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My Concert and Meeting Experience With Aaron Carter in Raleigh, NC (July 13, 1999)

Well, I have been lucky enough to get to meet and see Aaron in concert again! :) I went to the All That concert in Raleigh North Carolina.

Sadly the day of the concert it was very yucky and rainy. It is a 3 hour drive to Raleigh from where I live. We arrived there at about 4:15pm and had to stand out in a huge line before we could get in. The door opened at 4:45pm. I walked in and went to find out where Aaron would be signing autographs. I walked all the way to one side and there looked to be nothing there and then I turned back to walk the other way and look for where he may be signing autographs(another 5min walk)

I was just walking and then walking right past me was Angel Carter! My heart about stoped because it surprised me! Then, I looked and Aaron was walking right next to her! I was the first person at the entire concert to see Aaron! YEAH! GO ME! GO ME! I told my Mom, that's Aaron turn around!(I said it very quietly) I stayed very quiet and calm and didn't want to look like I was following him because no one else had noticed him. He just looked like a kid walking. No one had any idea it was Aaron! Except me! :) I just followed him. Then two other girls recognized him and followed behind me.

He had to cut through a line to get to the autograph table and still no one noticed. He took his place behind the table and so did Angel sitting right next to him. I was first in line!! :) YEAH! Then, people started to notice Aaron was there and started screaming and running over to him...I was like yeah yeah I saw him first. :) he he... Angel and Aaron were goofing off and they were both chewing gum and blowing bubbles at each other...It was very cute!

Then, they let me walk up to the table.[I am pretty sure it was their Aunt sitting at the table with them also, she looked like Mrs. Carter and she even watched his performance from the side of the stage, so I think the lady was their Aunt]

I was kinda nervous, I wasn't the other times I met him, but for some reason he starteled me when I just saw him walking next to me! I had blown up a pic of Aaron from his Florida Mall concert for him to sign for me. :) I walked up and said Hey to Angel and then a big smile and a Hey to Aaron! He said Hey. I handed him the pic and he looked puzzled. Aaron said "Where is this at?" I smiled and said it's from the concerts you did at the malls in Florida." Aaron smiled and said "Oh yeah, I remember!" I smiled and said "Yeah, I went all the way to Florida to see you." Aaron smiled and said "Cool! Thanks so much" I was like "Yeah, I'm a true fan." Aaron laughed. I walked away because I had to leave. :(

I stood infront of the table the entire time he was there. People kept getting in my way and so did the photographer guy, but Aaron noticed me and saw that I was there the whole time. He probably thought I was a stalker. :) So, every time I put the camera up to take a pic Aaron would smile right at me. :) I was really mad because he smiled right at me one time and I went to take the pic and the camera wouldn't take the pic!! I was so mad!! :(

Some funny moments were when a girl ran by and stoped infront and said "Aaron you look just like Nick!" Aaron looked up and said "No, I look just like Aaron Carter!" I don't blame him, I'd get sick of people always saying that. Everyone around started laughing and two girls my age (16) yelled "No, Aaron your better looking!" Aaron laughed and said "Yeah that's right!" Aaron was such a sweetie and so cute! He was so nice and adorable!

Well, it was time for him to leave, so he got up. The body guard made him leave, but Aaron said "No,hold on" and walked over to the two girls who had defended him on the whole you look better than Nick thing and signed autographs for them, since the line had to stop and they couldn't get autographs. Everyone surrounded him. He was in this mob all by himself surrounded by everyone. He signed the autographs for the two girls and he began to leave. Me and about 10 other girls followed him. People were giving things to Angel to give to Aaron. I was walking behind Angel. Aaron then started to walk over to the place to get some food and the body guard wouldn't let him. You could tell he was mad about it.

He then took off from the body guard and ran by himself to the food vender and the body guard went over to him and Aaron laughed and took off up the huge hill.. It was so funny because two girls and their Mom took off up the hill after him. Aaron was running and jumping and flipping and rolling around on the hill. We were all laughing and egging him on. The security guard was like "Aaron get down!" They had climbed all the way to the top of the hill where the theater is and were by some bushes. Aaron then took off down the hill and the mother and two girls were waving bye to him.

Aaron then met up with the security guard and grabbed his arm pulling him to the food vender and the guard wouldn't let him get any food. Poor Aaron. We were all walking next to him and chatting. Aaron then jumped on to the security guards back(like in my fist encounters, that's how he avoids the crowd.) It's very cute! He then had to go, but we all were waving bye and so was he!


Well, on with the concert! [I am not going to go into detail with the concert because I was there to see Aaron! So, you can head to the other sections to see pics from the other performers and 98 Degrees stuff]

This was my 2nd time going to an All That concert and as you know the first time wansn't a very good one. Aaron's performance wasn't as good as it usually is because he was sick and stuff[Make sure to read about that encounter to get the whole story]Well, he was felling good this day! As you may have already noticed! He was FANTASTIC! sang "Get Wild", "Girl You Shine", "Sugar, Sugar", and [I CAN'T REMEMBER THE NAME OF THE OTHER SONG!!If anyone knows e-mail me]

Aaron was wonderful! He actually was himself today! His voice is great and he is so adorable when he dances! He even did an A.J. move when he lifted his sun glasses down.[It was so A.J.!] He came out on a scooter and was going wild on stage! During "Sugar, Sugar" he threw out candy to people. I didn't catch any this time[But,I did last time!] He was so cute when he talked. What a doll baby voice! Angel was watching from the side of the stage.[So, was the woman who I think is his Aunt] :) He actually even pointed to me during one of the songs!! He actually did! He probably rememberd me as one of the stalkers. :) he he

Well, Aaron was wonderful as usual and I can't wait to see him again! GO AARON! GO AARON!