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Aaron Carter Mall Shows in Florida

(April 10, 1999)

At the Florida Mall...

My Mom and me were very tired. We had been standing since 9:30am and it was now 1:45pm. We drove all the way to the Florida Mall and went into get a bite to eat and walked around the mall. I got to check out all the stores A.J. loves and the ones he shops at! It was so cool! Then, we went to the stage at the mall to wait for Aaron again. It was 3:00pm. I sat down. Luckily this time for the whole 2 hours I had to wait they were playing Backstreet Boys' music! It was so funny everyone was singing and dancing, including me and my Mom! Well, finally it was 5:00pm. It was pretty much the same thing again(what you read in part 1) The modle show, prizes, etc..

Except this time a new boy band group Take 5 came out. I have never heard of them before, but they were becomign pretty big in Florida. I was like great another stupid group!

The night before I had gone to the Virgin Mega Store and all the girls in there were wearing Take 5 shirts and the video came on in the store and they went ,ad and they were screaming...Me and my Mom didn't get it...Let's just say they are worse than * N SYNC![Don't send me any hate mail please this is just my opinion. If you love them or something that's fine. :)We are all intitled to our own opinions]Then it was Aaron's turn!!

The cutie came out again and did his whole show again!! This time he came up to me again and held my hand a sec and sang right to me!

I love him! Well, then after his 6 songs...It was autographs again!! But behind the stage I had been noticig someone looking at the crowd the whole time...It was Mrs. Carter!! I got some pics of her. I decided to run and find Aaron first. I had to wait in line for about 15min this time because I wasn't infront. I had fun talking to everyone in line. Then, it was my turn...

I shook Aaron's hand and talked for a sec. He looked so tired and worn out. I felt bad that he had to sign so many autographs, his hands were covered in ink. I told him how I loved his new hair cut and how great he was! I got him to sign my Aaron Book and by accident he smeared the signature...It was so adorable what he did...

Aaron goes "Opps,I'm so sorry I smeared it." He looked so upset and he tried to rub it off to re sign it. I was like "No,no Aaron it's fine." He continued to re sign it and looked up and smiled and said "There ya go all better." I smiled and said "Thank you so much!"

Then, me and my Mom left to go get some more shopping done and you won't believe who I saw Lou Pearlman! I was like "Mom that's him!" I went up and said hey and didn't talk for very long and me and my Mom continued to shop.

When it was 8:00pm I decided to go back where Aaron was still signing autographs. I figured they should be near finishing and not many people would be there. Then. I saw Aaron's dancers and Angel Carter. I walked over and said hey and that was about it because they were about to leave. They were so nice. Then, I wlaked over and got as close as I could and was snapping pics to finish my roll of film. Then, it was time for him to leave. I yelled his name and he turned right to me and I waved and snapped a pic.

This is the cutest! He rides on his bodyguard's back to avoid being attacked.It is soooo cute!!

He was eating some M&M's I was right behind him and the bodyguard and I yelled "Bye Aaron Love Ya!" He turned to me and said "Bye love ya too!" It was so sweet.

I was snapping the camera like crazy! My Mom and I were yelling "Bye Aaron!" While he was walking off and then he was gone. :( I had soooo much fun and after seeing and meeting Aaron I realized how talented this kid really is!! He is so down to Earth, sooo sweet, and soooo cute!! Then, I went back to the hotl to get to sleep because I had to get up at 4:30am to drive back to North Carolina...