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Aaron Carter Mall Shows in Florida

(April 10, 1999)

I went all the way to Florida from North Carolina to see and meet Aaron Carter at his two mall apperances over my spring break. Before then I actually made a trip to Denise McLean's House[A.J.'s Mom]...She has a lovely home! :)

Seminole Towne Center...

On Saturday morning I got up at 8:00am to drive to the Seminole Mall and get ready. My Mom and I arrived there at 9:30am and I went to the area in the mall where the stage was and there were about 10 girls already sitting around the small stage. So, I went over and sat down next to some fellow fans that were my age and we were talking and having a good time. We had to wait forever! The place started getting packed around 11:00am. I had been waiting the whole time! Then, we all had to stand up. I had to wait in a huge crowd of girls standing up for a whole hour. It was pretty bad and pretty badly set up, the stage crew were rude and terrrible.

Well, finally 12:00pm came! A woman came out and handed out some Girl's Life magazines(they were sponsoring the concerts). She talked about the magazine and about how Aaron was here! I really wanted her to get off the stage. Then, the fashion editor came out and talked about the magazine some more and did a few trivia contests to win autographed Aaron carter books. FINALLY...They let the model show begin! Little girls came out modeling Limited Too clothes...They were very cute and one of them was Angel Carter! The model show was only about 20 min long. Then, it was Aaron's turn! He came running out! Oh my God! He cut his hair!! The long blonde locks were gone!! It was cut short and geld up! It looks sooo good! [Don't ya think?] He looks so much better and cuter! He has really grown up and he is all boy! His hair cut is kinda like Nick's, but blonder. It looks so cute!

He came out singing "Crush On You"! I had front row and I was screaming my head off and getting pushed and almost killed by all these girls! They were really annoying me! People were getting hurt! He came over in front of me and held my hand for a sec and boy this boy can dance!! He was so good!

He sang 6 songs and his dancers were so sweet!

They were shaking all our hands. He got a girl out of the audience and sang to her and it was so cute.

He is a good little performer!!

His finale was singing his new single "Girl You Shine"! It was so good and so much fun! Then, it was time for autographs!!

Luckily my Mom had been waiting in the autograph line for 4 hours!! And my friends were there too, who I had just met. So, I took off and had to dash over all these girls, who were all attacking eachother! I was like 5 in line! I had my Aaron CD with me and stuff for him to sign. I also had a stuffed animal puppy that was holding a bag of Hershey Kisses to give to him and a letter from me. Then, Aaron walked right by me and sat behind the autograph table...MY TURN! I walked up and talked to Aaron for a quick sec and handed him my present and got some great pics of him! He was so cute smiling at the camera. Then, my Mom came up. I was still there chatting with him and my Mom was like "Hold on Aaron I have somthing for you to sign too!" Aaron laughed and took my Aaron single and handed it to him to sign(since we could only get one thing signed). Me and him were laughing. He was so cute and so sweet! He's so adorable!! Me and my Mom then ran to our car, so we could head to the Florida Mall!

Wanna hear the rest of the story? Then, go to the 2nd part! It gets even better! :)