (the spaghetti strap one from Bloomingdale's.) Out of the corner of your eye you noticed that was looking at something. You followed her gaze and found her staring straight into 's, from 5ive, eyes. They would make such a cute couple. You also noticed that and were standing very close to each other but not talking. You inwardly smiled, you knew that they were gonna get back together. How very cute. After dinner (you had frogs' legs, ok?) left because she was meeting at his house. They'd been going out for three years. They were such a cute couple. came over to your table, keeping his eyes on the entire time. After a few minutes he mustered up the courage to ask to dance. They looked so cute! While they were dancing you left at the table and went to the ladies' room to freshen up. You touched up on your makeup and flossed your teeth 'coz you felt the need to. When you were walking back to your table you saw some blonde sitting in 's lap and kissing him!! Tears welled in your eyes and you began to run out of the restaurant. You bumped into on the way out, you totally ignored her when she asked you what was wrong. looked at the table and saw and that blonde. She walked up to then and grabbed a glass of water.

"You ! I always knew you were a two-timing, good-for-nothing, sleazy, unfaithful, low-life, jerky, little prick-like, bimbotic, yellow, burnt yet politically correct !" she cried and then dumped the water over his hair before leaving the restaurant, too. You go sista!! (And how you actually know that without even being there remains a mystery.)

When you left the restaurant you just ran and ran and ran. You didn't stop running until you tripped over a worm (don't worry, it wasn't Sean) on the surface of the grass at a park. You sat down and began to weep. You couldn't help the tears flowing freely from your eyes. After your tears subsided you took out your compact mirror and wiped off the streaking mascara and then reapplied it. You decided that you needed to 'open up' your eyes a little more so you put a touch of eyeliner on and then frosted your eyelids with Winter Frost Revlon eyeshadow. (I don't think there is such a colour under Revlon but how else would you frost your eyelids?) Then you took out your foundation and powder and reapplied that too. After brushing your teeth (what is with you and your teeth) you put some cherry coloured lip-liner and cherry-red lippy on and then blotted it with your Kleenex tissues. You also took out your hairspray, mousse and hairdryer so that you could blow dry your hair (that had somehow got wet). Hell, you gave yourself a bloody makeover. But that wasn't enough to satisfy your needs. So you walked behind some bushes, took off your spaghetti strap dress from Bloomindale's and put on your black cargo pants, purple tank top and Doc Martens that you had bought from Macy's. You heard some footsteps behind you, you froze.

"?" It was .

"Go away, ! I never want to see you again!!" you screamed. You lifted up a wall around you (mentally) and tried to shut him out of your mind.

", please listen to me. That girl just came up to me and started kissing me. I told her to go away but she just kept at it. I would never cheat on you."

"GO AWAY!! WE ARE KAPUTT!!" You didn’t care, all you knew was that you saw kissing/ tonguing/ playing tonsil hockey/ spit swapping/ frenching/ Ò k ß ® ing/ ****ing snogging/ pecking/ osculating/ smooching/ bussing another girl.

"Please forgive me, ." began singing starting off slowly and softly. The sound of his beautiful voice flowed into your cute ears. His voice was so angelic. His voice swelled into a crescendo as he poured his heart and soul into song. You turned around and looked into his cute, eyes as the song ended. Staring into those mesmerising eyes, you felt the wall (dramatic pause and hand action) crumble. You remembered why you fell in love with him. It was his cute , you could never give that up.

"Oh, -darling. I forgive you," you cried. With that he swept you into his arms and never let go.


So, whaddya think? The super original story-lined prequel is coming soon, we're hoping that Lilian writes it.


Now reopen it but don't change the name thingos already in the pop-ups.