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My All That Concert Experience with Aaron Carter in Charlotte,North Carolina

(July 4,1999)

Well, I went to my first All That Concert on July 4 in Charlotte North Carolina...It was 100 degrees and I have never sweated so much before in my life!! I was so excited that I would be able to see and meet Aaron Carter again! Well, things didn't work out to well. :( Sad to say.

I guess it was because of the heat. Everyone at the concert was dead and tired. I had my squirt fan on me the whole time! I went over and bought an Aaron Carter t-shirt. It was so hot!![I think I've said that already]

Anyway I found out that Aaron would be signing autographs at 5:00pm and I ran over to where he would be signing. There were already about 30 girls infront of me, so I was like ugggghhh! We were all waiting in line for Aaron. He came out 5min late and I ran down to where he was. He looked really hot and cranky. He was carrying a yellow umbrella and he was setting it up on the table, so the sun wouldn't be hitting him. He couldn't get it to stay on the table and you could tell he wasn't in a good mood. He wouldn't let anyone even help him fix it. Aaron was just not having a good day.

You can tell by the pictures...

And Aaron must have only signed autographs for 10min because then he stood up on the chair waved and left. I was so ticked!!! I didn't get to see Aaron! Get an autograph! Or anything! I was also hot and sweaty!!

I found out he would be coming back at 6:45pm to sign more, so I was like good I'll see him then! Well, his performance was good, but nothing like it usually is, he just seemed dead! He could hardly hold the microphone or even throw the candy out during "Sugar, Sugar". He was still adorable and cute though! I was kinda upset.

Well, then I ran out at 6:45pm and waited to see Aaron and he never came out. I was so upset! :(

Now here's the story! No, I am not saying anything about Aaron because I love the little guy as you know from all my other encounters etc. But he was not himself. He was sick! Aaron gets sick from the heat very easily, I also do[WOW! We have something in common! :)] I get hot very easily and pass out, get sick and dizzy. Aaron has the same problem. Poor baby. Anway, since it was 100 degrees he couldn't perform like he usually does or even act himself. He even got sick at the Florida mall when I saw him there because he was sweating alot and had to go into the bathroom for awhile. :( Poor little guy. Well, I still love him! I just wish he had felt better and I could have actually gotten closer to him!

Compared to the All That concert I went to in Raleigh, the one in Charlotte stunk! None of the performers were as good, the DJ wasn't as good, and neither was the crowd. The heat just killed everyone![Well scroll and look at all the rest of the pics and read my comments to you please]

[Well, sorry this didn't get into much detail of the concert or it wasn't to great...Well, head to my next section and be prepared for a fun wild time!! There is always something better ahead! :) Gotta Read it!]