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I Know This Is Long, But If You Are Going To Go Through My Page You Need To Read This!

Thanxfor my page!



No! I Don't Know The Backstreet Boys!

I am not a member of The Backstreet Boys and I am not Aaron Carter. :) I have no realtion to any of them!

What This Site is Here For!

This site is meant for encounters with The Backstreet Boys and Aaron Carter that I have had and that fans have had. Also Important Information on them, Tour Dates, and other neat stuff! This site is not meant to have magazine pics, biographies,and stuff that you can find on any other site. This page is meant to have never before seen pictures.

I made this page to keep in touch with all my fellow BSB Buds out there, who helped me with The "Backstreet Books of Love". This way I could easily chat with them, keep in touch,and tell them what is going on. Now it has become a page of all my encounters also. I just want to share my stories with the the fans and share the pictures! So, everyone can enjoy them! :)

Don't Take What Isn't Yours!

Yes, all of the pics on this entire page are mine. I took them with my own two hands! All of the concert, encounters, and fan conference pics are mine. Except for a few exceptions, which you know are out of a book or mag. I did scan them all myself though. :)

It would mean alot if you would not take my pictures! If you might want to use them for your page contact me and I will probably let you if you post my name, e-mail, and my web page link with the pic. So if you ask there will be no trouble. :) I will be gald to let you use my reviews and pics.

I'm Speaking Out To All The Teeny Boppers!

*First of all~ This is MY page! I can say what I want too! I can speak my mind!*

To the few very strange people out there who actually get mad and upset about me joking about being the Future Mrs. McLean...Get Over It! Geeez...Don't tell me you don't imagine about it! This is my page and if I wanna say it I can! Make your own page and do the same thing if you want too...I don't care! No, I don't actually believe I'll be marrying A.J., but not that I wouldn't like! But, hey I didn't believe my dream would come true either and it did! YES, I MET THE BOYS! It just ticks me off when rude people e-mail me because they are jealous or mad for whatever reason! It just doesn't make sense. This is my page and I'm sharing my encounters to fellow fans who enjoy it and love it! If you can't handle that...go to another page!

Thanks to All the Mature Backstreet Fans Out There!

You can really tell who the mature Backstreet fans are out there! They respect a page like this and are happy for fellow fans who got to have their dreams come true! I thank you all for the wonderful e-mails and I love getting to talk to you! They love a fellow mature BSB fan who is out there sharing their story!

Don't Be Jealous!

Yes, I have met The Backstreet Boys and Aaron Carter! But, don't hate me or be jealous of me because of that! I am not a rude person who goes around and brags about it! I am of course over joyed that my dream came true, but I am not a rude person who brags about it! I made the page for fellow fans to see my pics and I want to share my incredible experiences! I originally made this site for all the fans who helped me have my dream come true! Now it is visited by more than that. I hope every TRUE fan out their also gets to have their dream come true! I personally love reading other fans encounters! I am HAPPY for fellow fans! *Amazingly all the little hate mail I will receive is from little teeny boppers who truly believe A.J. is theirs! Well, he isn't and he isn't mine either! Grow Up!

NO, I Can't Get You Backstage Passes and No I Don't Really Know How to Help Ya Meet The Boys!

You can read through my page and learn how I got to meet the Boys etc. No, I didn't have backstage passes, no you cannot buy backstage passes etc. I have no clue how to help ya meet the Boys! You can see how I did it! Be patient, do all you can to see them, and do lots of traveling! Serious it's all luck and a lot of traveling! A lot of money too!

Don't E-Mail Me Before You Have Actually Been Through My Page!

I have received e-mails from people asking how I got to meet the Boys, asking where "so and so" picture was taken, asking "did you take that picture?"...etc. If you go through and actually read my site you will know all this information by detail and every picture is under the section where it was taken! Why else would I put a picture from a Greensboro concert under the Greensboro concert review?? I mean this is common sense...Just read the page.


No! I will not give you directions or the address to A.J.'s house, the Dorough's house, or Denise McLean's house and I will also not give you the phone numbers! They aren't mine to give out!

No! I did not meet * N SYNC, I got close, but I did get to go to the Islands of Adventure Park when they were there.

No! I am not a fan of *NSYNC or any of those little gay boy bands! I can't stand them! Don't e-mail me about them!! I'm sorry if you do like them, but please don't send me e-mail about them or ask if I like them! I can't stand them! No hate mail either please!

No! I do not have information on how to get tickets or when they go on sale. I wish I knew more! I don't have connections!

Yes! I have met Aaron Carter 3 times to be exact. Almost 4! :)

Yes! those are actually Aaron's autographs! I got them when I met him at some autograph signings.

Yes! that is actually A.J.'s shirt! I won it from a radio station, when they had a contest after that night's concert!

Yes! I have met The Backstreet Boys and yes that is me hugging A.J.! :) I got to meet them at The Backstreet Boys' Fan Conference in Chicago. I have never been backstage at a concert. Yes, I met A.J. and Howie at the Lupus 2000 Charity Event.

Hope that answers some of your questions! :) Continue to write me and enjoy my page! Thanx a bunch!
